WCF-NetMsmq Transport Properties Dialog Box, Receive, General Tab


Use the Address tab to configure the receive location for the WCF-NetMsmq adapter.

Use this To do this
Address (URI) Required. Specify the fully qualified URI with the net.msmq scheme for this receive location. For example, net.msmq://localhost/private/queueName. In addition, a public or private queue corresponding to the queue name in this address must be created before enabling this receive location. Note: If you use a private queue for this receive location, you cannot receive from a remote client. Note: If the WCF-NetMsmq receive adapter is running on Windows Vista, you can use subqueues included in Message Queuing (MSMQ) 4.0. Subqueues can be addressed as: net.msmq://<computer-name>/applicationQueue;subqueueName, where computer name is the name of the computer on which the queue resides and the applicationQueue is the name of the application-specific queue. For more information about subqueues included in MSMQ 4.0, see related topic in See Also section of this topic.

Minimum length: 1

Maximum length: 255

Default value: net.msmq://localhost/
Endpoint Identity Optional. Specify the identity of the service that this receive location provides by clicking the Edit button. The values that can be specified for the Endpoint Identity property differ according to the security configuration. These settings enable the client to authenticate this receive location. In the handshake process between the client and service, the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) infrastructure will ensure that the identity of the expected service matches the values of this element.

Minimum length: 0

Maximum length: 32767

The default is an empty string.

See Also

Subqueues Public and private queues How to Configure a WCF-NetMsmq Receive Location Publishing Service Metadata for the WCF Receive Adapters