Overview of nonProfitIati
CDM Solution for the 'NONPROFITIATI' CDS Solution
Name | Description |
Account | Business that represents a customer or potential customer. The company that is billed in business transactions. |
AidType | The type of aid being supplied (project-type intervention, budget support, debt relief, etc.). |
Award | An Award represents the total amount of funding that has been agreed to be awarded to an individual or institution. |
Budget | A Budget represents the amount of funds that can be awarded for a particular delivery framework (i.e Program, Project, Initiative, Activity) for a defined period of time (i.e. fiscal year). |
Campaign | Container for campaign activities and responses, sales literature, products, and lists to create, plan, execute, and track the results of a specific marketing campaign through its life. |
Condition | Specific terms and conditions attached to the Delivery Framework that, if not met, may influence the delivery of commitments made by participating organizations. |
Contact | Person with whom a business unit has a relationship, such as customer, supplier, and colleague. |
CrsOtherFlag | This covers the four CRS++ columns titled: “Free standing technical cooperation”; “Programme-based approach”; “Investment project”; “Associated financing” |
DeliveryFramework | Delivery Framework represents a management unit of work defined by the organization or entity doing the work. In IATI, the Delivery Framework is an “Activity.” |
DeliveryFrameworkContact | Contact information for the Delivery Framework. |
DeliveryFrameworkDescription | A longer, human-readable description containing a meaningful description of the delivery framework |
Designation | An area to which funds may be allocated, including a GL-relevant accounting code. Designations are the way a donor instructs an organization about how their donation should be spent or earmarked. |
DesignationPlan | A line item attached to a Pledge, Payment Schedule, or Campaign indicating how associated payments should be designated. |
Dimension | A category used for dis-aggregating the result by gender, age, etc |
Disbursement | A Disbursement represents an Award disbursement to an individual or organizational awardee. A Disbursement is related to a specific Award and Budget. |
DisbursementDistribution | Disbursement Distribution represents the Framework(s) - i.e. Program, Project, Initiative - that contribute to funding an Award Disbursement. |
Docket | A Docket is used to group inquiries (LOIs) and/or requests with a specific grant/award cycle or date (usually a review/board meeting). |
DocumentCategory | IATI Document Category. |
DocumentCountry | The recipient country that is the focus of the document. |
DocumentLanguage | The language in which target document is written. |
DocumentLink | A link to an online, publicly accessible web page or document. |
DonorCommitment | Donor commitments represent the actual or prospective agreement between a donor and an organization for the donor to make a gift to the organization. |
Expenditure | An Expenditure represents an amount of money spent by an Organization or Delivery Framework. |
FssForecast | A container to hold separate forecast values for each year. |
HumanitarianScope | Classification of emergencies, appeals and other humanitarian events and actions. |
IatiFileGeneration | Entity used for the generation of IATI XML files. |
Identifier | An IATI's globally unique identifier for the delivery framework |
Indicator | An Indicator describes what will be measured to track evidence of a Result. Indicators can be qualitative or quantitative and may or may not be aggregable. |
IndicatorReference | A standardised means of identifying the indicator from a code in a recognised vocabulary. |
IndicatorValue | An Indicator Value is a quantitative or qualitative value of measurement of an Indicator. Indicator Values may be but are not limited to baseline, target or actual values of measurement. |
IndicatorValueLocation | Indicates the location of the indicator value |
Location | The sub-national/sub-regional geographical identification of the target locations of an activity. These can be described by gazetteer reference, coordinates, administrative areas or a textual description. |
Membership | Representation of a Customer Membership. |
MembershipCategory | Represents the types of membership associated to products. |
NarrativeTranslation | Allows the translation of different narrative elements for IATI reporting. |
NonEmbeddedCodelist | Non-functional codelists that usually provide lookup information on e.g. currencies, languages in use, countries, etc. |
NonEmbeddedCodelistVocabulary | Sources for non embedded codelists |
Objective | An Objective represents the organization's highest priorities, strategies and/or goals that guide investments (in the case of Requests and Awards) and program delivery. |
Opportunity | An opportunity represents prospective, pending and closed "deals" or gifts. This entity allows nonprofit organizations to track their efforts to build relationships with prospective donors. |
ParticipatingOrganization | Organization involved with the delivery framework |
PaymentMethod | Payment Method is a placeholder entity for customizations that may be supported by an application. |
PaymentSchedule | A gift transaction can be a one-time payment or a recurring payment (ie, monthly/sustainer giving). In addition, it can be a pledge (ie, promise) of a future payment or a current/received payment. |
PlannedGiving | A planned gift is a gift made during a donor's lifetime or at the time of their death that involves their estate and/or tax planning. |
PolicyMarker | A policy or theme addressed by the Delivery Framework. |
RecipientCountry | The country that will benefit from this delivery framework |
RecipientRegion | A supranational geopolitical region that will benefit from the delivery framework |
Request | Requests represent a request from an individual or institution for funding or support. A request is more formal than an inquiry (LOI) and typically happens after an inquiry has already occurred. |
Result | A Result is a container that represents the changes in the context in which an organization operates.. |
ResultReference | A reference element to allow for the coded identification of a results framework. |
Sector | Classification of the purpose of the Delivery Framework. |
Tag | Categorizations from established taxonomies that enrich the classification of the Delivery Framework but that, unlike those reported in the sector element, cannot be associated with percentage splits. |
Transaction | Transactions (also referred to as donations) represent payments from a constituent (i.e. donor, contact, account or organization) to the nonprofit. |
Website | A web address. |