Applies to: Configuration Manager (current branch)
Before you install the software update point site system role (SUP), you must verify that the server meets the required dependencies and determines the software update point infrastructure on the site. For more information about how to plan for software updates and to determine your software update point infrastructure, see Plan for software updates.
The software update point is required on the central administration site and on the primary sites to enable software updates compliance assessment and to deploy software updates to clients. The software update point is optional on secondary sites. The software update point site system role must be created on a server that has WSUS installed. The software update point interacts with the WSUS services to configure the software update settings and to request synchronization of software updates metadata. When you have a Configuration Manager hierarchy, install and configure the software update point on the central administration site first, then on child primary sites, and then optionally, on secondary sites. When you have a stand-alone primary site, not a central administration site, install and configure the software update point on the primary site first, and then optionally, on secondary sites. Some settings are only available when you configure the software update point on a top-level site. There are different options that you must consider depending on where you installed the software update point.
You can install more than one software update point on a site. The first software update point that you install is configured as the synchronization source, which synchronizes the updates from Microsoft Update or from the upstream synchronization source. The other software update points on the site are configured as replicas of the first software update point. Therefore, some settings are not available after you install and configure the initial software update point.
It isn't supported to install the software update point site system role on a server that has been configured and used as a standalone WSUS server or using a software update point to directly manage WSUS clients. Existing WSUS servers are only supported as upstream synchronization sources for the active software update point. See Synchronize from an upstream data source location
You can add the software update point site system role to an existing site system server or you can create a new one. On the System Role Selection page of the Create Site System Server Wizard or Add Site System Roles Wizard, depending on whether you add the site system role to a new or existing site server, select Software update point, and then configure the software update point settings in the wizard. The settings are different depending on the version of Configuration Manager that you use. For more information about how to install site system roles, see Install site system roles.
Use the following sections for information about the software update point settings on a site.
Proxy server settings
You can configure the proxy server settings on different pages of the Create Site System Server Wizard or Add Site System Roles Wizard depending on the version of Configuration Manager that you use.
You must configure the proxy server, and then specify when to use the proxy server for software updates. Configure the following settings:
Configure the proxy server settings on the Proxy page of the wizard or on the Proxy tab in Site system Properties. The proxy server settings are site system specific, meaning that all site system roles use the proxy server settings that you specify.
Specify whether to use the proxy server when Configuration Manager synchronizes the software updates and when it downloads content by using an automatic deployment rule. Configure the software update point proxy server settings on the Proxy and Account Settings page of the wizard or on the Proxy and Account Settings tab in Software update point Properties.
The Use a proxy when downloading content by using automatic deployment rules setting is available but it isn't used for a software update point on a secondary site. Only the software update point on the central administration site and primary site downloads content from the Microsoft Update page.
By default, the Local System account for the server on which an automatic deployment rule was created is used to connect to the Internet and download software updates when the automatic deployment rules run. When this account doesn't have access to the Internet, software updates fail to download and the following entry is logged to ruleengine.log: Failed to download the update from internet. Error = 12007. Configure the credentials to connect to the proxy server when the Local System account doesn't have Internet access.
WSUS settings
You must configure WSUS settings on different pages of the Create Site System Server Wizard or Add Site System Roles Wizard depending on the version of Configuration Manager that you use, and in some cases, only in the properties for the software update point, also known as Software Update Point Component Properties. Use the information in the following sections to configure the WSUS settings.
To ensure that the best security protocols are in place, we highly recommend that you use the TLS/SSL protocol to help secure your software update infrastructure. Beginning with the September 2020 cumulative update, HTTP-based WSUS servers will be secure by default. A client scanning for updates against an HTTP-based WSUS will no longer be allowed to leverage a user proxy by default. If you still require a user proxy despite the security trade-offs, a new software updates client setting is available to allow these connections. For more information about the changes for scanning WSUS, see September 2020 changes to improve security for Windows devices scanning WSUS.
WSUS port settings
You must configure the WSUS port settings on the Software Update Point page of the wizard or in the properties of the software update point. Use the following procedure to determine the port settings used by WSUS:
Determine the port settings used in IIS
On the WSUS server, open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
Expand Sites, select the WSUS Administration site, and then select Bindings from the Actions pane. In the Site Bindings dialog, the HTTP and HTTPS port values are displayed in the Port column.
Configure SSL communications to WSUS
To ensure that the best security protocols are in place, we highly recommend that you use the TLS/SSL protocol to help secure your software update infrastructure. You can configure SSL communication on the Software Update Point page of the wizard or on the General tab in the properties of the software update point. Before you select, the option to Require SSL communication to the WSUS server for your SUP, ensure that you've enabled SSL communication on the WSUS servers.
