Create MSMQ Receive Locations and Send Ports programmatically

This topic explains how to use WMI to create a port or location for the MSMQ adapter.

For more information, see Creating a Receive Location with a Datetime Schedule Configuration Using WMI in the UI guidance and developers API namespace reference.

Setting Property Values

The process of creating a port or location is always the same:

  1. Create an object of the right type.

  2. Set the value of properties on the object.

  3. Commit the object values to the database.

    All adapters have certain properties, such as HostName, in common. You set these common properties by directly assigning them to the object. The following C# code shows a typical case:

objReceiveLocation["HostName"] = "BizTalkServerApplication";  

You assign values to properties that not all adapters share. You create an XML document in a string and assign that string to the CustomCfg property. The following C# code shows a typical case for a FILE adapter:

objReceiveLocation["CustomCfg"] =   
        + @"<BatchSize>20</BatchSize>"  
        + @"<FileMask>*.xml</FileMask>"  
        + @"<FileNetFailRetryCount>5</FileNetFailRetryCount>"  
        + @"<FileNetFailRetryInt>5</FileNetFailRetryInt>"  
        + @"</CustomProps>";  

The names of the tags in the CustomProps element are the internal names that the adapter uses for the properties.

The MSMQ adapter has a single tag, AdapterConfig, inside the CustomProps tag. The AdapterConfig tag contains a string of XML tags for the custom property values enclosed in a Config tag. However, the tags are encoded: "<" replaces "<" and ">" replaces ">". For example, the XML for a subset of the adapter for MSMQ properties might appear as follows:


Notice that the vt attribute is not used. The string assigned to the CustomCfg property appears as follows after encoding:

<CustomProps><AdapterConfig vt="8"><Config><batchSize>40</batchSize></Config></AdapterConfig></CustomProps>  

Custom Property Names

The following table describes the internal names of the MSMQ adapter Send custom properties.

Send custom property name Display name
acknowledgeType Acknowledgement Type
administrationQueue Administration Queue
certificate Certificate Thumbprint
encryptionAlgorithm Encryption Algorithm
maximumMessageSize Maximum Message Size (in KB)
password Password
priority Message Priority
queue Destination Queue
recoverable Recoverable
segmentationSupport Support Segmentation
sendBatchSize Batch Size
sendQueueName Destination Queue
timeOut Timeout
timeOutUnits Timeout Unit
transactional Transactional
useAuthentication Use Authentication
useDeadLetterQueue Use Dead Letter Queue
useJournalQueue Use Journal Queue
userName User Name

The following table describes the internal names of the MSMQ adapter Receive custom properties.

Receive custom property name Display name
batchSize Batch Size
Password Password
Queue Queue
serialProcessing Serial Processing
Transactional Transactional
userName User Name

Sample Code

The following C# program creates a single receive location for the MSMQ adapter. It assumes that the receive port, ReceivePort1, exists and uses a helper function to encode and format the custom properties.

using System;  
using System.Management;  
using System.Text;  
namespace CreateReceive  
    /// Program to create a receive location.  
    class CreateReceive  
        /// The main entry point for the application.  
        static void Main()  
            // Custom properties & values  
            string cfg =   
                    + @"<batchSize>40</batchSize>"  
                    + @"<transactional>true</transactional>"  
                    + @"<serialProcessing>false</serialProcessing>";  
            CreateReceiveLocation (  
                    "Code Created Location",  
                    EncodeCustomProps(cfg),  // Encode the custom props  
                            + " Microsoft.BizTalk.DefaultPipelines,"   
                            + " Version=, Culture=neutral,"   
                            + " PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35",  
        static string EncodeCustomProps (string cp) {  
            // Enclose the properties and values in a Config> tag.  
            StringBuilder tmp = new StringBuilder( @"<Config>" + cp + @"</Config>");  
            // Encode the string  
            tmp = tmp.Replace("<","<");  
            tmp = tmp.Replace(">",">");  
            return (  
                // Enclose the encoded string with necessary tags  
                "<CustomProps><AdapterConfig vt=\"8\">"  
                + tmp.ToString()   
                + "</AdapterConfig></CustomProps>");  
        static void CreateReceiveLocation (  
            string name,            // Location name  
            string port,            // Receive port, already exists  
            string adapterName,     // The transport type  
            string hostName,        // BTS host  
            string customCfg,       // Encoded custom properties  
            string pipeline,        // Full specification of pipeline  
            string inboundTransport)// Inbound transport url  
                // Create options to store options in management object  
                PutOptions options = new PutOptions();  
                options.Type = PutType.CreateOnly;  
                // Create a management object  
                // Get the class  
                ManagementClass objReceiveLocationClass =   
                           new ManagementClass(  
                // Create an instance of the member of the class  
                ManagementObject objReceiveLocation =  
                // Fill in the properties  
                objReceiveLocation["Name"] = name;  
                objReceiveLocation["ReceivePortName"] = port;  
                objReceiveLocation["AdapterName"] = adapterName;  
                objReceiveLocation["HostName"] = hostName;  
                objReceiveLocation["PipelineName"] = pipeline;  
                objReceiveLocation["CustomCfg"] = customCfg;  
                objReceiveLocation["IsDisabled"] = true;  
                objReceiveLocation["InBoundTransportURL"] = inboundTransport;  
                // Put the options -- creates the receive location  
            catch (Exception excep)  
                System.Console.WriteLine("Create Receive Location ({0}) failed - {1}",  
                                                name, excep.Message);  