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Maps one character string to another, performing a specified locale-dependent transformation. This function can also be used to generate a sort key for the input string.


int __crtLCMapStringW(
   LCID    Locale,
   DWORD   dwMapFlags,
   LPCWSTR lpSrcStr,
   int     cchSrc,
   LPWSTR  lpDestStr,
   int     cchDest)


The locale identifier. The locale provides a context for the string mapping or sort key generation. An application can use the MAKELCID macro to create a locale identifier.

The type of transformation to be used during string mapping or sort key generation.

Pointer to a source string that the function maps or uses for sort key generation. This parameter is assumed to be a Unicode string.

Size, in characters, of the string pointed to by the lpSrcStr parameter. This count can include the null terminator, or not include it.

A cchSrc value of -1 specifies that the string pointed to by lpSrcStr is null-terminated. If so, and this function is being used in its string-mapping mode, the function calculates the string's length itself, and null-terminates the mapped string stored into *lpDestStr.

Long pointer to a buffer into which the function stores the mapped string or sort key.

Size, in characters, of the buffer pointed to by lpDestStr.

Return value

If the value of cchDest is nonzero, the number of characters, or bytes if LCMAP_SORTKEY is specified, written to the buffer indicates success. This count includes room for a null terminator.

If the value of cchDest is zero, the size of the buffer in characters, or bytes if LCMAP_SORTKEY is specified, required to receive the translated string or sort key indicates success. This size includes room for a null terminator.

Zero indicates failure. To get extended error information, call the GetLastError function.


If cchSrc is greater than zero and lpSrcStr is a null-terminated string, __crtLCMapStringW sets cchSrc to the length of the string. Then __crtLCMapStringW calls the wide string (Unicode) version of the LCMapString function with the specified parameters. For more information about the parameters and return value of this function, see the LCMapString.


Routine Required header
__crtLCMapStringW <awint.h>