
The C++ Build Insights SDK is compatible with Visual Studio 2017 and later. To see the documentation for these versions, set the Visual Studio Version selector control for this article to Visual Studio 2017 or later. It's found at the top of the table of contents on this page.

The StopAndAnalyzeTracingSessionW function stops an ongoing tracing session and saves the resulting trace in a temporary file. An analysis session is then immediately started using the temporary file as an input. Executables calling this function must have administrator privileges.


enum RESULT_CODE StopAndAnalyzeTracingSessionW(
    const wchar_t*              sessionName,
    const ANALYSIS_DESCRIPTOR*  analysisDescriptor);


The name of the tracing session to stop. Use the same session name as the one passed to StartTracingSession, StartTracingSessionA, or StartTracingSessionW.

Pointer to a TRACING_SESSION_STATISTICS object. StopAndAnalyzeTracingSessionW writes trace collection statistics in this object before returning.

Pointer to an ANALYSIS_DESCRIPTOR object. Use this object to configure the analysis session that's started by StopAndAnalyzeTracingSessionW.

Return Value

A result code from the RESULT_CODE enum.