You can enable a software update point to accept communication from clients on the internet via a cloud management gateway (CMG). For more information about this setting, see Configure client-facing roles for CMG traffic.
Adjust the download speed to use the unused network bandwidth (Windows LEDBAT)
(Introduced in version 2203)
Starting in Configuration Manager version 2203, you can enable Windows Low Extra Delay Background Transport (LEDBAT) for your software update points that run Windows Server 2016 or later. LEDBAT adjusts download speeds during client scans against WSUS to help control network congestion.
If a site system has both the distribution point and software update point roles, you can configure LEDBAT independently on the roles. For example, if you only enable LEDBAT on the distribution point role, the software update point role doesn't inherit the same configuration.
To use LEDBAT for your SUPs that run Windows Server 2016 or later, enable the Adjust the download speed to use the unused network bandwidth (Windows LEDBAT) setting from one of the following locations:
On the Software Update Point page of the install software update point wizard
In the General tab of the software update point properties
You can configure an account to be used by the site server when it connects to WSUS that runs on the software update point. When you don't configure this account, the Configuration Manager uses the computer account for the site server to connect to WSUS. Configure the WSUS Server Connection Account on the Proxy and Account Settings page of the wizard, or on the Proxy and Account Settings tab in Software update point Properties. You can configure the account in different places of the wizard depending on the version of Configuration Manager that you use.
For more information about Configuration Manager accounts, see Accounts used.
Synchronization source
You can configure the upstream synchronization source for software updates synchronization on the Synchronization Source page of the wizard, or on the Sync Settings tab in Software Update Point Component Properties. Your options for the synchronization source vary depending on the site.
Use the following table for the available options when you configure the software update point at a site.
Available synchronization source options
- Central administration site - Stand-alone primary site
- Synchronize from the Microsoft Update website - Synchronize from an upstream data source location - Do not synchronize from Microsoft Update or upstream data source
- Additional software update points at a site - Child primary site - Secondary site
- Synchronize from an upstream data source location
The following list provides more information about each option that you can use as the synchronization source:
Synchronize from Microsoft Update: Use this setting to synchronize software updates metadata from Microsoft Update. The central administration site must have Internet access; otherwise, synchronization will fail. This setting is available only when you configure the software update point on the top-level site.
When there's a firewall between the software update point and the Internet, the firewall might need to be configured to accept the HTTP and HTTPS ports that are used for the WSUS Web site. You can also choose to restrict access on the firewall to limited domains. For more information about how to plan for a firewall that supports software updates, see Configure firewalls.
If you're sharing the WSUS database, be aware that Configuration Manager randomly chooses the software update point between the front-end WSUS servers. Ensure that the internet access requirements are met for each of the WSUS servers. If internet access requirements aren't met, then sync failures can occur. You may see different software update points at the top-level site syncing with Microsoft.
Synchronize from an upstream data source location: Use this setting to synchronize software updates metadata from the upstream synchronization source. The child primary sites and secondary sites are automatically configured to use the parent site URL for this setting. You have the option to synchronize software updates from an existing WSUS server. Specify a URL, such as https://WSUSServer:8531, where 8531 is the port that is used to connect to the WSUS server.
Do not synchronize from Microsoft Update or upstream data source: Use this setting to manually synchronize software updates when the software update point at the top-level site is disconnected from the Internet. For more information, see Synchronize software updates from a disconnected software update point.
You can also configure whether to create WSUS reporting events on the Synchronization Source page of the wizard or on the Sync Settings tab in Software Update Point Component Properties. Configuration Manager doesn't use these events; therefore, you'll normally choose the default setting Do not create WSUS reporting events.
Synchronization schedule
Configure the synchronization schedule on the Synchronization Schedule page of the wizard or in the Software Update Point Component Properties. This setting is configured only on the software update point at the top-level site.
If you enable the schedule, you can configure a recurring simple or custom synchronization schedule. When you configure a simple schedule, the start time is based on the local time for the computer that runs the Configuration Manager console at the time when you create the schedule. When you configure the start time for a custom schedule, it's based on the local time for the computer that runs the Configuration Manager console.
Schedule software updates synchronization to run by using a time-frame that is appropriate for your environment. One typical scenario is to set the software updates synchronization schedule to run shortly after the Microsoft regular security update release on the second Tuesday of each month, which is commonly referred to as Patch Tuesday. Another typical scenario is to set the software updates synchronization schedule to run daily when you use software updates to deliver the Endpoint Protection definition and engine updates.
