Overview of sales

CDM standard entities


Name Description
Competitor Business competing for the sale represented by a lead or opportunity.
CompetitorAddress Additional addresses for a competitor. The first two addresses are stored in the competitor object.
CompetitorProduct Association between a competitor and a product offered by the competitor.
Discount Price reduction made from the list price of a product or service based on the quantity purchased.
DiscountList Type of discount specified as either a percentage or an amount.
Invoice Order that has been billed.
InvoiceProduct Line item in an invoice containing detailed billing information for a product.
Opportunity Potential revenue-generating event, or sale to an account, which needs to be tracked through a sales process to completion.
OpportunityClose Activity that is created automatically when an opportunity is closed, containing information such as the description of the closing and actual revenue.
OpportunityProduct Association between an opportunity and a product.
OpportunityRelationship Relationship between an account or contact and an opportunity.
Order Quote that has been accepted.
OrderClose Activity generated automatically when an order is closed.
OrderProduct Line item in a sales order.
PriceListItem Information about how to price a product in the specified price level, including pricing method, rounding option, and discount type based on a specified product unit.
PropertyInstance Instance of a property with its value.
Quote Formal offer for products and/or services, proposed at specific prices and related payment terms, which is sent to a prospective customer.
QuoteClose Activity generated when a quote is closed.
QuoteProduct Product line item in a quote. The details include such information as product ID, description, quantity, and cost.
SalesAttachment Item in the sales literature collection.
SalesLiterature Storage of sales literature, which may contain one or more documents.