CComClassFactory2 Class
This class implements the IClassFactory2 interface.
template <class license>
class CComClassFactory2 : public IClassFactory2,
public CComObjectRootEx<CComGlobalsThreadModel>,
public license
A class that implements the following static functions:
static BOOL VerifyLicenseKey( BSTR bstr );
static BOOL GetLicenseKey( DWORD dwReserved, BSTR * pBstr );
static BOOL IsLicenseValid( );
Name | Description |
CComClassFactory2::CreateInstance | Creates an object of the specified CLSID. |
CComClassFactory2::CreateInstanceLic | Given a license key, creates an object of the specified CLSID. |
CComClassFactory2::GetLicInfo | Retrieves information describing the licensing capabilities of the class factory. |
CComClassFactory2::LockServer | Locks the class factory in memory. |
CComClassFactory2::RequestLicKey | Creates and returns a license key. |
implements the IClassFactory2 interface, which is an extension of IClassFactory. IClassFactory2
controls object creation through a license. A class factory executing on a licensed machine can provide a run-time license key. This license key allows an application to instantiate objects when a full machine license does not exist.
ATL objects normally acquire a class factory by deriving from CComCoClass. This class includes the macro DECLARE_CLASSFACTORY, which declares CComClassFactory as the default class factory. To use CComClassFactory2
, specify the DECLARE_CLASSFACTORY2 macro in your object's class definition. For example:
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CMyClass2 :
public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>,
public CComCoClass<CMyClass2, &CLSID_MyClass>,
public IDispatchImpl<IMyClass, &IID_IMyClass, &LIBID_NVC_ATL_COMLib, /*wMajor =*/ 1, /*wMinor =*/ 0>,
public IDispatchImpl<IMyDualInterface, &__uuidof(IMyDualInterface), &LIBID_NVC_ATL_COMLib, /* wMajor = */ 1, /* wMinor = */ 0>
// Remainder of class declaration omitted
, the template parameter to CComClassFactory2
, must implement the static functions VerifyLicenseKey
, GetLicenseKey
, and IsLicenseValid
. The following is an example of a simple license class:
class CMyLicense
static BOOL VerifyLicenseKey(BSTR bstr)
return !lstrcmp(OLE2T(bstr), _T("My run-time license key"));
static BOOL GetLicenseKey(DWORD /*dwReserved*/, BSTR* pBstr)
*pBstr = SysAllocString( T2OLE(_T("My run-time license key")));
return TRUE;
static BOOL IsLicenseValid() { return TRUE; }
derives from both CComClassFactory2Base
and license. CComClassFactory2Base
, in turn, derives from IClassFactory2
and CComObjectRootEx< CComGlobalsThreadModel >
Header: atlcom.h
Creates an object of the specified CLSID and retrieves an interface pointer to this object.
STDMETHOD(CreateInstance)(LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter, REFIID riid, void** ppvObj);
[in] If the object is being created as part of an aggregate, then pUnkOuter must be the outer unknown. Otherwise, pUnkOuter must be NULL.
[in] The IID of the requested interface. If pUnkOuter is non- NULL, riid must be IID_IUnknown
[out] A pointer to the interface pointer identified by riid. If the object does not support this interface, ppvObj is set to NULL.
A standard HRESULT value.
Requires the machine to be fully licensed. If a full machine license does not exist, call CreateInstanceLic.
Similar to CreateInstance, except that CreateInstanceLic
requires a license key.
IUnknown* pUnkOuter,
IUnknown* /* pUnkReserved
REFIID riid,
BSTR bstrKey,
void** ppvObject);
[in] If the object is being created as part of an aggregate, then pUnkOuter must be the outer unknown. Otherwise, pUnkOuter must be NULL.
[in] Not used. Must be NULL.
[in] The IID of the requested interface. If pUnkOuter is non- NULL, riid must be IID_IUnknown
[in] The run-time license key previously obtained from a call to RequestLicKey
. This key is required to create the object.
[out] A pointer to the interface pointer specified by riid. If the object does not support this interface, ppvObject is set to NULL.
A standard HRESULT value.
You can obtain a license key using RequestLicKey. In order to create an object on an unlicensed machine, you must call CreateInstanceLic
Fills a LICINFO structure with information that describes the class factory's licensing capabilities.
[out] Pointer to a LICINFO
A standard HRESULT value.
The fRuntimeKeyAvail
member of this structure indicates whether, given a license key, the class factory allows objects to be created on an unlicensed machine. The fLicVerified member indicates whether a full machine license exists.
Increments and decrements the module lock count by calling _Module::Lock
and _Module::Unlock
, respectively.
STDMETHOD(LockServer)(BOOL fLock);
[in] If TRUE, the lock count is incremented; otherwise, the lock count is decremented.
A standard HRESULT value.
refers to the global instance of CComModule or a class derived from it.
Calling LockServer
allows a client to hold onto a class factory so that multiple objects can be quickly created.
Creates and returns a license key, provided that the fRuntimeKeyAvail
member of the LICINFO structure is TRUE.
STDMETHOD(RequestLicKey)(DWORD dwReserved, BSTR* pbstrKey);
[in] Not used. Must be zero.
[out] Pointer to the license key.
A standard HRESULT value.
A license key is required for calling CreateInstanceLic to create an object on an unlicensed machine. If fRuntimeKeyAvail
is FALSE, then objects can only be created on a fully licensed machine.
Call GetLicInfo to retrieve the value of fRuntimeKeyAvail
CComClassFactoryAutoThread Class
CComClassFactorySingleton Class
CComObjectRootEx Class
Class Overview