Overview of automotive
CDM Solution for the 'AUTOMOTIVE' CDS Solution
Name | Description |
AggregateKPI | Type of KPIs that can be useful for tracking customer, device or business performance. |
AggregateKPIContext | Context of a given customer, device, business operation or user, in which a given aggregate KPI may be applicable and may have a given target value. |
AggregateKPIMeasurement | Measured value for a given aggregate KPI in a given context. |
AttributeGroup | Group of attribute types, for example representing dimensions, interior, exterior, environmental or other aspects of a device. |
AttributeOption | Available option for an attribute type that require its value to be selected from a list. |
AttributeType | Type of entry in a device specification, such as length, fuel type, color or any other property that characterizes a given device. |
AutoLeadToOpportunitySalesProcess | Base entity for process Auto Lead to Opportunity Sales Process |
Business | Legal entity or organization representing, for example, a national sales company, importer, distributor, dealer group or dealer in the ecosystem. |
BusinessFacility | Physical facility or building where a business runs operations. |
BusinessOperation | Operation run at a business facility, such as new car sales showroom, used car sales or service center. |
BusinessOperationCustomerPreference | Customer preference for a given type of business operation, such as preferred service center or rental depot. |
BusinessType | Type of business, such as national sales company, importer, distributor, dealer group or dealer. |
ConfigurationCode | Unique OEM code for a given combination of configuration options. |
ConfigurationOption | Configuration option included in devices with a given configuration code. |
CustomerAttachment | Document or file related to a given customer or deal file. |
CustomerIdentifier | Unique identifier for a customer, such as customer number or manufacturers ID. |
CustomerIdentifierType | Type of customer identifier, such as customer number or manufacturer ID. |
Deal | Business proposal for the sale of one or more vehicle or device, including optional trade-ins, add-ons and financial terms. |
DealCustomer | Customer associated with a given deal. |
DealDevice | Vehicle or device that is the subject of a deal, which may involve one or more vehicle or device. |
DealDeviceAddOn | Additional product or service offered with a given vehicle or device in a deal. |
DealerPlate | License plate applied temporarily to vehicles to provide services such as test drives. |
DealerPlateDeviceAssignment | Record of which dealer plates were used on which vehicle or device over time. |
DealFile | Container for deals relating to a given opportunity. |
DealTerm | Terms applicable a given type of deal. |
DealType | Type of deal, such as new car sales, used car sales, heavy equipment sales, and so on. |
Device | Physical piece of equipment of considerable value such as a vehicle or a device such as an excavator, that can be tracked through its entire life cycle of trade, ownership and service and may be related to one or more customers over time. |
DeviceBrand | Brand name of a vehicle or device manufacturer, main vendor for a group of devices or manufacturer or main vendor for supplier items. |
DeviceClass | Family of vehicles or devices for the specific brand provided by the manufacturer. |
DeviceComponent | Physical or logical part of a vehicle or device. |
DeviceGeneration | Specific period in the evolution of a device class over time. |
DeviceInspection | Record of inspections carried out on a given vehicle or device over time. |
DeviceInspectionChecklist | Specific checklist of a given type, such as a pre-delivery inspection or a checklist used for a specific type of service. |
DeviceInspectionChecklistType | Type of checklist, such as pre-delivery or service. |
DeviceLicensePlate | Record of license plates assigned to a given vehicle or device over time. |
DeviceMeasure | Specific measurable quantity related to a vehicle or device that is used to track usage over time, such as miles driven, engine hours or time since purchase. |
DeviceMeasurement | Record of usage measurements for a given vehicle or device over time. |
DeviceMeter | Usage meter attached to a specific vehicle or device, such as odometer or fuel gauge. |
DeviceModel | Sub-type of a device class, which may be identified by specific engine option, body styles and other common characteristics. Breaks down further into device model codes. |
DeviceModelCode | Specific configuration of a device, such as a vehicle of specific generation, body style, engine option and transmission. |
DeviceObservation | Important observation on the state of a given vehicle or device, typically resulting from an inspection. |
DeviceObservationType | Type of observation, indicating severity and nature of the observation and typically used for classification and filtering of observations. |
