Microsoft Dynamics 365 Omnichannel/Unified Routing - Update 22092 Release Notes

Update 22092 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Omnichannel/Unified Routing is now available. This article describes the fixes and updates that are included.

To determine whether your organization had this update applied, check your Microsoft Dynamics 365 version number. Follow below steps
  1. Sign in to your https://<org> environment.

  2. Select Settings > Advanced Settings on the command bar. The Settings page is displayed in a new browser tab.

  3. Go to Dynamics 365 Settings > Solutions.

An (*) at the end of a fix statement denotes that this repair item was incorporated into multiple service update releases.

Versions included in this update:

  • PrimeChatAnchor
  • PrimeSMSAnchor
  • PrimeSocialChannelsAnchor
  • PrimeTeams
  • PrimeTelephony
  • UnifiedRoutingPrime

Update 22092 has the following



  • Enable dialing agents directly - In some scenarios, customers need to get back in touch with a specific agent directly. For example, they need to do direct follow-up with the agent working on their case or call their relationship managers. Administrators can assign a phone number to an agent and ensure that calls to the number are directly routed to the assigned agent. Documentation link
  • Outbound dialing music – When an agent makes an outbound call, music plays while connecting to the customer. This bridges the "silent gap" currently when calling a customer. Documentation link
  • [Preview] Enable customers to keep queue spot, get callbacks - Administrators can configure overflow conditions to handle voice callback to customers. The system will automatically offer the customers the ability to retain their position in the queue and get a callback as soon as their turn arrives. Documentation link
  • [Preview] Voicemail Support – With the latest release, Administrators can now configure a voicemail box at the queue or agent level so overflow calls can be directed to the voicemail box. Agents and administrators can set up their voicemail box with welcome messages and playback and manage voicemails that their customers have recorded. Documentation link
  • Percentage Based Routing -We introduce a capability for the customers to distribute the incoming work items' traffic, in terms of percentages, across a set of vendor queues. For example, if a customer has 2 vendors and wants to distribute the traffic equally, they can use this feature and configure 50% and 50% for each of the vendor queues. This feature could help with efficient load management and eventually lower wait times for end customers. Documentation link.
  • Preferred Agent Routing - Using Preferred Agent Routing, businesses can offer relationship management as a premium service to their VIP and high-LTV customers. Admins can configure upto three preferred agents for selected customers. There is an option to configure fallback options if no preferred agent is available, ensuring that a customer will never be left unattended. Documentation link.
  • Most idle Routing - With most idle routing, the work item will be routed to the agent who has been idle for the most time. Documentation link.
  • Overflow management - Whenever queues experience a sudden surge in volume and the workforce can't meet the demand of incoming work, it affects customer satisfaction. Organizations hence want levers to handle such unattended customer queries. We are introducing overflow management for voice, messaging, and record channels to handle scenarios like operating hours, work item limit and estimated wait time. Admins can choose from multiple actions like transferring to a different queue or ending the call/conversation if they are not able to deliver service. Documentation link.
  • Force Closure of conversations for Voice channel - The ability to forcibly close conversations have been extended to voice channel in addition to messaging channels. Documentation link
  • Enhancements to the Customer Service admin center – There is now a 'Get started' wizard to easily set up email, case, chat, and voice channels, and the creation of routing rules to get you started with handling customer issues with minimal steps. Documentation link
  • AI generated summary for conversations - AI-generated conversation summaries make it fast and easy for agents and their colleagues to get and share conversational context. Agents don't have to spend time reviewing a full conversation transcript or writing a summary. When agents transfer a conversation, AI-generated conversation summaries help their colleagues quickly get up to speed on the customer's issues, and resolutions tried. When agents wrap up a case, AI-generated summaries automatically summarize the issue and resolution, saving wrap-up time. Documentation link
  • [Preview] Agent forecasting - Customer service managers can now build accurate agent (labor) forecasts in the contact center to plan the right level of staffing needed per day to provide first-class customer service across various conversation channels and queues. Overestimating the number of agents results in higher labor costs while underestimation leads to longer waiting times and decreased customer satisfaction damaging brand loyalty. Documentation link
  • Enhancements to customer service analytics - We will be integrating the analytics to show an end-to-end conversation between end user, bot, and agent. The customers will get a consolidated PVA and omnichannel report with key metrics like Incoming conversations, PVA Sessions, Escalated conversations, Deflected conversations, Avg PVA sessions per conversation. They would also be able to drill down from an Omnichannel conversation to see all the PVA sessions and their details along with the ability to correlate conversation topics and PVA topics. Documentation link
  • Enhancements in user experience to manage skills - We introduce a new 'Skills Hub' and 'Enhanced user management'. With these improvements in the admin experience, administrators will now be able to easily set up a skills-based workforce, manage the skills for multiple users, and update users' skills to meet fluctuations in demand. Documentationlink



  • Single Sign-on in chat, PVA bots – The live chat customers will no longer need to click on a sign-on card when they are already authenticated. Instead, if the customer is already authenticated and an auth token is available, the customers' developer can pass the token directly to the bot when the OAuth card is sent. This will silently sign the user in to the chat bot.
  • Outbound Calling Enhancements –An agent hears wait music between when conversation control loads and the C2 phone rings until call is answered by C2 or C2 voicemail.


  • Fixed an issue where configuration of Voice channel fails when there are multiple requests from the same org at the same time.
  • Fixed an issue where customers were not able to update the 'Auto-close after inactivity' field in workstream.
  • Fixed an issue where chat transcripts were not available for closed conversations.
  • Fixed an issue with call details showing "customer has ended the conversation" for a call ended by the agent.
  • Fixed an issue with customer disconnection when a call was transferred to a queue.
  • Fixed an issue with call being dropped after browser refresh.
  • Fixed an issue with agent assignment not working for certain edge scenarios.
  • Fixed an issue with bot escalation happening first for a conversation opened later after agent becomes available.
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect grammar for position announcement in queue.
  • Fixed an issue where capacity was not being updated for an agent with negative unit-based capacity.
  • Fixed an issue where bots were still engaging in a conversation after transferring to an agent.
  • Fixed an issue with supervisor not being able to assign an open conversation to an available agent.
  • Fixed an issue where user page was throwing error after opening.
  • Fixed an issue where the case/conversation title was not shown as record name in the Routing diagnostics.
  • Fixed an issue in Intelligent Skill Finder to trim the input data to the maximum prescribed limit of 5000 characters.
  • Fixed an issue where on bot escalation the start time was being overwritten to the bot escalation time instead of the time the chat was initiated.

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