Performs local file searches and is the base class for CGopherFileFind
and CFtpFileFind
, which perform Internet file searches.
class CFileFind : public CObject
Name | Description |
CFileFind::CFileFind |
Constructs a CFileFind object. |
Name | Description |
CFileFind::Close |
Closes the search request. |
CFileFind::FindFile |
Searches a directory for a specified file name. |
CFileFind::FindNextFile |
Continues a file search from a previous call to FindFile . |
CFileFind::GetCreationTime |
Gets the time the file was created. |
CFileFind::GetFileName |
Gets the name, including the extension, of the found file |
CFileFind::GetFilePath |
Gets the whole path of the found file. |
CFileFind::GetFileTitle |
Gets the title of the found file. The title does not include the extension. |
CFileFind::GetFileURL |
Gets the URL, including the file path, of the found file. |
CFileFind::GetLastAccessTime |
Gets the time that the file was last accessed. |
CFileFind::GetLastWriteTime |
Gets the time the file was last changed and saved. |
CFileFind::GetLength |
Gets the length of the found file, in bytes. |
CFileFind::GetRoot |
Gets the root directory of the found file. |
CFileFind::IsArchived |
Determines if the found file is archived. |
CFileFind::IsCompressed |
Determines if the found file is compressed. |
CFileFind::IsDirectory |
Determines if the found file is a directory. |
CFileFind::IsDots |
Determines if the name of the found file has the name "." or "..", indicating that is actually a directory. |
CFileFind::IsHidden |
Determines if the found file is hidden. |
CFileFind::IsNormal |
Determines if the found file is normal (in other words, has no other attributes). |
CFileFind::IsReadOnly |
Determines if the found file is read-only. |
CFileFind::IsSystem |
Determines if the found file is a system file. |
CFileFind::IsTemporary |
Determines if the found file is temporary. |
CFileFind::MatchesMask |
Indicates the desired file attributes of the file to be found. |
Name | Description |
CFileFind::CloseContext |
Closes the file specified by the current search handle. |
Name | Description |
CFileFind::m_pTM |
Pointer to a CAtlTransactionManager object. |
includes member functions that begin a search, locate a file, and return the title, name, or path of the file. For Internet searches, the member function GetFileURL
returns the file's URL.
is the base class for two other MFC classes designed to search particular server types: CGopherFileFind
works specifically with gopher servers, and CFtpFileFind
works specifically with FTP servers. Together, these three classes provide a seamless mechanism for the client to find files, regardless of the server protocol, the file type, or location, on either a local machine or a remote server.
The following code will enumerate all the files in the current directory, printing the name of each file:
CFileFind finder;
BOOL bWorking = finder.FindFile(_T("*.*"));
while (bWorking)
bWorking = finder.FindNextFile();
TRACE(_T("%s\n"), (LPCTSTR)finder.GetFileName());
To keep the example simple, this code uses the C++ Standard Library cout
class. The cout
line could be replaced with a call to CListBox::AddString
, for example, in a program with a graphical user interface.
For more information about how to use CFileFind
and the other WinInet classes, see the article Internet Programming with WinInet.
Header: afx.h
This member function is called when a CFileFind
object is constructed.
CFileFind(CAtlTransactionManager* pTM);
Pointer to CAtlTransactionManager object
See the example for CFileFind::GetFileName
Call this member function to end the search, reset the context, and release all resources.
void Close();
After calling Close
, you do not have to create a new CFileFind
instance before calling FindFile
to begin a new search.
See the example for CFileFind::GetFileName
Closes the file specified by the current search handle.
virtual void CloseContext();
Closes the file specified by the current value of the search handle. Override this function to change the default behavior.
You must call the FindFile
or FindNextFile
functions at least once to retrieve a valid search handle. The FindFile
and FindNextFile
functions use the search handle to locate files with names that match a given name.
Call this member function to open a file search.
virtual BOOL FindFile(
LPCTSTR pstrName = NULL,
DWORD dwUnused = 0);
A pointer to a string containing the name of the file to find. If you pass NULL
for pstrName
, FindFile
does a wildcard (*.*) search.
Reserved to make FindFile
polymorphic with derived classes. Must be 0.
Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0. To get extended error information, call the Win32 function GetLastError
After calling FindFile
to begin the file search, call FindNextFile
to retrieve subsequent files. You must call FindNextFile
at least once before calling any of the following attribute member functions:
See the example for CFileFind::IsDirectory
Call this member function to continue a file search from a previous call to FindFile
virtual BOOL FindNextFile();
Nonzero if there are more files; zero if the file found is the last one in the directory or if an error occurred. To get extended error information, call the Win32 function GetLastError
. If the file found is the last file in the directory, or if no matching files can be found, the GetLastError
function returns ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES
You must call FindNextFile
at least once before calling any of the following attribute member functions:
wraps the Win32 function FindNextFile
See the example for CFileFind::IsDirectory
Call this member function to get the time the specified file was created.
virtual BOOL GetCreationTime(FILETIME* pTimeStamp) const;
virtual BOOL GetCreationTime(CTime& refTime) const;
A pointer to a FILETIME
structure containing the time the file was created.
