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The C++ Build Insights SDK is compatible with Visual Studio 2017 and later. To see the documentation for these versions, set the Visual Studio Version selector control for this article to Visual Studio 2017 or later. It's found at the top of the table of contents on this page.

The ANALYSIS_CALLBACKS structure is used when initializing an ANALYSIS_DESCRIPTOR or RELOG_DESCRIPTOR object. It specifies which functions to call during the analysis or relogging of an Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) trace.


    OnAnalysisEventFunc     OnStartActivity;
    OnAnalysisEventFunc     OnStopActivity;
    OnAnalysisEventFunc     OnSimpleEvent;
    OnTraceInfoFunc         OnTraceInfo;
    OnBeginEndPassFunc      OnBeginAnalysis;
    OnBeginEndPassFunc      OnEndAnalysis;
    OnBeginEndPassFunc      OnBeginAnalysisPass;
    OnBeginEndPassFunc      OnEndAnalysisPass;


Name Description
OnStartActivity Called to process an activity start event.
OnStopActivity Called to process an activity stop event.
OnSimpleEvent Called to process a simple event.
OnTraceInfo For analysis sessions, called at the beginning of each analysis pass. For relogging sessions, called at the beginning of each analysis pass, and again at the beginning of the relogging pass. This function is only called after OnBeginAnalysisPass has been called.
OnBeginAnalysis For analysis sessions, called before any analysis pass has begun. For relogging sessions, called twice before the analysis phase has begun: once to announce the start of the relogging session, and once more to announce the beginning of the analysis phase.
OnEndAnalysis For analysis sessions, this function is called after all analysis passes have ended. For relogging sessions, this function is called when all analysis passes of the analysis phase have ended. Then, it's called again after the relogging pass has ended.
OnBeginAnalysisPass Called when beginning an analysis pass or the relogging pass, before processing any event.
OnEndAnalysisPass Called when ending an analysis pass or the relogging pass, after processing all events.


The analysis phase of a relogging session is considered part of the relogging session, and may contain multiple analysis passes. For this reason, OnBeginAnalysis is called twice in a row at the beginning of a relogging session. OnEndAnalysis is called at the end of the analysis phase, before starting the relogging phase, and once again at the end of the relogging phase. The relogging phase always contains a single relogging pass.

It's possible for analyzers to be part of both the analysis and the relogging phase of a relogging session. These analyzers can determine which phase is currently ongoing by keeping track of the OnBeginAnalysis and OnEndAnalysis call pairs. Two OnBeginAnalysis calls without any OnEndAnalysis call means the analysis phase is ongoing. Two OnBeginAnalysis calls and one OnEndAnalysis call means the relogging phase is ongoing. Two OnBeginAnalysis and two OnEndAnalysis calls means both phases have ended.

All members of the ANALYSIS_CALLBACKS structure must point to a valid function. For more information on the accepted function signatures, see OnAnalysisEventFunc, OnTraceInfoFunc, and OnBeginEndPassFunc.