MSBTS_SendPort (WMI)


Represents an individual send port defined by BizTalk Server.


Certificates must be installed on the box for the MSBTS_SendPort class to work. The only way to create send ports without certificates is to use the Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM APIs.


class MSBTS_SendPort : MSBTS_Setting  


MSBTS_SendPort defines the following properties:

Property Description
Caption (Inherited from CIM_Setting) For more information about the CIM_Setting class, see the Windows Management Instrumentation documentation at
Description (Inherited from CIM_Setting) For more information about the CIM_Setting class, see the Windows Management Instrumentation documentation at
EncryptionCert Specifies the certificate to use for outbound encryption.
Filter Contains textual representation of the filter.
InboundTransforms Contains a string representation of the maps to apply per inbound document.
IsDynamic Indicates whether this port is a dynamic or static.
IsTwoWay Indicates whether this port is a one way or two way port.
MgmtDbNameOverride Overrides the initial catalog part of the BizTalk Management database connect string, and represents the database name. This property was not implemented for BizTalk Server and is reserved for future use.
MgmtDbServerOverride Overrides the data source part of the BizTalk Management database connect string. This property was not implemented for BizTalk Server and is reserved for future use.
Name Contains the name of the send port.
OutboundTransforms Contains a string representation of the maps to apply per outbound document.
Priority Contains the priority of the send port.
PTAddress Contains the URL of primary transport for the port.
PTCustomCfg Contains transport type data for the primary transport of the port.
PTFromTime Contains the start time of the service window of the primary transport for the port.
PTOrderedDelivery Determines whether the primary transport for the port supports ordered delivery.
PTRetryCount Contains the number of retries available for the primary transport of the port.
PTRetryInterval Contains the retry interval for the primary transport of the port.
PTServiceWindowEnabled Determines whether a service window of the primary transport for the port is enabled.
PTToTime Contains the end time of the service window of the primary transport for the port.
PTTransportType Contains the transport type of the primary transport for the port.
ReceivePipeline Contains a name of the receive pipeline for the port.
SendPipeline Contains a name of the send pipeline for the port.
SettingID (Inherited from CIM_Setting) For more information about the CIM_Setting class, see the Windows Management Instrumentation documentation at
Status Displays the current status of the port.
STAddress Contains the URL of secondary transport for the port.
STCustomCfg Contains transport type data for the secondary transport of the port.
STFromTime Contains the start time of the service window of the secondary transport for the port.
STOrderedDelivery Determines whether the secondary transport for the port supports ordered delivery.
STRetryCount Contains the number of retries available for the secondary transport of the port.
STRetryInterval Contains the retry interval for the secondary transport of the port.
STServiceWindowEnabled Determines whether a service window of the secondary transport for the port is enabled.
STToTime Contains the end time of the service window of the secondary transport for the port.
STTransportType Contains the transport type of the secondary transport for the port.
Tracking Contains the tracking configuration for the port.
MSBTS_SendPort.OrderedDelivery Property (WMI) This property determines whether the port should send messages in an ordered manner.
StopSendingOnFailure This property controls how EPM handles failures for order delivery enabled send port's primary transport.
MSBTS_SendPort.RouteFailedMessage Property (WMI) This property controls whether failed messages have to be routed to failed message subscribers.

MSBTS_SendPort defines the following methods:

Method Description
Enlist Enlists the send port.
Start Starts the send port.
Stop Stops the send port.
UnEnlist Unenlists the send port.


If a send port or receive location is updated using the BizTalk Explorer object model or a WMI script, the Receive Port Properties and Send Port Properties property pages in BizTalk Explorer will display an incorrect Address (URI). The Address (URI) used internally is the Address (URI) set by the script, so the script works as expected. To update the property pages to display the correct Address (URI), update the Address (URI) field in BizTalk Explorer with the new value.

This class wraps the managed Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM.ReceivePort class. For more information about this class, see InboundTransforms.


Header: Declared in BTSWMISchema2K.mof or BTSWMISchemaXP.mof.

Namespace: Included in \root\MicrosoftBizTalkServer.