XLANG-s Data Types
XLANG/s defines standard value types that are reflections of their C# counterparts. These include Boolean, Byte, Char, Decimal, Double, Int16, Int32, Int64, SByte, Single, String, UInt16, UInt32, and UInt64. XLANG/s supports single-dimensional arrays, but does not support array literals.
XLANG/s also has rich support for message handling. Messages can be based on schemas, .NET classes, Web message types (WSDL), or complex message types. XLANG/s supports the following complex data types:
messagetype. This data type defines multipart message types which are defined as combinations of data elements and XSD-based messages and Method-Message types (messages that match the signature format of a method of a class or interface).
porttype. This data type defines a collection of port operations that a port instance of that type can act upon.
correlationsettype. This data type defines the data that will be used in any instance of a correlation set variable. Correlation set data is the routing mechanism used to ensure that messages moving through the system are dispatched to the appropriate running instance of a business process. For example, if a purchase order is sent to a trading partner for processing, it is imperative that the correct instance of the business process corresponding to that purchase order be invoked on its return.
servicelinktype. This data type defines the set of porttype values that form a logically consistent group of ports used in a business process. The use of service links is a powerful mechanism that allows dynamic assignment to a group of ports at run time. This allows you to define a single business process that can be used to interact with multiple trading partners.
XLANG-s Statements
XLANG-s Variables and Operators
XLANG-s Expressions
XLANG-s Reserved Words
XLANG-s to BPEL4WS Type Conversions