UnenlistParties (BizTalk Server Sample)

The UnenlistParties sample demonstrates how to unenlist all of the parties associated with a deployed BizTalk Server assembly.


Deployment scripts should be removed after deployment if not needed. Administration scripts and other scripts that must remain should be secured by ACL’s and closely monitored.


  • You must have BizTalk Server administrative privileges to use the administrative objects in this sample.

  • The Windows PowerShell script requires the Windows PowerShell execution policy to allow script execution. For more information, see about_Execution_Policies.

How This Sample is Designed and Why

This sample, written in Visual C# using objects from the BizTalk Explorer object model, performs the following operations:

  • Query for a particular assembly.

  • Retrieve all of the roles associated with that assembly.

  • Unenlist all of the parties associated with each such role.

  • Handle any errors such that meaningful information is returned to the user.

Where to Find This Sample

The sample is located in the following SDK location:

<Samples Path>\Admin\ExplorerOM\UnenlistParties\

The following table shows the files in this sample and describes their purpose.

File(s) Description
App.ico, AssemblyInfo.cs, UnenlistParties.csproj, UnenlistParties.sln, UnenlistParties.cs Project, solution, and source files for building a Visual C# command-line application that unenlists all of the parties for a particular assembly.

Build and initialize this sample

  1. In Visual Studio, open the solution file UnenlistParties.sln.

  2. In the Build menu, select Build Solution.

Run this sample

  1. In a command window, navigate to the following folder:

    <Samples Path>\Admin\ExplorerOM\UnenlistParties\bin\Debug\

  2. Run the file UnenlistParties.exe, passing one of the two following command-line arguments:

    • < AssemblyName >. The name of an assembly from which all associated parties are to be unenlisted. If the assembly name contains spaces, enclose the name in quotes.

    • /?. Displays help.

      For example:

    UnenlistParties "My BizTalk Assembly.dll"


    UnenlistParties /?

Windows Powershell Script Example

The following Windows Powershell script fragment can be used to demonstrate the same features of the ExplorerOM classes:

#=== Main Script ===#

#=== Make sure the ExplorerOM assembly is loaded ===#

[void] [System.reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM")

#=== Connect to the BizTalk Management database ===#

$Catalog = New-Object Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM.BtsCatalogExplorer
$Catalog.ConnectionString = "SERVER=.;DATABASE=BizTalkMgmtDb;Integrated Security=SSPI"

#=== If no assembly name is specified, just list   ===#
#=== the assemblies, roles and partyies enlisted.  ===#

if ($args[0] -eq $null)
  Write-Host `r`n===========================================================
  Write-Host No assembly name provided for party unenlist operation.
  Write-Host Listing Parties for each assembly on local BizTalk Server:
  Write-Host ===========================================================`r`n

  foreach ($assembly in $Catalog.Assemblies)
    write-host $Assembly.Name`r`n

    foreach ($role in $Assembly.Roles)
      write-host `t($role.name)

      foreach($party in $role.EnlistedParties)
        Write-Host `t`t($party.Party.Name)


#=== If assembly name is specified, remove parties ===#
#=== enlisted in all roles for the assembly.       ===#

  $Assembly = $Catalog.Assemblies[$args[0]]

  if ($assembly -eq $null)
    write-host Assembly named $args[0] not found.`r`n

    write-host `r`nUnenlisting parties from all roles in ($Assembly.Name)`r`n

    foreach ($role in $Assembly.Roles)

      $count = $role.EnlistedParties.count

      for($c=0; $c -lt $count; $c++)
        #=== Array index stays at zero because the collection   ===#
        #=== changes after each item is removed.                ===#

        $party = $role.EnlistedParties[0]

        Write-Host Unenlisting ($party.Party.Name) from ($role.Name)...
        Write-Host done.`r`n

    write-Host Comitting changes...
    Write-Host done.`r`n

The following script output was generated from unenlisting parties from the Supplier assembly which is part of the PartyResolution sample. The PartyResolution sample is located in the <Samples Path>\Admin\Orchestrations\PartyResolution directory.

PS C:\> .\UnenlistParties.ps1 Supplier

Unenlisting parties from all roles in Supplier

Unenlisting ShipmentAgency1 from ShipmentRole ...

Unenlisting ShipmentAgency2 from ShipmentRole ...

Unenlisting BuyerAgency from Buyer ...

Comitting changes...

See Also

Admin-ExplorerOM (BizTalk Server Samples Folder)