IAxWinAmbientDispatch Interface
This interface provides methods for specifying characteristics of the hosted control or container.
This class and its members cannot be used in applications that execute in the Windows Runtime.
interface IAxWinAmbientDispatch : IDispatch
Name | Description |
get_AllowContextMenu | The AllowContextMenu property specifies whether the hosted control is allowed to display its own context menu. |
get_AllowShowUI | The AllowShowUI property specifies whether the hosted control is allowed to display its own user interface. |
get_AllowWindowlessActivation | The AllowWindowlessActivation property specifies whether the container will allow windowless activation. |
get_BackColor | The BackColor property specifies the ambient background color of the container. |
get_DisplayAsDefault | DisplayAsDefault is an ambient property that allows a control to find out if it is the default control. |
get_DocHostDoubleClickFlags | The DocHostDoubleClickFlags property specifies the operation that should take place in response to a double-click. |
get_DocHostFlags | The DocHostFlags property specifies the user interface capabilities of the host object. |
get_Font | The Font property specifies the ambient font of the container. |
get_ForeColor | The ForeColor property specifies the ambient foreground color of the container. |
get_LocaleID | The LocaleID property specifies the ambient locale ID of the container. |
get_MessageReflect | The MessageReflect ambient property specifies whether the container will reflect messages to the hosted control. |
get_OptionKeyPath | The OptionKeyPath property specifies the registry key path to user settings. |
get_ShowGrabHandles | The ShowGrabHandles ambient property allows the control to find out if it should draw itself with grab handles. |
get_ShowHatching | The ShowHatching ambient property allows the control to find out if it should draw itself hatched. |
get_UserMode | The UserMode property specifies the ambient user mode of the container. |
put_AllowContextMenu | The AllowContextMenu property specifies whether the hosted control is allowed to display its own context menu. |
put_AllowShowUI | The AllowShowUI property specifies whether the hosted control is allowed to display its own user interface. |
put_AllowWindowlessActivation | The AllowWindowlessActivation property specifies whether the container will allow windowless activation. |
put_BackColor | The BackColor property specifies the ambient background color of the container. |
put_DisplayAsDefault | DisplayAsDefault is an ambient property that allows a control to find out if it is the default control. |
put_DocHostDoubleClickFlags | The DocHostDoubleClickFlags property specifies the operation that should take place in response to a double-click. |
put_DocHostFlags | The DocHostFlags property specifies the user interface capabilities of the host object. |
put_Font | The Font property specifies the ambient font of the container. |
put_ForeColor | The ForeColor property specifies the ambient foreground color of the container. |
put_LocaleID | The LocaleID property specifies the ambient locale ID of the container. |
put_MessageReflect | The MessageReflect ambient property specifies whether the container will reflect messages to the hosted control. |
put_OptionKeyPath | The OptionKeyPath property specifies the registry key path to user settings. |
put_UserMode | The UserMode property specifies the ambient user mode of the container. |
This interface is exposed by ATL's ActiveX control hosting objects. Call the methods on this interface to set the ambient properties available to the hosted control or to specify other aspects of the container's behavior. To supplement the properties provided by IAxWinAmbientDispatch
, use IAxWinAmbientDispatchEx.
AxHost will try to load type information about IAxWinAmbientDispatch
and IAxWinAmbientDispatchEx
from the typelib that contains the code.
If you are linking to ATL90.dll, AXHost will load the type information from the typelib in the DLL.
See Hosting ActiveX Controls Using ATL AXHost for more details.
The definition of this interface is available in a number of forms, as shown in the table below.
Definition Type | File |
IDL | atliface.idl |
Type Library | ATL.dll |
C++ | atliface.h (also included in ATLBase.h) |
The AllowContextMenu
property specifies whether the hosted control is allowed to display its own context menu.
STDMETHOD(get_AllowContextMenu)(VARIANT_BOOL* pbAllowContextMenu);
[out] The address of a variable to receive the current value of this property.
A standard HRESULT value.
The ATL host object implementation uses VARIANT_TRUE as the default value of this property.
The AllowShowUI
property specifies whether the hosted control is allowed to display its own user interface.