When you choose not to enable software updates synchronization on a schedule, you can manually synchronize software updates from the All Software Updates or Software Update Groups node in the Software Library workspace. For more information, see synchronize software updates.
Supersedence rules
Configure the supersedence settings on the Supersedence Rules page of the wizard or on the Supersedence Rules tab in Software Update Point Component Properties. You can configure the supersedence rules only on the top-level site. You can also specify the supersedence rules behavior for feature updates separately from non-feature updates.
The Supersedence Rules page of the wizard is available only when you configure the first software update point at the site. This page is not displayed when you install additional software update points.
On this page, you can specify when superseded software updates are expired in Configuration Manager, which prevents them from being included in new deployments and flags the existing deployments to indicate that the superseded software updates contain one or more expired software updates. You can specify a period of time before the superseded software updates are expired, which allows you to continue to deploy them. For more information, see Supersedence rules.
The default setting is to wait 3 months before expiring a superseded update. The 3 month default is to give you time to verify the update is no longer needed by any of your client computers. It's recommended that you don't assume that superseded updates should be immediately expired in favor of the new, superseding update. You can display a list of the software updates that supersede the software update on the Supersedence Information tab in the software update properties.
WSUS Maintenance
Configuration Manager can automatically run the most common WSUS maintenance tasks for you. For more information about these tasks, see Software updates maintenance.
Maximum run time
You can specify the maximum amount of time a software update installation has to complete. You can specify the maximum run time for the following:
Maximum run time for Windows feature updates (minutes)
Feature updates - An update that is in one of these three classifications:
Update rollups
Service packs
Maximum run time for Office 365 updates and non-feature updates for Windows (minutes)
Non-feature updates - An update that isn't a feature upgrade and whose product is listed as one of the following:
Windows 11
Windows 10 (all versions)
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2019
Office 365
Maximum run time for all other software updates outside these categories such as third-party updates (minutes): The default maximum run time of these updates varies depending on when the update first synchronized into the environment and the Configuration Manager version. Use the cart below to determine the maximum runtime value for these updates:
2203 or later
2103, 2107, or 2111
The maximum run time for all other software updates is customizable. The default is 60 minutes.
60 minutes
10 minutes
This setting only changes the maximum runtime for new updates that are synchronized in by SUP. It doesn't change the run time on existing updates that synchronized before the run time was modified. For instance, if Update 1 was first synchronized into a 2111 environment, then it's maximum run time is 60 minutes. You then upgrade the environment to version 2203 and set the maximum run time to 30 minutes. Update 1 retains it's 60 minute runtime. However, when a new update, Update 2, synchronizes in, it is given the new 30 minute run time.
Configure the classifications settings on the Classifications page of the wizard, or on the Classifications tab in Software Update Point Component Properties. For more information about software update classifications, see Update classifications.
The Classifications page of the wizard is available only when you configure the first software update point at the site. This page is not displayed when you install additional software update points.
When you first install the software update point on the top-level site, clear all of the software updates classifications. After the initial software updates synchronization, configure the classifications from an updated list, and then re-initiate synchronization. This setting is configured only on the software update point at the top-level site.
Configure the product settings on the Products page of the wizard, or on the Products tab in Software Update Point Component Properties.
The Products page of the wizard is available only when you configure the first software update point at the site. This page is not displayed when you install additional software update points.
When you first install the software update point on the top-level site, clear all of the products. After the initial software updates synchronization, configure the products from an updated list, and then re-initiate synchronization. This setting is configured only on the software update point at the top-level site.
Configure the language settings on the Languages page of the wizard, or on the Languages tab in Software Update Point Component Properties. Specify the languages for which you want to synchronize software update files and summary details. The Software Update File setting is configured at each software update point in the Configuration Manager hierarchy. The Summary Details settings are configured only on the top-level software update point. For more information, see Languages.
The Languages page of the wizard is available only when you install the software update point at the central administration site. You can configure the Software Update File languages at child sites from the Languages tab in Software Update Point Component Properties.
Third party updates
You can enable third party updates for Configuration Manager clients. When you Enable third party software updates in the SUP component properties, the SUP will download the signing certificate used by WSUS for third party updates. This option isn't available during install of the software update point, and should be configured after the SUP is installed. To enable the client settings for third party updates, see the About client settings article.
Next steps
You installed the software update point starting at the top-most site in your Configuration Manager hierarchy. Repeat the procedures in this article to install the software update point on child sites.
Learn how to use Windows Server Update Services to deploy operating system updates to computers on your network. Select the appropriate deployment option and combine WSUS with Microsoft Azure Update Management to manage server updates.
Plan and execute an endpoint deployment strategy, using essential elements of modern management, co-management approaches, and Microsoft Intune integration.