Message Submission ASPX Sample
This topic provides sample .aspx code that you can use to submit service content to a private process. You can use this .aspx code instead of a line-of-business (LOB) application.
This code demonstrates how to call the SubmitRNIF
method to submit a message, including the following:
Setting message parameters input from an application
Setting the message category
Generating a Partner Interface Process (PIP) instance for the message if the submitted value is null or empty
Generating the input attachment files array and remarks
This code accepts input from a front-end application, such as a browser, InfoPath®, or Microsoft® Word, and generates the XML document that the initiator private process can consume.
The LOBWebApplication utility includes the following code. For more information, see LOBWebApplication.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.SessionState;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using Microsoft.Solutions.BTARN.SubmitRNIF;
namespace Microsoft.Solutions.BTARN.SDK
/// <summary>
/// Calls SubmitRNIF to submit service content to the BTARN private process.
/// </summary>
public class AspxLobApplication : System.Web.UI.Page
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
string sPipCode=Request["PipCode"];
string sPipVersion=Request["PipVersion"];
string sPipInstanceID=Request["PipInstanceID"];
string sPipCategory=Request["PipCategory"];
string sPipSource=Request["PipSource"];
string sPipDestination=Request["PipDestination"];
string sFileName1=Request["FileName1"];
string sFileName2=Request["FileName2"];
string sRemark1=Request["Remark1"];
string sRemark2=Request["Remark2"];
string[] aInputFiles = new string[2];
string[] aRemarks = new string[2];
string sContent = Request["Textarea1"];
SubmitRNIF.SubmitRNIF MessageSubmitter = new SubmitRNIF.SubmitRNIF();
//The message category
SubmitRNIF.SubmitRNIF.MessageCategory mc;
if(sPipCategory.ToUpper() == "RESPONSE")
//Generate a PIP instance ID if the submitted value is null or empty
//Generate the input attachment files array and its associated remarks
if(sFileName1!=null && sFileName1.Length>0) aInputFiles[0]=sFileName1;
if(sFileName2!=null && sFileName2.Length>0) aInputFiles[1]=sFileName1;
if(sRemark1!=null && sRemark1.Length>0) aRemarks[0]=sRemark1;
if(sRemark2!=null && sRemark2.Length>0) aRemarks[1]=sRemark2;
if(sFileName1==null && sFileName2==null)
MessageSubmitter.SubmitMessage(mc, sPipSource, sPipDestination, sPipCode, sPipInstanceID, sPipVersion, sContent);
MessageSubmitter.SubmitMessage(mc, sPipSource, sPipDestination, sPipCode, sPipInstanceID, sPipVersion, sContent, aInputFiles);
#region Web Form Designer generated code