Add Days Functoid


Use the Add Days functoid ( Icon used to add a specified number of days to a specified date.) to add a specified number of days to a specified date.


Parameter 1: A date string in the format YYYY-MM-DD or a date/time string in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss to which the specified number of days is added.

Parameter 2: A numeric value that is interpreted as the number of days to be added to the specified date.


Output 1: A date string in the format YYYY-MM-DD that is the result of adding the specified number of days to the specified date.


The date format used by this functoid is ISO 8601-compliant.

For example, suppose that your company always fulfills purchase orders within two days of receiving them. When you create a map that creates a purchase order acknowledgment from a purchase order, you can use the Add Days functoid to add two days to the current date (returned by the Date functoid) and use that value in the acknowledgment as the date by which the purchase order will be fulfilled.

See Also

Date and Time Functoids Reference
Date and Time Functoids
How to Add Basic Functoids to a Map