The ESB Exception API Members

The ESB.ExceptionHandling assembly exposes public methods to create fault messages and to manage and retrieve them for processing, as described in the following table.

Member and use case Description
CreateFaultMessage [Exception handler scope] public static XLANGMessage CreateFaultMessage() Takes no parameters. Returns an instance of the ESB fault message as an XLANGMessage instance populated with the current orchestration name, orchestration instance ID (a GUID), System.Exception instance, and other ambient properties. Note: This Application Programming Interface (API) needs to be called only from an exception block within the XLANG.
AddMessage [Exception handler scope] public static void AddMessage(faultMessage, existingMessage) Takes as parameters two XLANGMessage instances; the first is a newly-created ESB fault message, and the second is any existing message instance in the orchestration. The method persists the existing message instance and its message context properties into the fault message and makes it available for retrieval using the GetMessage method. No return value.
SetException [Exception handler scope] public static void SetException(faultMessage, exception) Takes as parameters an ESB fault message as an XLANGMessage instance and Exception as an Object instance. The method persists the exception into the existing fault message and makes it available for retrieval using the GetException method. No return value.
GetMessage [Subscriber/processor] public static XLANGMessage GetMessage(faultMessage, messageName) Takes as parameters an ESB fault message received from a subscription as an XLANGMessage instance and the (String) name of the message previously added to the fault message (in the exception handler of the originating orchestration shape). Returns an XLANGMessage instance that matches the message name and that contains all the original context properties, including any custom promoted properties.
GetMessages [Subscriber/processor] public static MessageCollection GetMessages(faultMessage) Takes as the single parameter an ESB fault message received from a subscription as an XLANGMessage instance. Returns a MessageCollection instance populated with all the XLANGMessage instances previously added to the fault message (in the exception handler of the originating orchestration shape). Each XLANGMessage instance contains all the original context properties, including any custom promoted properties.
GetException [Subscriber/processor] public static System.Exception GetException(faultMessage) Takes as the single parameter a fault message received from a subscription as an XLANGMessage instance. Returns the System.Exception object previously added to the fault message (in the exception handler of the originating orchestration shape).
FaultSeverity [Exception handler scope and subscriber/processor] Public read/write property of the ESB fault message XLANGMessage class that exposes the severity of a fault message. A value from the FaultCodes enumeration: Information (0), Warning (1), Error (2), Severe (3), or Critical (4).
MessageCollection [Subscriber/processor] A collection of the messages returned by the GetMessages method. This class derives from ArrayList and implements an enumerator to allow iteration using the MoveNext method.