
Runs consistency checks on the heap.


int _heapchk( void );

Return value

_heapchk returns one of the following integer manifest constants defined in Malloc.h.

Return value Condition
_HEAPBADBEGIN Initial header information is bad or can't be found.
_HEAPBADNODE Bad node has been found or heap is damaged.
_HEAPBADPTR Pointer into heap isn't valid.
_HEAPEMPTY Heap hasn't been initialized.
_HEAPOK Heap appears to be consistent.

In addition, if an error occurs, _heapchk sets errno to ENOSYS.


The _heapchk function helps debug heap-related problems by checking for minimal consistency of the heap. If the operating system doesn't support _heapchk(for example, Windows 98), the function returns _HEAPOK and sets errno to ENOSYS.

By default, this function's global state is scoped to the application. To change this behavior, see Global state in the CRT.


Routine Required header Optional header
_heapchk <malloc.h> <errno.h>

For more compatibility information, see Compatibility.


// crt_heapchk.c
// This program checks the heap for
// consistency and prints an appropriate message.

#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main( void )
   int  heapstatus;
   char *buffer;

   // Allocate and deallocate some memory
   if( (buffer = (char *)malloc( 100 )) != NULL )
      free( buffer );

   // Check heap status
   heapstatus = _heapchk();
   switch( heapstatus )
   case _HEAPOK:
      printf(" OK - heap is fine\n" );
   case _HEAPEMPTY:
      printf(" OK - heap is empty\n" );
      printf( "ERROR - bad start of heap\n" );
      printf( "ERROR - bad node in heap\n" );
OK - heap is fine

See also

Memory allocation