Monitoring Azure virtual network data reference

See Monitoring Azure virtual network for details on collecting and analyzing monitoring data for Azure virtual networks.


This section lists all the automatically collected platform metrics collected for Azure virtual network.

Metric Type Resource Provider / Type Namespace
and link to individual metrics
Virtual network Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks
Network interface Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces
Public IP address Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses
NAT gateways Microsoft.Network/natGateways

For more information, see a list of all platform metrics supported in Azure Monitor.

Metric dimensions

For more information on what metric dimensions are, see Multi-dimensional metrics.

Azure virtual network has the following dimensions associated with its metrics.

Dimensions for NAT gateway

Dimension Name Description
Direction (Out - In) The direction of traffic flow. The supported values are In and Out.
Protocol The type of transport protocol. The supported values are TCP and UDP.

Resource logs

This section lists the types of resource logs you can collect for resources used with Azure virtual network.

For reference, see a list of all resource logs category types supported in Azure Monitor.

Resource Log Type Resource Provider / Type Namespace
and link to individual metrics
Network security group Microsoft.Network/networksecuritygroups
Public IP address Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses

Azure Monitor logs tables

This section refers to all of the Azure Monitor Logs Kusto tables relevant to Azure virtual network and available for query by Log Analytics.

Resource Type Notes
Virtual network Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks
Network interface Microsoft.Network/networkInterface
Public IP address Microsoft.Network/publicIP

Diagnostics tables

Virtual network

Azure virtual network doesn't have diagnostic logs.

Activity log

The following table lists the operations related to Azure virtual network that may be created in the Activity log.

Operation Description
All administrative operations All administrative operations including create, update and delete of an Azure virtual network.
Create or update virtual network A virtual network was created or updated.
Deletes virtual network A virtual network was deleted.

For more information on the schema of Activity Log entries, see Activity Log schema.

See also