Deprecate an operation


Remember to follow the standards of deprecation by giving appropriate notice to users at least 30 days prior. If you're deprecating the operation of a certified connector, reach out to your Microsoft contact.

How to mark an operation as deprecated

Deprecate any action or trigger in a custom connector by making the following modifications to the apiDefinition.swagger.json file:

  1. Set the deprecated attribute for the operation to true.

  2. Append (deprecated) to the summary and description attributes.

  "/{list}/items": {
    "get": {
      "summary": "Get rows (deprecated)",
      "description": "This operation gets a list of items (deprecated).",
      "operationId": "GetItems",
      "deprecated": true

If a new version of the operation is going to be introduced to replace the deprecated one (for example, in a version 2), use and x-ms-api-annotation.revision, as shown in the following:

  "/{list}/items": {
    "get": {
      "summary": "Get rows (deprecated)",
      "description": "This operation gets a list of items (deprecated).",
      "operationId": "GetItems",
      "deprecated": true,
      "x-ms-api-annotation": {
        "family": "GetItems",
        "revision": 1
  "/v2/{list}/items": {
    "get": {
      "summary": "Get rows",
      "description": "This operation gets a list of items.",
      "operationId": "GetItems_V2",
      "deprecated": false,
      "x-ms-api-annotation": {
        "family": "GetItems",
        "revision": 2


Note how both operations belong to the same family, and the revision number is increased.

Deprecated operation behavior

After an operation is deprecated, expect the following Microsoft Power Platform behavior:

  • Flows and apps that are already using this operation will continue to work as before (they won't stop working).
  • The designer hides deprecated operations (new flows can't use them).

Provide feedback

We greatly appreciate feedback on issues with our connector platform, or new feature ideas. To provide feedback, go to Submit issues or get help with connectors and select your feedback type.