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Azure CLI


Name Description Type Status
az alias

Manage Azure CLI Aliases.

Extension GA
az cache

Commands to manage CLI objects cached using the --defer argument.

Core GA
az cli-translator

Translate ARM template or REST API to CLI scripts.

Extension Experimental
az cloud

Manage registered Azure clouds.

Core GA
az command-change

Commands for CLI modules metadata management.

Extension GA
az config

Manage Azure CLI configuration.

Core Experimental
az configure

Manage Azure CLI configuration. This command is interactive.

Core GA
az demo

Demos for designing, developing and demonstrating Azure CLI.

Core Deprecated
az extension

Manage and update CLI extensions.

Core GA
az feedback

Send feedback to the Azure CLI Team.

Core GA
az find

I'm an AI robot, my advice is based on our Azure documentation as well as the usage patterns of Azure CLI and Azure ARM users. Using me improves Azure products and documentation.

Core GA
az fzf

Commands to select active or default objects via fzf.

Extension GA
az init

It's an effortless setting up tool for configs.

Extension Experimental
az interactive

Start interactive mode. Installs the Interactive extension if not installed already.

Core Preview
az login

Log in to Azure.

Core GA
az logout

Log out to remove access to Azure subscriptions.

Core GA
az next

Recommend the possible next set of commands to take.

Extension Experimental
az rest

Invoke a custom request.

Core GA
az scenario

E2E Scenario Usage Guidance.

Extension GA
az self-test

Runs a self-test of the CLI.

Core Deprecated
az survey

Take Azure CLI survey.

Core GA
az upgrade

Upgrade Azure CLI and extensions.

Core Preview
az version

Show the versions of Azure CLI modules and extensions in JSON format by default or format configured by --output.

Core GA