A reference to a CTime
Nonzero if successful; 0 if unsuccessful. GetCreationTime
returns 0 only if FindNextFile
has never been called on this CFileFind
You must call FindNextFile
at least once before calling GetCreationTime
Not all file systems use the same semantics to implement the time stamp returned by this function. This function may return the same value returned by other time stamp functions if the underlying file system or server does not support keeping the time attribute. See the WIN32_FIND_DATA
structure for information about time formats. On some operation systems, the returned time is in the time zone local to the machine were the file is located. See the Win32 FileTimeToLocalFileTime
API for more information.
See the example for CFileFind::GetLength
Call this member function to get the name of the found file.
virtual CString GetFileName() const;
The name of the most-recently-found file.
You must call FindNextFile
at least once before calling GetFileName.
is one of three CFileFind
member functions that return some form of the file name. The following list describes the three and how they vary:
returns the file name, including the extension. For example, callingGetFileName
to generate a user message about the filec:\myhtml\myfile.txt
returns the file namemyfile.txt
returns the entire path for the file. For example, callingGetFilePath
to generate a user message about the filec:\myhtml\myfile.txt
returns the file pathc:\myhtml\myfile.txt
returns the file name, excluding the file extension. For example, callingGetFileTitle
to generate a user message about the filec:\myhtml\myfile.txt
returns the file titlemyfile
CFileFind finder;
static const TCHAR szFileToFind[] = _T("C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM.INI");
BOOL bResult = finder.FindFile(szFileToFind);
if (bResult)
TRACE(_T("Root of %s is %s\n"), szFileToFind,
TRACE(_T("Title of %s is %s\n"), szFileToFind,
TRACE(_T("Path of %s is %s\n"), szFileToFind,
TRACE(_T("URL of %s is %s\n"), szFileToFind,
TRACE(_T("Name of %s is %s\n"), szFileToFind,
TRACE(_T("You have no %s file.\n"), szFileToFind);
Call this member function to get the full path of the specified file.
virtual CString GetFilePath() const;
The path of the specified file.
You must call FindNextFile
at least once before calling GetFilePath
is one of three CFileFind
member functions that return some form of the file name. The following list describes the three and how they vary:
returns the file name, including the extension. For example, callingGetFileName
to generate a user message about the filec:\myhtml\myfile.txt
returns the file namemyfile.txt
returns the entire path for the file. For example, callingGetFilePath
to generate a user message about the filec:\myhtml\myfile.txt
returns the file pathc:\myhtml\myfile.txt
.GetFileTitle returns the file name, excluding the file extension. For example, calling
to generate a user message about the filec:\myhtml\myfile.txt
returns the file titlemyfile
See the example for CFileFind::GetFileName
Call this member function to get the title of the found file.
virtual CString GetFileTitle() const;
The title of the file.
You must call FindNextFile
at least once before calling GetFileTitle
is one of three CFileFind
member functions that return some form of the file name. The following list describes the three and how they vary:
returns the file name, including the extension. For example, callingGetFileName
to generate a user message about the filec:\myhtml\myfile.txt
returns the file namemyfile.txt
returns the entire path for the file. For example, callingGetFilePath
to generate a user message about the filec:\myhtml\myfile.txt
returns the file path c:\myhtml\myfile.txt.GetFileTitle
returns the file name, excluding the file extension. For example, callingGetFileTitle
to generate a user message about the filec:\myhtml\myfile.txt
returns the file titlemyfile
See the example for CFileFind::GetFileName
Call this member function to retrieve the specified URL.
virtual CString GetFileURL() const;
The complete URL.
You must call FindNextFile
at least once before calling GetFileURL
is similar to the member function GetFilePath
, except that it returns the URL in the form file://path
. For example, calling GetFileURL
to get the complete URL for myfile.txt
returns the URL file://c:\myhtml\myfile.txt
See the example for CFileFind::GetFileName
Call this member function to get the time that the specified file was last accessed.
virtual BOOL GetLastAccessTime(CTime& refTime) const;
virtual BOOL GetLastAccessTime(FILETIME* pTimeStamp) const;
A reference to a CTime
A pointer to a FILETIME
structure containing the time the file was last accessed.
Nonzero if successful; 0 if unsuccessful. GetLastAccessTime
returns 0 only if FindNextFile
has never been called on this CFileFind
You must call FindNextFile
at least once before calling GetLastAccessTime
Not all file systems use the same semantics to implement the time stamp returned by this function. This function may return the same value returned by other time stamp functions if the underlying file system or server does not support keeping the time attribute. See the WIN32_FIND_DATA
structure for information about time formats. On some operation systems, the returned time is in the time zone local to the machine were the file is located. See the Win32 FileTimeToLocalFileTime
API for more information.
