Win32ThreadTraits Class
This class provides the creation function for a Windows thread. Use this class if the thread will not use CRT functions.
This class and its members cannot be used in applications that execute in the Windows Runtime.
class Win32ThreadTraits
Name | Description |
Win32ThreadTraits::CreateThread | (Static) Call this function to create a thread that should not use CRT functions. |
Thread traits are classes that provide a creation function for a particular type of thread. The creation function has the same signature and semantics as the Windows CreateThread function.
Thread traits are used by the following classes:
If the thread will be using CRT functions, use CRTThreadTraits instead.
Header: atlbase.h
Call this function to create a thread that should not use CRT functions.
static HANDLE CreateThread(
DWORD dwStackSize,
void* pvParam,
DWORD dwCreationFlags,
DWORD* pdwThreadId) throw();
The security attributes for the new thread.
The stack size for the new thread.
The thread procedure of the new thread.
The parameter to be passed to the thread procedure.
The creation flags (0 or CREATE_SUSPENDED).
[out] Address of the DWORD variable that, on success, receives the thread ID of the newly created thread.
Returns the handle to the newly created thread or NULL on failure. Call GetLastError to get extended error information.
See CreateThread for further information on the parameters to this function.
This function calls CreateThread
to create the thread.