Run Operations Using RECORD Types in Oracle Database using the WCF Service Model

Oracle RECORD types are used to represent hierarchical information in parameters passed to PL/SQL functions and procedures. The Microsoft BizTalk Adapter for Oracle Database surfaces RECORD types as complex XML types. In the WCF service model, RECORD types are deserialized to strongly-typed .NET classes. The record fields are represented as properties on the class.

The Oracle Database adapter supports the following kinds of RECORD types:

  • RECORD types that are declared as TABLE%ROWTYPE parameters in stored procedures and functions.

  • RECORD types that are declared as TYPE of RECORD parameters in PL/SQL packages for example, TYPE rec_type1 IS RECORD(name varchar2(100), age number(3));

  • RECORD types that contain nested records.

  • RECORD types that appear as IN, OUT, or IN OUT parameters to procedures or functions.

  • RECORD types that are RETURN values of functions.

    This topic shows how RECORD types are represented in the WCF service model. For information about how to call Oracle procedures and functions, see Invoke Functions and Procedures in Oracle Database using the WCF Service Model.

About the Examples Used in this Topic

The examples in this topic use the /SCOTT/ACCOUNT_PKG Oracle PL/SQL PACKAGE. The following elements are used from ACCOUNT_PKG.

TYPE address_rec_type IS RECORD (street customer.street%TYPE, city, state customer.state%TYPE);  
FUNCTION create_account(acct IN ACCOUNT%ROWTYPE, addr IN address_rec_type) RETURN NUMBER;  
TYPE acctinfo_rec_type IS RECORD (acct account%ROWTYPE, address address_rec_type);  
FUNCTION get_accountinfo(aid NUMBER) RETURN acctinfo_rec_type;  

A script to generate this package is supplied with the BizTalk Adapter Pack samples. For more information, see the script

For more information about the samples, see Adapter Samples.

RECORD Types in the WCF Service Model

Oracle RECORD types are represented as complex XML types by the Oracle Database adapter. In the WCF service model, complex XML types are represented by a class, and the properties of this class represent the fields of the Oracle RECORD type. The class that represents a RECORD type parameter is generated in a namespace that is qualified by the PACKAGE (if any) and SCHEMA of the function or procedure. This namespace uniquely identifies the function or procedure of the parameter. For example, the RECORD type parameters to the CREATE_ACCOUNT procedure in the Oracle PACKAGE ACCOUNT_PKG are created in the following namespace: microsoft.lobservices.oracledb._2007._03.SCOTT.Package.ACCOUNT_PKG.CREATE_ACCOUNT. For more information about the namespaces used in the WCF service model to represent complex types in procedures and functions, see Invoke Functions and Procedures in Oracle Database using the WCF Service Model.

While the namespace of a RECORD type parameter is determined by the procedure or function, the name of the class generated for the RECORD type parameter is determined by the way in which the RECORD type is declared. The following table shows how the name of the class is generated based on the two different ways of declaring the Oracle RECORD type parameter.

Oracle RECORD type Name Example

[PARAMETER_NAME] = the name of the procedure or function parameter; for example, ACCT.

[PACKAGE_NAME] = the name of the Oracle package.

[RECORD_TYPE_NAME] = the name specified in the RECORD TYPE declaration; for example, ACCTINFO_REC_TYPE.

The following code shows the method signatures of the WCF client generated for two Oracle functions. The /SCOTT/Package/ACCOUNT_PKG/CREATE_ACCOUNT function takes two simple RECORD type IN parameters, and the /SCOTT/Package/ACCOUNT_PKG/GET_ACCOUNTINFO function returns a RECORD type parameter that contains two nested RECORD types. The Oracle function declarations are included at the top of the code. The parameters of each function are qualified by a unique namespace.

FUNCTION create_account(acct IN ACCOUNT%ROWTYPE, addr IN address_rec_type) RETURN NUMBER;  
FUNCTION get_accountinfo(aid NUMBER) RETURN acctinfo_rec_type;  
public partial class SCOTTPackageACCOUNT_PKGClient : System.ServiceModel.ClientBase<SCOTTPackageACCOUNT_PKG>, SCOTTPackageACCOUNT_PKG {  
    public System.Nullable<decimal> CREATE_ACCOUNT(microsoft.lobservices.oracledb._2007._03.SCOTT.Package.ACCOUNT_PKG.CREATE_ACCOUNT.ACCTRECORD ACCT, microsoft.lobservices.oracledb._2007._03.SCOTT.Package.ACCOUNT_PKG.CREATE_ACCOUNT.ACCOUNT_PKGADDRESS_REC_TYPERECORD ADDR);  
    public microsoft.lobservices.oracledb._2007._03.SCOTT.Package.ACCOUNT_PKG.GET_ACCOUNTINFO.ACCOUNT_PKGACCTINFO_REC_TYPERECORD GET_ACCOUNTINFO(System.Nullable<decimal> AID);  

