Message Decoded Page UI


For AS2 messages and their correlated MDNs, the decoded AS2 message is stored as a blob stream in the BAM reporting data store. You can display the decoded message (in either text or binary format) by right-clicking an entry in the result of a query in the AS2 Message and Correlated MDN Status Page, and then clicking View Message Decoded Format.

General Tab

Message Type
This property specifies the type of the BizTalk message.

For decoded messages, this field may be empty.

Message ID
Displays the unique ID of the message.

For decoded messages this field may contain zeros.

Part Count
Displays the number of parts within the message.

Body Part Name
Displays the name of the body part.

Context Tab

Use this tab to view system-specific and component-specific properties, such as adapter and pipeline component properties, for the selected message. The properties that appear depend primarily on which component processed the message.

Message Parts Tab

Displays the name of the message part.

Character set
Displays the encoding of the message.

For decoded messages this field may be empty.

Content type
Displays the format used for the content; most common content types are text/xml, text/plain and text/html.

Displays the message size in bytes.

Part ID
Displays the unique identifier for the message part.

Body tab.

Text Tab
Click the Text tab to view the message in ASCII characters, if the message is decodable.

Binary Tab
Click the Binary tab to view the message in binary form.