See the example for CFileFind::GetLength
Call this member function to get the last time the file was changed.
virtual BOOL GetLastWriteTime(FILETIME* pTimeStamp) const;
virtual BOOL GetLastWriteTime(CTime& refTime) const;
A pointer to a FILETIME
structure containing the time the file was last written to.
A reference to a CTime
Nonzero if successful; 0 if unsuccessful. GetLastWriteTime
returns 0 only if FindNextFile
has never been called on this CFileFind
You must call FindNextFile
at least once before calling GetLastWriteTime
Not all file systems use the same semantics to implement the time stamp returned by this function. This function may return the same value returned by other time stamp functions if the underlying file system or server does not support keeping the time attribute. See the WIN32_FIND_DATA
structure for information about time formats. On some operation systems, the returned time is in the time zone local to the machine were the file is located. See the Win32 FileTimeToLocalFileTime
API for more information.
See the example for CFileFind::GetLength
Call this member function to get the length of the found file, in bytes.
ULONGLONG GetLength() const;
The length of the found file, in bytes.
You must call FindNextFile
at least once before calling GetLength
uses the Win32 structure WIN32_FIND_DATA
to get and return the value of the file size, in bytes.
As of MFC 7.0, GetLength
supports 64-bit integer types. Previously existing code built with this newer version of the library may result in truncation warnings.
// This code fragment prints out a very verbose directory
// listing for all the files in the root directory on the
// C: drive. After the file's name, each attribute of the
// file is printed, as are the creation, last access, and
// last write times.
CFileFind finder;
BOOL bWorking = finder.FindFile(_T("C:\\*.*"));
while (bWorking)
bWorking = finder.FindNextFile();
_tprintf_s(_T("%s\n\t"), (LPCTSTR)finder.GetFileName());
_tprintf_s(_T("%c"), finder.IsArchived() ? 'A' : 'a');
_tprintf_s(_T("%c"), finder.IsCompressed() ? 'C' : 'c');
_tprintf_s(_T("%c"), finder.IsHidden() ? 'H' : 'h');
_tprintf_s(_T("%c"), finder.IsNormal() ? 'N' : 'n');
_tprintf_s(_T("%c"), finder.IsReadOnly() ? 'R' : 'r');
_tprintf_s(_T("%c"), finder.IsSystem() ? 'S' : 's');
_tprintf_s(_T("%c"), finder.IsTemporary() ? 'T' : 't');
_tprintf_s(_T("\t%I64u byte(s)\n"), finder.GetLength());
CTime tempTime;
CString str;
_tprintf_s(_T("\tCreated : "));
if (finder.GetCreationTime(tempTime))
str = tempTime.Format(_T("%c"));
_tprintf_s(_T("%s\n"), (LPCTSTR) str);
_tprintf_s(_T("\tLast Access: "));
if (finder.GetLastAccessTime(tempTime))
str = tempTime.Format(_T("%c"));
_tprintf_s(_T("%s\n"), (LPCTSTR) str);
_tprintf_s(_T("\tLast Write : "));
if (finder.GetLastWriteTime(tempTime))
str = tempTime.Format(_T("%c"));
_tprintf_s(_T("%s\n"), (LPCTSTR) str);
Call this member function to get the root of the found file.
virtual CString GetRoot() const;
The root of the active search.
You must call FindNextFile
at least once before calling GetRoot
This member function returns the drive specifier and path name used to start a search. For example, calling FindFile
with *.dat
results in GetRoot
returning an empty string. Passing a path, such as c:\windows\system\*.dll
, to FindFile
results GetRoot
returning c:\windows\system\
See the example for CFileFind::GetFileName
Call this member function to determine if the found file is archived.
BOOL IsArchived() const;
Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.
Applications mark an archive file, which is to be backed up or removed, with FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE
, a file attribute identified in the WIN32_FIND_DATA
You must call FindNextFile
at least once before calling IsArchived
See the member function MatchesMask
for a complete list of file attributes.
See the example for CFileFind::GetLength
Call this member function to determine if the found file is compressed.
BOOL IsCompressed() const;
Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.
A compressed file is marked with FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED
, a file attribute identified in the WIN32_FIND_DATA
structure. For a file, this attribute indicates that all of the data in the file is compressed. For a directory, this attribute indicates that compression is the default for newly created files and subdirectories.
You must call FindNextFile
at least once before calling IsCompressed
See the member function MatchesMask
for a complete list of file attributes.
See the example for CFileFind::GetLength
Call this member function to determine if the found file is a directory.
BOOL IsDirectory() const;
Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.