The following code shows the classes generated for the parameters of the CREATE_ACCOUNT function: FUNCTION create_account(acct IN ACCOUNT%ROWTYPE, addr IN address_rec_type) RETURN NUMBER;

This function has a parameter declared with a TABLE%ROWTYPE and a parameter declared with a TYPE of RECORD package type (TYPE acctinfo_rec_type IS RECORD (acct account%ROWTYPE, address address_rec_type);).

namespace microsoft.lobservices.oracledb._2007._03.SCOTT.Package.ACCOUNT_PKG.CREATE_ACCOUNT {  
    [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Runtime.Serialization", "")]  
    public partial class ACCTRECORD : object, System.Runtime.Serialization.IExtensibleDataObject {…}  
    [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Runtime.Serialization", "")]  
    public partial class ACCOUNT_PKGADDRESS_REC_TYPERECORD : object, System.Runtime.Serialization.IExtensibleDataObject {…}  

Representation of a Simple Record Type

The following code shows how a simple RECORD type is represented in the WCF service model. This code shows the expanded view of the ACCOUNTRECORD class that represents the ACCOUNT%ROWTYPE parameter in the CREATE_ACCOUNT function. In this class, the record fields (row columns) are represented as properties.

[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Runtime.Serialization", "")]  
public partial class ACCTRECORD : object, System.Runtime.Serialization.IExtensibleDataObject {  
    private System.Runtime.Serialization.ExtensionDataObject extensionDataField;  
    private System.Nullable<decimal> ACCTIDField;  
    private string NAMEField;  
    private System.Nullable<decimal> BALANCEField;  
    public System.Runtime.Serialization.ExtensionDataObject ExtensionData {  
        get {  
            return this.extensionDataField;  
        set {  
            this.extensionDataField = value;  
    public System.Nullable<decimal> ACCTID {  
        get {  
            return this.ACCTIDField;  
        set {  
            this.ACCTIDField = value;  
    public string NAME {  
        get {  
            return this.NAMEField;  
        set {  
            this.NAMEField = value;  
    public System.Nullable<decimal> BALANCE {  
        get {  
            return this.BALANCEField;  
        set {  
            this.BALANCEField = value;  

Representation of a Record Type that Contains Nested Records

The following code shows the representation of a RECORD type that contains nested records. This particular RECORD type is the RETURN value of the GET_ACCOUNTINFO function (FUNCTION get_accountinfo(aid NUMBER) RETURN acctinfo_rec_type;). The ACCTINFO_REC_TYPE is a package parameter declared using a TYPE of RECORD construct (TYPE acctinfo_rec_type IS RECORD (acct account%ROWTYPE, address address_rec_type);). It contains two nested simple record types, a TABLE%ROW record and a package TYPE of RECORD record. These two simple records are declared in the same namespace as their parent record and follow the expected naming convention.

namespace microsoft.lobservices.oracledb._2007._03.SCOTT.Package.ACCOUNT_PKG.GET_ACCOUNTINFO {  
    using System.Runtime.Serialization;  
    [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Runtime.Serialization", "")]  
    public partial class ACCOUNT_PKGACCTINFO_REC_TYPERECORD : object, System.Runtime.Serialization.IExtensibleDataObject {  
        private System.Runtime.Serialization.ExtensionDataObject extensionDataField;  
        private microsoft.lobservices.oracledb._2007._03.SCOTT.Package.ACCOUNT_PKG.GET_ACCOUNTINFO.ACCTRECORD ACCTField;  
        private microsoft.lobservices.oracledb._2007._03.SCOTT.Package.ACCOUNT_PKG.GET_ACCOUNTINFO.ACCOUNT_PKGADDRESS_REC_TYPERECORD ADDRESSField;  
        public System.Runtime.Serialization.ExtensionDataObject ExtensionData {  
            get {  
                return this.extensionDataField;  
            set {  
                this.extensionDataField = value;  
        public microsoft.lobservices.oracledb._2007._03.SCOTT.Package.ACCOUNT_PKG.GET_ACCOUNTINFO.ACCTRECORD ACCT {  
            get {  
                return this.ACCTField;  
            set {  
                this.ACCTField = value;  
        public microsoft.lobservices.oracledb._2007._03.SCOTT.Package.ACCOUNT_PKG.GET_ACCOUNTINFO.ACCOUNT_PKGADDRESS_REC_TYPERECORD ADDRESS {  
            get {  
                return this.ADDRESSField;  
            set {  
                this.ADDRESSField = value;  

Using RECORD Types in Your Code

Using RECORD types in your code is straightforward. To invoke a procedure or function with a RECORD type parameter, you create an instance of the RECORD type or types and pass it to the appropriate method on the WCF client. When the procedure or function returns, you can read properties on any OUT or IN OUT parameters or function RETURN values that are declared as RECORD types. For more information about how to invoke procedures and functions by using the WCF service model, see Invoke Functions and Procedures in Oracle Database using the WCF Service Model.


