Data Type Mapping for Custom RFCs
The following table provides information about SAP data types and how they are mapped to .NET data types for the Z_EXTRACT_DATA_OO RFC. This custom RFC is used by the Data Provider for SAP.
For the Z_EXECUTE_SAP_QUERY, which is used by the Data Provider for SAP to execute the EXECQUERY command, all SAP data types are converted to .NET string types.
SAP Data Type | .NET Data Type |
ACCP | - Int32 - String, if disabledatavalidation option is set in the SELECT or EXEC statement. |
CHAR | String |
CLNT | String |
CUKY | String |
CURR | Decimal, if precision less than or equal to 28 String, if precision greater than 28 |
DATS | - DateTime - String, if disabledatavalidation option is set in the SELECT or EXEC statement. |
DEC | Decimal |
FLTP | Double |
INT1 | Byte |
INT2 | Int16 |
INT4 | Int32 |
LANG | String |
NUMC | - Int32, if field length less than or equal to 9 - Int64, if field length greater than 9 and less than or equal to 19 - String, if greater than 19 - String, if disabledatavalidation option is set in the SELECT or EXEC statement. |
PREC | Int16 |
QUAN | Decimal |
RAW | Byte [] |
RSTR | Byte [] |
SSTR | String |
STRG | String |
TIMS | - TimeSpan - String, if disabledatavalidation option is set in the SELECT or EXEC statement. |
UNIT | String |
LCHR | String |
LRAW | Byte [] |
See Also
Messages and Message Schemas for BizTalk Adapter for mySAP Business Suite