DeviceRegistration | Record of registrations of a specific vehicle or device to specific customers over time. |
DeviceSensor | Sensor attached to or as part of a vehicle or device. May provide signals of device health or usage. |
DeviceState | Describes state of a vehicle or device, such as New, Used or Scrapped. |
DeviceStyle | Distinctive form or type of vehicle or device such as sedan or station wagon car, wheeled or crawler excavator, and so on. |
DeviceType | Fundamental type of device, such as vehicle, truck, harvester, boat engine, and so on. |
DeviceVariant | Standard variant of a device model code, with special characteristics such as a specific OEM-fitted accessory package or being a limited edition. |
DeviceWarranty | Relationship indicating that a specific warranty applies to a specific vehicle or device. |
DeviceWarrantyLimit | Limits of a specific warranty on a specific vehicle or device, such as maximum mileage or specific expiration date. |
FinancingOpportunity | Financing opportunity associated with a specific vehicle or device included in a lead. |
FinancingOpportunityDetail | Type of payment that forms part of a financing opportunity. |
Fleet | Collection of devices belonging to a specific customer or business operation, typically serving a specific purpose. |
FleetDevice | Represents a vehicle or device as part of a specific fleet. |
Lead | |
LeadDevice | Vehicle or device that is the subject of a lead, which may involve one or more vehicles or devices. |
LeadDeviceSpecification | Loose description of a characteristic of a vehicle or device of interest in a lead. |
LeadDisposition | Record of activities performed to follow up and nurture a lead over time. |
LeadDispositionActivity | Specific activity that should be taken to follow up and nurture a lead. |
LeadPriceType | Type of price tag for a vehicle or device, such as MSRP, appraisal or asking price. |
LeadProspect | Contact associated with a given lead. |
LeadSpecificationType | Type of characteristic used to loosely describe a vehicle or device of interest in a lead. |
OperationCode | Standard operation performed during service, typically specified by the vehicle or device manufacturer. |
OperationType | Type of business operation, such as new car sales showroom, used car sales or service center. |
SalesContract | Contract involving the sale of one or more vehicle or device to a customer. |
SalesContractDetail | Vehicle or device included in a sales contract. |
SalesContractPayment | Payment made in accordance with a sales contract. |
SalesContractTerm | Terms applicable a given type of sales contract. |
SalesContractType | Type of sales contract, such as new car sales, used car sales, heavy equipment sales, and so on. |
ServiceAppointment | Record of service appointments for a specific vehicle or device over time. |
ServiceAppointmentType | Type of service appointment. |
ServiceContract | Contract involving the service of one or more vehicles or devices owned by a customer. |
ServiceContractDetail | Vehicle or device included in a service contract. |
ServiceContractTerm | Terms applicable a given type of service contract. |
ServiceContractType | Type of service contract. |
ServiceOrder | Service order for a specific vehicle or device. |
ServiceOrderGroup | Group of service orders. |
ServiceOrderJob | Job performed during the execution of a service order. A single service order may require one or more jobs to be completed. |
ServiceOrderJobDetail | Record of time, material or other information relating to the execution of a given service order job. |
ServiceOrderJobType | Type of service job that is performed frequently and should follow a standard procedure. |
ServiceOrderType | Type of service order. |
Specification | Specification of a vehicle or device with a given combination of configuration options and accessories. |
SpecificationAccessory | Optional accessories that are included on a vehicle or device with the given specification. |
SpecificationAttribute | Technical specifications are represented as a grouped list of attribute types that collectively describe key characteristics of a given vehicle or device. |
TestDrive | The physical experience a customer or prospect has of a vehicle or device prior to a possible purchase of same or similar one. |
TradeIn | Vehicle or device that a customer wants to use as part of payment buying another one (new or used). |
Unit | Types of measures such as Miles, Kilometres, Hours, Days or Months. |
Warranty | Contract between a vehicle or device manufacturer, importer, dealer and end customer, promising a certain quality level for a given amount of time or usage. |
WarrantyLimit | Limits to a specific warranty, such as maximum mileage or time until expiration. |
WarrantyType | Types of warranties, such as standard or extended. |