Oracle RECORD type parameters (and function returns) are qualified by the namespace of their function or procedure (and package). This means that a RECORD type that is used in two different procedures or functions will have a different namespace for each procedure or function. You must be sure to qualify the RECORD type correctly when you use it for a specific procedure or function. For example, a package RECORD type (RECORD of TYPE declaration) that is used as an IN parameter to two different functions will be declared twice in the WCF client code with each declaration corresponding to the unique namespace generated for each function. You must be sure to use the correct namespace on the parameter that you pass to each respective function.

In the following example, the CREATE_ACCOUNT function is called with two simple record parameters. Next, the GET_ACCOUNTINFO function is called. This function returns a RECORD type that contains nested records. Selected field values from the returned RECORD are written to the console. Steps to set credentials for the Oracle database and to open the WCF client are omitted from this example.

// Add WCF, WCF Adapter LOB SDK, and Oracle Database adapter namepaces  
using System.ServiceModel;  
using Microsoft.ServiceModel.Channels;  
using Microsoft.Adapters.OracleDB;  
// Include this namespace for WCF Adapter LOB SDK and Oracle Database adapter exceptions  
using Microsoft.ServiceModel.Channels.Common;  
// Create the client from configuration  
using (SCOTTPackageACCOUNT_PKGClient accountPkgClient = new SCOTTPackageACCOUNT_PKGClient("OracleDBBinding_SCOTT.Package.ACCOUNT_PKG"))  
    decimal acctId;  
    // Create an account record  
    // Note: ACCTRECORD is defined in both namespaces so specify the definition  
    // that corresponds to the client.  
    microsoft.lobservices.oracledb._2007._03.SCOTT.Package.ACCOUNT_PKG.CREATE_ACCOUNT.ACCTRECORD acctRec =   
        new microsoft.lobservices.oracledb._2007._03.SCOTT.Package.ACCOUNT_PKG.CREATE_ACCOUNT.ACCTRECORD();  
    // Set any value for ACCTID -- new account ID is returned by CREATE_ACCOUNT  
    acctRec.ACCTID = 0;  
    acctRec.NAME = "Anton Kirilov";  
    acctRec.BALANCE = 9583;  
    // Create address record  
    microsoft.lobservices.oracledb._2007._03.SCOTT.Package.ACCOUNT_PKG.CREATE_ACCOUNT.ACCOUNT_PKGADDRESS_REC_TYPERECORD addrRec = new microsoft.lobservices.oracledb._2007._03.SCOTT.Package.ACCOUNT_PKG.CREATE_ACCOUNT.ACCOUNT_PKGADDRESS_REC_TYPERECORD();  
    addrRec.STREET = "234 Main St";  
    addrRec.CITY = "Boston";  
    addrRec.STATE = "MA";  
    // Create account  
        acctId = (decimal)accountPkgClient.CREATE_ACCOUNT(acctRec, addrRec);  
    catch (Exception ex)  
        // handle exception  
    // Account info record  
    microsoft.lobservices.oracledb._2007._03.SCOTT.Package.ACCOUNT_PKG.GET_ACCOUNTINFO.ACCOUNT_PKGACCTINFO_REC_TYPERECORD acctInfo =  
    new microsoft.lobservices.oracledb._2007._03.SCOTT.Package.ACCOUNT_PKG.GET_ACCOUNTINFO.ACCOUNT_PKGACCTINFO_REC_TYPERECORD();  
    // Get account info for the account just created  
    // acctInfo is returned as a nested record type  
     acctInfo = accountPkgClient.GET_ACCOUNTINFO(acctId);  
    catch (Exception ex)  
    // handle exception  
    // Write the account info to the console  
    Console.WriteLine("The account info is:");  
    Console.WriteLine("Name:\t\t\t{0}", acctInfo.ACCT.NAME);  
    Console.WriteLine("Street:\t\t\t{0}", acctInfo.ADDRESS.STREET);  
    Console.WriteLine("City:\t\t\t{0}", acctInfo.ADDRESS.CITY);  
    Console.WriteLine("State:\t\t\t{0}", acctInfo.ADDRESS.STATE);  
    Console.WriteLine("Account Id:\t\t{0}", acctInfo.ACCT.ACCTID);  
    Console.WriteLine("Account Balance:\t{0:C}", acctInfo.ACCT.BALANCE);  
    Console.WriteLine("\nHit <RETURN> to finish");  

See Also

Develop Oracle Database applications using the WCF Service Model