Encapsulates a Windows graphics device interface (GDI) bitmap and provides member functions to manipulate the bitmap.
class CBitmap : public CGdiObject
Name | Description |
CBitmap::CBitmap |
Constructs a CBitmap object. |
Name | Description |
CBitmap::CreateBitmap |
Initializes the object with a device-dependent memory bitmap that has a specified width, height, and bit pattern. |
CBitmap::CreateBitmapIndirect |
Initializes the object with a bitmap with the width, height, and bit pattern (if one is specified) given in a BITMAP structure. |
CBitmap::CreateCompatibleBitmap |
Initializes the object with a bitmap so that it is compatible with a specified device. |
CBitmap::CreateDiscardableBitmap |
Initializes the object with a discardable bitmap that is compatible with a specified device. |
CBitmap::FromHandle |
Returns a pointer to a CBitmap object when given a handle to a Windows HBITMAP bitmap. |
CBitmap::GetBitmap |
Fills a BITMAP structure with information about the bitmap. |
CBitmap::GetBitmapBits |
Copies the bits of the specified bitmap into the specified buffer. |
CBitmap::GetBitmapDimension |
Returns the width and height of the bitmap. The height and width are assumed to have been set previously by the SetBitmapDimension member function. |
CBitmap::LoadBitmap |
Initializes the object by loading a named bitmap resource from the application's executable file and attaching the bitmap to the object. |
CBitmap::LoadMappedBitmap |
Loads a bitmap and maps colors to current system colors. |
CBitmap::LoadOEMBitmap |
Initializes the object by loading a predefined Windows bitmap and attaching the bitmap to the object. |
CBitmap::SetBitmapBits |
Sets the bits of a bitmap to the specified bit values. |
CBitmap::SetBitmapDimension |
Assigns a width and height to a bitmap in 0.1-millimeter units. |
Name | Description |
CBitmap::operator HBITMAP |
Returns the Windows handle attached to the CBitmap object. |
To use a CBitmap
object, construct the object, attach a bitmap handle to it with one of the initialization member functions, and then call the object's member functions.
For more information on using graphic objects like CBitmap
, see Graphic Objects.
Header: afxwin.h
Constructs a CBitmap
The resulting object must be initialized with one of the initialization member functions.
Initializes a device-dependent memory bitmap that has the specified width, height, and bit pattern.
BOOL CreateBitmap(
int nWidth,
int nHeight,
UINT nPlanes,
UINT nBitcount,
const void* lpBits);
Specifies the width (in pixels) of the bitmap.
Specifies the height (in pixels) of the bitmap.
Specifies the number of color planes in the bitmap.
Specifies the number of color bits per display pixel.
Points to an array of bytes that contains the initial bitmap bit values. If it is NULL
, the new bitmap is left uninitialized.
Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.
For a color bitmap, either the nPlanes
or nBitcount
parameter should be set to 1. If both of these parameters are set to 1, CreateBitmap
creates a monochrome bitmap.
Although a bitmap cannot be directly selected for a display device, it can be selected as the current bitmap for a "memory device context" by using CDC::SelectObject
and copied to any compatible device context by using the CDC::BitBlt
When you finish with the CBitmap
object created by the CreateBitmap
function, first select the bitmap out of the device context, then delete the CBitmap
For more information, see the description of the bmBits
field in the BITMAP
structure. The BITMAP
structure is described under the CBitmap::CreateBitmapIndirect
member function.
Initializes a bitmap that has the width, height, and bit pattern (if one is specified) given in the structure pointed to by lpBitmap
BOOL CreateBitmapIndirect(LPBITMAP lpBitmap);
Points to a BITMAP
structure that contains information about the bitmap.
Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.
Although a bitmap cannot be directly selected for a display device, it can be selected as the current bitmap for a memory device context by using CDC::SelectObject
and copied to any compatible device context by using the CDC::BitBlt
or CDC::StretchBlt
function. (The CDC::PatBlt
function can copy the bitmap for the current brush directly to the display device context.)
structure pointed to by the lpBitmap
parameter has been filled in by using the GetObject
function, the bits of the bitmap are not specified and the bitmap is uninitialized. To initialize the bitmap, an application can use a function such as CDC::BitBlt
or SetDIBits
to copy the bits from the bitmap identified by the first parameter of CGdiObject::GetObject
to the bitmap created by CreateBitmapIndirect
When you finish with the CBitmap
object created with CreateBitmapIndirect
function, first select the bitmap out of the device context, then delete the CBitmap
Initializes a bitmap that is compatible with the device specified by pDC
BOOL CreateCompatibleBitmap(
int nWidth,
int nHeight);
Specifies the device context.
Specifies the width (in pixels) of the bitmap.
Specifies the height (in pixels) of the bitmap.
Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.
The bitmap has the same number of color planes or the same bits-per-pixel format as the specified device context. It can be selected as the current bitmap for any memory device that is compatible with the one specified by pDC
If pDC
is a memory device context, the bitmap returned has the same format as the currently selected bitmap in that device context. A "memory device context" is a block of memory that represents a display surface. It can be used to prepare images in memory before copying them to the actual display surface of the compatible device.
When a memory device context is created, GDI automatically selects a monochrome stock bitmap for it.
Since a color memory device context can have either color or monochrome bitmaps selected, the format of the bitmap returned by the CreateCompatibleBitmap
function is not always the same; however, the format of a compatible bitmap for a nonmemory device context is always in the format of the device.
When you finish with the CBitmap
object created with the CreateCompatibleBitmap
function, first select the bitmap out of the device context, then delete the CBitmap
Initializes a discardable bitmap that is compatible with the device context identified by pDC
BOOL CreateDiscardableBitmap(
int nWidth,
int nHeight);
Specifies a device context.