A file that is a directory is marked with FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY
a file attribute identified in the WIN32_FIND_DATA
You must call FindNextFile
at least once before calling IsDirectory
See the member function MatchesMask
for a complete list of file attributes.
This small program recurses every directory on the C:\ drive and prints the name of the directory.
void Recurse(LPCTSTR pstr)
CFileFind finder;
// build a string with wildcards
CString strWildcard(pstr);
strWildcard += _T("\\*.*");
// start working for files
BOOL bWorking = finder.FindFile(strWildcard);
while (bWorking)
bWorking = finder.FindNextFile();
// skip . and .. files; otherwise, we'd
// recur infinitely!
if (finder.IsDots())
// if it's a directory, recursively search it
if (finder.IsDirectory())
CString str = finder.GetFilePath();
TRACE(_T("%s\n"), (LPCTSTR)str);
void PrintDirs()
Call this member function to test for the current directory and parent directory markers while iterating through files.
virtual BOOL IsDots() const;
Nonzero if the found file has the name "." or "..", which indicates that the found file is actually a directory. Otherwise 0.
You must call FindNextFile
at least once before calling IsDots
See the example for CFileFind::IsDirectory
Call this member function to determine if the found file is hidden.
BOOL IsHidden() const;
Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.
Hidden files, which are marked with FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN
, a file attribute identified in the WIN32_FIND_DATA
structure. A hidden file is not included in an ordinary directory listing.
You must call FindNextFile
at least once before calling IsHidden
See the member function MatchesMask
for a complete list of file attributes.
See the example for CFileFind::GetLength
Call this member function to determine if the found file is a normal file.
BOOL IsNormal() const;
Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.
, a file attribute identified in the WIN32_FIND_DATA
structure. A normal file has no other attributes set. All other file attributes override this attribute.
You must call FindNextFile
at least once before calling IsNormal
See the member function MatchesMask
for a complete list of file attributes.
See the example for CFileFind::GetLength
Call this member function to determine if the found file is read-only.
BOOL IsReadOnly() const;
Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.
A read-only file is marked with FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY
, a file attribute identified in the WIN32_FIND_DATA
structure. Applications can read such a file, but they cannot write to it or delete it.
You must call FindNextFile
at least once before calling IsReadOnly
See the member function MatchesMask
for a complete list of file attributes.
See the example for CFileFind::GetLength
Call this member function to determine if the found file is a system file.
BOOL IsSystem() const;
Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.
A system file is marked with FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM
, a file attribute identified in the WIN32_FIND_DATA
structure. A system file is part of, or is used exclusively by, the operating system.
You must call FindNextFile
at least once before calling IsSystem
See the member function MatchesMask
for a complete list of file attributes.
See the example for CFileFind::GetLength
Call this member function to determine if the found file is a temporary file.
BOOL IsTemporary() const;
Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.
A temporary file is marked with FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY
, a file attribute identified in the WIN32_FIND_DATA
structure. A temporary file is used for temporary storage. Applications should write to the file only if absolutely necessary. Most of the file's data remains in memory without being flushed to the media because the file will soon be deleted.
You must call FindNextFile
at least once before calling IsTemporary
See the member function MatchesMask
for a complete list of file attributes.
See the example for CFileFind::GetLength
Pointer to a CAtlTransactionManager
CAtlTransactionManager* m_pTM;
Call this member function to test the file attributes on the found file.
virtual BOOL MatchesMask(DWORD dwMask) const;
Specifies one or more file attributes, identified in the WIN32_FIND_DATA
structure, for the found file. To search for multiple attributes, use the bitwise OR (|
) operator. Any combination of the following attributes is acceptable:
The file is an archive file. Applications use this attribute to mark files for backup or removal.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED
The file or directory is compressed. For a file, this means that all of the data in the file is compressed. For a directory, this means that compression is the default for newly created files and subdirectories.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY
The file is a directory.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL
The file has no other attributes set. This attribute is valid only if used alone. All other file attributes override this attribute.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN
The file is hidden. It is not to be included in an ordinary directory listing.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY
The file is read only. Applications can read the file but cannot write to it or delete it.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM
The file is part of or is used exclusively by the operating system.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY
The file is being used for temporary storage. Applications should write to the file only if absolutely necessary. Most of the file's data remains in memory without being flushed to the media because the file will soon be deleted.
Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0. To get extended error information, call the Win32 function GetLastError
You must call FindNextFile
at least once before calling MatchesMask
// This code fragment shows all of the files in the root directory
// of drive C: which have either the hidden attribute or the system
// attribute, or both.
CFileFind finder;
BOOL bWorking = finder.FindFile(_T("C:\\*.*"));
while (bWorking)
bWorking = finder.FindNextFile();
if (finder.MatchesMask(FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN |
_tprintf_s(_T("%s\n"), (LPCTSTR) finder.GetFileName());
Hierarchy Chart