Microsoft Specific
A Microsoft C++ interface can be defined as follows:
Can inherit from zero or more base interfaces.
Cannot inherit from a base class.
Can only contain public, pure virtual methods.
Cannot contain constructors, destructors, or operators.
Cannot contain static methods.
Cannot contain data members; properties are allowed.
modifier __interface interface-name {interface-definition};
A C++ class or struct could be implemented with these rules, but __interface
enforces them.
For example, the following is a sample interface definition:
__interface IMyInterface {
HRESULT CommitX();
HRESULT get_X(BSTR* pbstrName);
For information on managed interfaces, see interface class.
Notice that you do not have to explicitly indicate that the CommitX
and get_X
functions are pure virtual. An equivalent declaration for the first function would be:
virtual HRESULT CommitX() = 0;
implies the novtable __declspec
The following sample shows how to use properties declared in an interface.
// deriv_interface.cpp
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <atlcom.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <comdef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
[ object, uuid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001"), library_block ]
__interface IFace {
[ id(0) ] int int_data;
[ id(5) ] BSTR bstr_data;
[ coclass, uuid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002") ]
class MyClass : public IFace {
int m_i;
BSTR m_bstr;
m_i = 0;
m_bstr = 0;
if (m_bstr)
int get_int_data()
return m_i;
void put_int_data(int _i)
m_i = _i;
BSTR get_bstr_data()
BSTR bstr = ::SysAllocString(m_bstr);
return bstr;
void put_bstr_data(BSTR bstr)
if (m_bstr)
m_bstr = ::SysAllocString(bstr);
int main()
_bstr_t bstr("Testing");
CComObject<MyClass>* p;
p->int_data = 100;
printf_s("p->int_data = %d\n", p->int_data);
p->bstr_data = bstr;
printf_s("bstr_data = %S\n", p->bstr_data);
p->int_data = 100
bstr_data = Testing
END Microsoft Specific