WCF-NetNamedPipe Transport Properties Dialog Box, Send, Security Tab


Use the Security tab to define the security capabilities of the WCF-NetNamedPipe send adapter.

Use this To do this
Security mode Specify the type of security that is applied to this binding. Valid values include the following:

- None: This disables security.
- Transport: Security is provided using underlying transport based security. It is possible to control the protection level with this mode.
- The default value is Transport.
Transport protection level Define protection level of the named pipe. Signing messages mitigates the risk of a third party tampering with the message while it is being transferred. Encryption provides data-level privacy during transport. Valid values include the following:

- None: No protection.
- Sign: Messages are signed.
- EncryptAndSign: Messages are encrypted and signed.

The default value is EncryptAndSign.

See Also

How to Configure a WCF-NetTcp Send Port