Specifies the width (in bits) of the bitmap.
Specifies the height (in bits) of the bitmap.
Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.
The bitmap has the same number of color planes or the same bits-per-pixel format as the specified device context. An application can select this bitmap as the current bitmap for a memory device that is compatible with the one specified by pDC
Windows can discard a bitmap created by this function only if an application has not selected it into a display context. If Windows discards the bitmap when it is not selected and the application later attempts to select it, the CDC::SelectObject
function will return NULL.
When you finish with the CBitmap
object created with the CreateDiscardableBitmap
function, first select the bitmap out of the device context, then delete the CBitmap
Returns a pointer to a CBitmap
object when given a handle to a Windows GDI bitmap.
static CBitmap* PASCAL FromHandle(HBITMAP hBitmap);
Specifies a Windows GDI bitmap.
A pointer to a CBitmap
object if successful; otherwise NULL
If a CBitmap
object is not already attached to the handle, a temporary CBitmap
object is created and attached. This temporary CBitmap
object is valid only until the next time the application has idle time in its event loop, at which time all temporary graphic objects are deleted. Another way of saying this is that the temporary object is only valid during the processing of one window message.
Retrieves image properties for the attached bitmap.
int GetBitmap(BITMAP* pBitMap);
Pointer to a BITMAP
structure that will receive the image properties. This parameter must not be NULL
Nonzero if the method was successful; otherwise 0.
Copies the bit pattern of the attached bitmap into the specified buffer.
DWORD GetBitmapBits(
DWORD dwCount,
LPVOID lpBits) const;
The number of bytes to copy to the buffer.
Pointer to the buffer that will receive the bitmap.
The number of bytes copied to the buffer if the method was successful; otherwise 0.
Use CBitmap::GetBitmap
to determine the required buffer size.
Returns the width and height of the bitmap.
CSize GetBitmapDimension() const;
The width and height of the bitmap, measured in 0.1-millimeter units. The height is in the cy
member of the CSize
object, and the width is in the cx
member. If the bitmap width and height have not been set by using SetBitmapDimension
, the return value is 0.
The height and width are assumed to have been set previously by using the SetBitmapDimension
member function.
Loads the bitmap resource named by lpszResourceName
or identified by the ID number in nIDResource
from the application's executable file.
BOOL LoadBitmap(LPCTSTR lpszResourceName);
BOOL LoadBitmap(UINT nIDResource);
Points to a null-terminated string that contains the name of the bitmap resource.
Specifies the resource ID number of the bitmap resource.
Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.
The loaded bitmap is attached to the CBitmap
If the bitmap identified by lpszResourceName
does not exist or if there is insufficient memory to load the bitmap, the function returns 0.
You can use the CGdiObject::DeleteObject
function to delete bitmap loaded by the LoadBitmap
function, or the CBitmap
destructor will delete the object for you.
Before you delete the object, make sure it is not selected into a device context.
The following bitmaps were added to Windows versions 3.1 and later:
These bitmaps are not found in device drivers for Windows versions 3.0 and earlier. For a complete list of bitmaps and a display of their appearance, see the Windows SDK.
Call this member function to load a bitmap and map the colors to the current system colors.
BOOL LoadMappedBitmap(
UINT nIDBitmap,
UINT nFlags = 0,
int nMapSize = 0);
The ID of the bitmap resource.
A flag for a bitmap. Can be zero or CMB_MASKED
A pointer to a COLORMAP
structure that contains the color information needed to map the bitmaps. If this parameter is NULL
, the function uses the default color map.
The number of color maps pointed to by lpColorMap
Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.
By default, LoadMappedBitmap
will map colors commonly used in button glyphs.
For information about creating a mapped bitmap, see the Windows function CreateMappedBitmap
and the COLORMAP
structure in the Windows SDK.
Loads a predefined bitmap used by Windows.
BOOL LoadOEMBitmap(UINT nIDBitmap);
ID number of the predefined Windows bitmap. The possible values are listed below from WINDOWS.H
Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.
Bitmap names that begin with OBM_OLD
represent bitmaps used by Windows versions prior to 3.0.
Note that the constant OEMRESOURCE
must be defined before including WINDOWS.H
in order to use any of the OBM_
Use this operator to get the attached Windows GDI handle of the CBitmap
operator HBITMAP() const;
If successful, a handle to the Windows GDI object represented by the CBitmap
object; otherwise NULL
This operator is a casting operator, which supports direct use of an HBITMAP
For more information about using graphic objects, see Graphic Objects in the Windows SDK.
Sets the bits of a bitmap to the bit values given by lpBits
DWORD SetBitmapBits(
DWORD dwCount,
const void* lpBits);
Specifies the number of bytes pointed to by lpBits
Points to the BYTE
array that contains the pixel values to be copied to the CBitmap
object. In order for the bitmap to be able to render its image correctly, the values should be formatted to conform to the height, width and color depth values that were specified when the CBitmap
instance was created. For more information, see CBitmap::CreateBitmap
The number of bytes used in setting the bitmap bits; 0 if the function fails.
Assigns a width and height to a bitmap in 0.1-millimeter units.
CSize SetBitmapDimension(
int nWidth,
int nHeight);
Specifies the width of the bitmap (in 0.1-millimeter units).
Specifies the height of the bitmap (in 0.1-millimeter units).
The previous bitmap dimensions. Height is in the cy
member variable of the CSize
object, and width is in the cx
member variable.
The GDI does not use these values except to return them when an application calls the GetBitmapDimension
member function.