Overview of nonProfitIati

CDM Solution for the 'NONPROFITIATI' CDS Solution


Name Description
Account Business that represents a customer or potential customer. The company that is billed in business transactions.
AidType The type of aid being supplied (project-type intervention, budget support, debt relief, etc.).
Award An Award represents the total amount of funding that has been agreed to be awarded to an individual or institution.
Budget A Budget represents the amount of funds that can be awarded for a particular delivery framework (i.e Program, Project, Initiative, Activity) for a defined period of time (i.e. fiscal year).
Campaign Container for campaign activities and responses, sales literature, products, and lists to create, plan, execute, and track the results of a specific marketing campaign through its life.
Condition Specific terms and conditions attached to the Delivery Framework that, if not met, may influence the delivery of commitments made by participating organizations.
Contact Person with whom a business unit has a relationship, such as customer, supplier, and colleague.
CrsOtherFlag This covers the four CRS++ columns titled: “Free standing technical cooperation”; “Programme-based approach”; “Investment project”; “Associated financing”
DeliveryFramework Delivery Framework represents a management unit of work defined by the organization or entity doing the work. In IATI, the Delivery Framework is an “Activity.”
DeliveryFrameworkContact Contact information for the Delivery Framework.
DeliveryFrameworkDescription A longer, human-readable description containing a meaningful description of the delivery framework
Designation An area to which funds may be allocated, including a GL-relevant accounting code. Designations are the way a donor instructs an organization about how their donation should be spent or earmarked.
DesignationPlan A line item attached to a Pledge, Payment Schedule, or Campaign indicating how associated payments should be designated.
Dimension A category used for dis-aggregating the result by gender, age, etc
Disbursement A Disbursement represents an Award disbursement to an individual or organizational awardee. A Disbursement is related to a specific Award and Budget.
DisbursementDistribution Disbursement Distribution represents the Framework(s) - i.e. Program, Project, Initiative - that contribute to funding an Award Disbursement.
Docket A Docket is used to group inquiries (LOIs) and/or requests with a specific grant/award cycle or date (usually a review/board meeting).
DocumentCategory IATI Document Category.
DocumentCountry The recipient country that is the focus of the document.
DocumentLanguage The language in which target document is written.
DocumentLink A link to an online, publicly accessible web page or document.
DonorCommitment Donor commitments represent the actual or prospective agreement between a donor and an organization for the donor to make a gift to the organization.
Expenditure An Expenditure represents an amount of money spent by an Organization or Delivery Framework.
FssForecast A container to hold separate forecast values for each year.
HumanitarianScope Classification of emergencies, appeals and other humanitarian events and actions.
IatiFileGeneration Entity used for the generation of IATI XML files.
Identifier An IATI's globally unique identifier for the delivery framework
Indicator An Indicator describes what will be measured to track evidence of a Result. Indicators can be qualitative or quantitative and may or may not be aggregable.
IndicatorReference A standardised means of identifying the indicator from a code in a recognised vocabulary.
IndicatorValue An Indicator Value is a quantitative or qualitative value of measurement of an Indicator. Indicator Values may be but are not limited to baseline, target or actual values of measurement.
IndicatorValueLocation Indicates the location of the indicator value
Location The sub-national/sub-regional geographical identification of the target locations of an activity. These can be described by gazetteer reference, coordinates, administrative areas or a textual description.
Membership Representation of a Customer Membership.
MembershipCategory Represents the types of membership associated to products.
NarrativeTranslation Allows the translation of different narrative elements for IATI reporting.
NonEmbeddedCodelist Non-functional codelists that usually provide lookup information on e.g. currencies, languages in use, countries, etc.
NonEmbeddedCodelistVocabulary Sources for non embedded codelists
Objective An Objective represents the organization's highest priorities, strategies and/or goals that guide investments (in the case of Requests and Awards) and program delivery.
Opportunity An opportunity represents prospective, pending and closed "deals" or gifts. This entity allows nonprofit organizations to track their efforts to build relationships with prospective donors.
ParticipatingOrganization Organization involved with the delivery framework
PaymentMethod Payment Method is a placeholder entity for customizations that may be supported by an application.
PaymentSchedule A gift transaction can be a one-time payment or a recurring payment (ie, monthly/sustainer giving). In addition, it can be a pledge (ie, promise) of a future payment or a current/received payment.
PlannedGiving A planned gift is a gift made during a donor's lifetime or at the time of their death that involves their estate and/or tax planning.
PolicyMarker A policy or theme addressed by the Delivery Framework.
RecipientCountry The country that will benefit from this delivery framework
RecipientRegion A supranational geopolitical region that will benefit from the delivery framework
Request Requests represent a request from an individual or institution for funding or support. A request is more formal than an inquiry (LOI) and typically happens after an inquiry has already occurred.
Result A Result is a container that represents the changes in the context in which an organization operates..
ResultReference A reference element to allow for the coded identification of a results framework.
Sector Classification of the purpose of the Delivery Framework.
Tag Categorizations from established taxonomies that enrich the classification of the Delivery Framework but that, unlike those reported in the sector element, cannot be associated with percentage splits.
Transaction Transactions (also referred to as donations) represent payments from a constituent (i.e. donor, contact, account or organization) to the nonprofit.
Website A web address.