Azure VPN Client prerequisites check for P2S VPN connections

If you're using the Azure VPN Client for Windows to connect to your point-to-site (P2S) VPN, you can run a prerequisites check to identify missing prerequisites and mitigate them. The Run Prerequisites Test feature checks the state of Windows services, background permissions for the client, local setting permissions, internet access, and user device time sync status. You can use this feature to do the following:

  • Manually run a prerequisites check to identify missing prerequisites and mitigate them.
  • Periodically run a prerequisites check automatically.

The Run Prerequisites Test feature is available in the Azure VPN Client for Windows, version and later. It's not available for other versions of the Azure VPN Client. For Azure VPN Client version information, see Azure VPN Client versions.


The prerequisites check is only available in the Azure VPN Client for Windows.

Run a prerequisites check manually

  1. Open the Azure VPN Client and select the client connection profile that you want to check.

  2. At the bottom of the page, click Prerequisites to open the prerequisites page.

  3. Select Run Prerequisites Test to run the check.

  4. After the prerequisites check has completed, the Status shows Complete. Review the results. If any test items don't pass, the status indicates that and prescriptive measures are provided to help you mitigate the issue.

    Screenshot of prerequistes test status results.

Disable automatic prerequisites checks

The Enable Prerequisites Tests setting lets you select to enable or disable automatic periodic prerequisites checks. This setting is enabled by default. To disable automatic prerequisite checks:

  1. Open the Azure VPN Client.
  2. Click ... at the bottom of the page and select Settings.
  3. On the Settings page, de-select Enable Prerequisites Tests. The setting is automatically saved. Items shown on the Settings page apply to all client connection profiles.

Next steps

For more information about P2S VPN, see the following articles: