Overview of nonProfitCore

CDM standard entities for 'nonProfitCore'


Name Description
Account Business that represents a customer or potential customer. The company that is billed in business transactions.
Address Address and shipping information. Used to store additional addresses for an account or contact.
Award An Award represents the total amount of funding that has been agreed to be awarded to an individual or institution.
AwardVersion An Award Version represents a point in time snapshot of the attributes of an Award.
BenefitRecipient Benefit Recipient for contact, account and resource catalog.
Budget A Budget represents the amount of funds that can be awarded for a particular delivery framework (i.e Program, Project, Initiative, Activity) for a defined period of time (i.e. fiscal year).
Contact Person with whom a business unit has a relationship, such as customer, supplier, and colleague.
CreditPlan Credit Plans control who will be credited with hard or soft credits after a payment clears.
CreditPlanRecipient The contact, donor or constituent who receives "credit" for the hard or soft cleared payment.
DeliveryFramework Delivery Framework represents a management unit of work defined by the organization or entity doing the work. In IATI, the Delivery Framework is an “Activity.”
DesignatedCredit A segment of a donation payment or in-kind gift that indicates the partial amount that is hard- or soft-credited to a Customer and allocated to one Designation.
Designation An area to which funds may be allocated, including a GL-relevant accounting code. Designations are the way a donor instructs an organization about how their donation should be spent or earmarked.
DesignationPlan A line item attached to a Pledge, Payment Schedule, or Campaign indicating how associated payments should be designated.
Disbursement A Disbursement represents an Award disbursement to an individual or organizational awardee. A Disbursement is related to a specific Award and Budget.
DisbursementDistribution Disbursement Distribution represents the Framework(s) - i.e. Program, Project, Initiative - that contribute to funding an Award Disbursement.
Docket A Docket is used to group inquiries (LOIs) and/or requests with a specific grant/award cycle or date (usually a review/board meeting).
DonorCommitment Donor commitments represent the actual or prospective agreement between a donor and an organization for the donor to make a gift to the organization.
Education Education references biographical information about the educational institutions a contact attended or is attending.
EmploymentHistory Employment History represents historical and/or current information about where a contact works, volunteers or serves in some capacity at an organization.
Indicator An Indicator describes what will be measured to track evidence of a Result. Indicators can be qualitative or quantitative and may or may not be aggregable.
IndicatorValue An Indicator Value is a quantitative or qualitative value of measurement of an Indicator. Indicator Values may be but are not limited to baseline, target or actual values of measurement.
IndicatorValueUsage Used to demonstrate a usage of a indicator value
Membership Representation of a Customer Membership.
MembershipCategory Represents the types of membership associated to products.
Need A need that is discovered during the case. May or may not be resolved during the process of work.
Objective An Objective represents the organization's highest priorities, strategies and/or goals that guide investments (in the case of Requests and Awards) and program delivery.
OfacMatch OFAC Match is a placeholder entity for tracking Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) Specially Designated Naturals (SDN) searches and results.
PaymentAsset Payment Asset represents the assets associated with specific types of payments including, but not limited to, in-kind gifts, stocks and securities..
PaymentMethod Payment Method is a placeholder entity for customizations that may be supported by an application.
PaymentProcessor This is a placeholder entity referenced by the Payment Method object. It is intended to be customized with configuration data necessary to connect to a payment processor and authorize payments.
PaymentSchedule A gift transaction can be a one-time payment or a recurring payment (ie, monthly/sustainer giving). In addition, it can be a pledge (ie, promise) of a future payment or a current/received payment.
PlannedGiving A planned gift is a gift made during a donor's lifetime or at the time of their death that involves their estate and/or tax planning.
Preference Preference represents an abundance of constituent or organization information that doesn't live cleanly on an account or contact record, or that can be associated with both an Account and a Contact.
ProgramItem This entity contains the information for a program items such as a assumptions, obligations, milestones, deliverables, decisions, or other items as needed.
ProgramItemRelationship Records the details regarding the relationships between program items.
Recommendation This is the mechanism through which Foundations provide recommendations back to a grant applicant.
Report Reports represent information submitted by an awardee to the awarding entity (i.e., a Foundation) or information submitted by an authorized awarding entity individual/entity about an awardee.
Request Requests represent a request from an individual or institution for funding or support. A request is more formal than an inquiry (LOI) and typically happens after an inquiry has already occurred.
ResourceCatalog Catalog that contains beneficiaries that are not contacts/accounts.
Result A Result is a container that represents the changes in the context in which an organization operates..
Review The assessment of a Request made by an internal staff member (or team) or an external third party individual or entity (i.e. Consultant) and all of the relevant information that needs to be tracked.
Salutation A Salutation represents the way a constituent wishes to be addressed, depending on the source, purpose and content of a of communication. Salutations may or may not be auto-created by workflow.
Stakeholder A person or entity with an interest or concern in something.
TheoryOfChange Theories of Change are hypotheses for achieving a desired social impact and are comprised of a sequence of cause-and-effect actions or occurrences.
TheoryOfChangeRelationship Records the details regarding the relationships of theory of change.
Transaction Transactions (also referred to as donations) represent payments from a constituent (i.e. donor, contact, account or organization) to the nonprofit.
WorkItem A entity that tracks a logical unit of work or process of work.
WorkItemAction This entity contains the action that are taken to complete a work item. This can include information gathering, providing services, or any other action.