STDMETHOD(get_AllowShowUI)(VARIANT_BOOL* pbAllowShowUI);
[out] The address of a variable to receive the current value of this property.
A standard HRESULT value.
The ATL host object implementation uses VARIANT_FALSE as the default value of this property.
The AllowWindowlessActivation
property specifies whether the container will allow windowless activation.
STDMETHOD(get_AllowWindowlessActivation)(VARIANT_BOOL* pbAllowWindowless);
[out] The address of a variable to receive the current value of this property.
A standard HRESULT value.
The ATL host object implementation uses VARIANT_TRUE as the default value of this property.
The BackColor
property specifies the ambient background color of the container.
STDMETHOD(get_BackColor)(OLE_COLOR* pclrBackground);
[out] The address of a variable to receive the current value of this property.
A standard HRESULT value.
The ATL host object implementation uses COLOR_BTNFACE or COLOR_WINDOW as the default value of this property (depending on whether the parent of the host window is a dialog or not).
is an ambient property that allows a control to find out if it is the default control.
STDMETHOD(get_DisplayAsDefault)(VARIANT_BOOL* pbDisplayAsDefault);
[out] The address of a variable to receive the current value of this property.
A standard HRESULT value.
The ATL host object implementation uses VARIANT_FALSE as the default value of this property.
The DocHostDoubleClickFlags
property specifies the operation that should take place in response to a double-click.
STDMETHOD(get_DocHostDoubleClickFlags)(DWORD* pdwDocHostDoubleClickFlags);
[out] The address of a variable to receive the current value of this property.
A standard HRESULT value.
The ATL host object implementation uses DOCHOSTUIDBLCLK_DEFAULT as the default value of this property.
The DocHostFlags
property specifies the user interface capabilities of the host object.
STDMETHOD(get_DocHostFlags)(DWORD* pdwDocHostFlags);
[out] The address of a variable to receive the current value of this property.
A standard HRESULT value.
The ATL host object implementation uses DOCHOSTUIFLAG_NO3DBORDER as the default value of this property.
The Font
property specifies the ambient font of the container.
STDMETHOD(get_Font)(IFontDisp** pFont);
[out] The address of an IFontDisp
interface pointer used to receive the current value of this property.
A standard HRESULT value.
The ATL host object implementation uses the default GUI font or the system font as the default value of this property.
The ForeColor
property specifies the ambient foreground color of the container.
STDMETHOD(get_ForeColor)(OLE_COLOR* pclrForeground);
[out] The address of a variable to receive the current value of this property.
A standard HRESULT value.
The ATL host object implementation uses the system window text color as the default value of this property.
The LocaleID
property specifies the ambient locale ID of the container.
STDMETHOD(get_LocaleID)(LCID* plcidLocaleID);
[out] The address of a variable to receive the current value of this property.
A standard HRESULT value.
The ATL host object implementation uses the user's default locale as the default value of this property.
With this method you can discover the Ambient LocalID, that is, the LocaleID of the program your control is being used in. Once you know the LocaleID, you can call code to load locale-specific captions, error message text, and so forth from a resource file or satellite DLL.
The MessageReflect
ambient property specifies whether the container will reflect messages to the hosted control.
STDMETHOD(get_MessageReflect)(VARIANT_BOOL* pbMessageReflect);
[out] The address of a variable to receive the current value of this property.
A standard HRESULT value.
The ATL host object implementation uses VARIANT_TRUE as the default value of this property.
The OptionKeyPath
property specifies the registry key path to user settings.
STDMETHOD(get_OptionKeyPath)(BSTR* pbstrOptionKeyPath);
[out] The address of a variable to receive the current value of this property.
A standard HRESULT value.
The ShowGrabHandles
ambient property allows the control to find out if it should draw itself with grab handles.
STDMETHOD(get_ShowGrabHandles)(VARIANT_BOOL* pbShowGrabHandles);
[out] The address of a variable to receive the current value of this property.
A standard HRESULT value.
The ATL host object implementation always returns VARIANT_FALSE as the value of this property.
The ShowHatching
ambient property allows the control to find out if it should draw itself hatched.
STDMETHOD(get_ShowHatching)(VARIANT_BOOL* pbShowHatching);
[out] The address of a variable to receive the current value of this property.
