Designer enhancements for developers


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The Designer accompanies Visual Studio Code and is a convenient way for developers to test and rapidly adjust visual content on page objects.

Designing no longer automatically adds dependencies to all deployed extensions on the test environment. When exiting the Designer, extensions upon which no dependency was taken are silently removed.

Designing actions

When extending a list, worksheet, card or document page, use the Designer to make minor adjustments to the layout of page actions. Hide away actions that are not relevant, move actions across groups and hide or re-order groups. Subtle visual indicators guide developers to what is possible with the April '19 release of Business Central.

Designing Quick Entry

Quick Entry is a productivity feature for desktop users that accelerates repetitive entry of records. When the Enter key is pressed on a field, the focus moves to the next editable Quick Entry field or cell, skipping over other fields that are not always needed or are auto-filled. You can include or exclude fields from the Quick Entry path in the Designer using the menu on any field, and immediately test the outcome of your changes across the page. This is far more efficient than fine-tuning Quick Entry in Visual Studio Code.

Designing field importance

Some fields are only needed occasionally, while others are so important that business users need them visible at all times. Along with the ability to move, hide, and add fields, the Designer now also allows developers to fine-tune a field's Importance property in a highly visual and interactive way.

Designing list views

Available shortly after the April '19 update, developers will be able to design alternate views of list pages within extensions. Author, test, and refine filters using your test data in real time and then save the view to your extension. The Designer also makes it easy to satisfy the more demanding requirements from your customers, including designing specific column layouts and column sorting for each individual view.

For additional information, see List Views.

Designing the navigation bar

Coming later this year after the April '19 update to Business Central, developers will be able to design navigation links and groups of links directly on each role center page. Start with an empty navigation bar and pin any list to build up the set of links to commonly-used tables. Learn more about Designing Role Centers

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