Manage Pending Requests Page

Figure 1 shows the Manage Pending Requests page, which shows a list of pending registration requests and provides a link to view the request history.

Manage Pending Requests Page

Figure 1

The ESB Management Portal Manage Pending Requests page

The following list explains how you can use the features of the ESB Management Portal Manage Pending Requests page:

  • Click the ViewDetails icon (the magnifying glass) to open the Registry Details Page, where you can view details of the pending request, publish it, update it, or delete it.

  • Click the Approve icon (the check mark) to approve the pending request.

  • Click the Reject icon (the cross mark) to reject the pending request.

  • Click the View Request History link to open a page that displays a range of information for previous Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) registration requests.