A standard HRESULT value.
The ATL host object implementation always returns VARIANT_FALSE as the value of this property.
The UserMode
property specifies the ambient user mode of the container.
STDMETHOD(get_UserMode)(VARIANT_BOOL* pbUserMode);
[out] The address of a variable to receive the current value of this property.
A standard HRESULT value.
The ATL host object implementation uses VARIANT_TRUE as the default value of this property.
The AllowContextMenu
property specifies whether the hosted control is allowed to display its own context menu.
STDMETHOD(put_AllowContextMenu)(VARIANT_BOOL bAllowContextMenu);
[in] The new value of this property.
A standard HRESULT value.
The ATL host object implementation uses VARIANT_TRUE as the default value of this property.
The AllowShowUI
property specifies whether the hosted control is allowed to display its own user interface.
[in] The new value of this property.
A standard HRESULT value.
The ATL host object implementation uses VARIANT_FALSE as the default value of this property.
The AllowWindowlessActivation
property specifies whether the container will allow windowless activation.
STDMETHOD(put_AllowWindowlessActivation)(VARIANT_BOOL bAllowWindowless);
[in] The new value of this property.
A standard HRESULT value.
The ATL host object implementation uses VARIANT_TRUE as the default value of this property.
The BackColor
property specifies the ambient background color of the container.
STDMETHOD(put_BackColor)(OLE_COLOR clrBackground);
[in] The new value of this property.
A standard HRESULT value.
The ATL host object implementation uses COLOR_BTNFACE or COLOR_WINDOW as the default value of this property (depending on whether the parent of the host window is a dialog or not).
is an ambient property that allows a control to find out if it is the default control.
STDMETHOD(put_DisplayAsDefault)(VARIANT_BOOL bDisplayAsDefault);
[in] The new value of this property.
A standard HRESULT value.
The ATL host object implementation uses VARIANT_FALSE as the default value of this property.
The DocHostDoubleClickFlags
property specifies the operation that should take place in response to a double-click.
STDMETHOD(put_DocHostDoubleClickFlags)(DWORD dwDocHostDoubleClickFlags);
[in] The new value of this property.
A standard HRESULT value.
The ATL host object implementation uses DOCHOSTUIDBLCLK_DEFAULT as the default value of this property.
The DocHostFlags
property specifies the user interface capabilities of the host object.
STDMETHOD(put_DocHostFlags)(DWORD dwDocHostFlags);
[in] The new value of this property.
A standard HRESULT value.
The ATL host object implementation uses DOCHOSTUIFLAG_NO3DBORDER as the default value of this property.
The Font
property specifies the ambient font of the container.
STDMETHOD(put_Font)(IFontDisp* pFont);
[in] The new value of this property.
A standard HRESULT value.
The ATL host object implementation uses the default GUI font or the system font as the default value of this property.
The ForeColor
property specifies the ambient foreground color of the container.
STDMETHOD(put_ForeColor)(OLE_COLOR clrForeground);
[in] The new value of this property.
A standard HRESULT value.
The ATL host object implementation uses the system window text color as the default value of this property.
The LocaleID
property specifies the ambient locale ID of the container.
STDMETHOD(put_LocaleID)(LCID lcidLocaleID);
[in] The new value of this property.
A standard HRESULT value.
The ATL host object implementation uses the user's default locale as the default value of this property.
The MessageReflect
ambient property specifies whether the container will reflect messages to the hosted control.
STDMETHOD(put_MessageReflect)(VARIANT_BOOL bMessageReflect);
[in] The new value of this property.
A standard HRESULT value.
The ATL host object implementation uses VARIANT_TRUE as the default value of this property.
The OptionKeyPath
property specifies the registry key path to user settings.
STDMETHOD(put_OptionKeyPath)(BSTR bstrOptionKeyPath);
[in] The new value of this property.
A standard HRESULT value.
The UserMode
property specifies the ambient user mode of the container.
STDMETHOD(put_UserMode)(VARIANT_BOOL bUserMode);
[in] The new value of this property.
A standard HRESULT value.
The ATL host object implementation uses VARIANT_TRUE as the default value of this property.
IAxWinAmbientDispatchEx Interface
IAxWinHostWindow Interface