Creates and initializes a single or several simultaneous Internet sessions and, if necessary, describes your connection to a proxy server.
class CInternetSession : public CObject
Name | Description |
CInternetSession::CInternetSession |
Constructs a CInternetSession object. |
Name | Description |
CInternetSession::Close |
Closes the Internet connection when the Internet session is terminated. |
CInternetSession::EnableStatusCallback |
Establishes a status callback routine. |
CInternetSession::GetContext |
Closes the Internet connection when the Internet session is terminated. |
CInternetSession::GetCookie |
Returns cookies for the specified URL and all its parent URLs. |
CInternetSession::GetCookieLength |
Retrieves the variable specifying the length of the cookie stored in the buffer. |
CInternetSession::GetFtpConnection |
Opens an FTP session with a server. Logs on the user. |
CInternetSession::GetGopherConnection |
Opens a gopher server for an application that is trying to open a connection. |
CInternetSession::GetHttpConnection |
Opens an HTTP server for an application that is trying to open a connection. |
CInternetSession::OnStatusCallback |
Updates the status of an operation when status callback is enabled. |
CInternetSession::OpenURL |
Parses and opens a URL. |
CInternetSession::SetCookie |
Sets a cookie for the specified URL. |
CInternetSession::SetOption |
Sets options for the Internet session. |
Name | Description |
CInternetSession::operator HINTERNET |
A handle to the current Internet session. |
If your Internet connection must be maintained for the duration of an application, you can create a CInternetSession
member of the class CWinApp
Once you've established an Internet session, you can call OpenURL
. CInternetSession
then parses the URL for you by calling the global function AfxParseURL
. Regardless of its protocol type, CInternetSession
interprets the URL and manages it for you. It can handle requests for local files identified with the URL resource "file://". OpenURL
will return a pointer to a CStdioFile
object if the name you pass it is a local file.
If you open a URL on an Internet server using OpenURL
, you can read information from the site. If you want to perform service-specific (for example, HTTP, FTP, or gopher) actions on files located on a server, you must establish the appropriate connection with that server. To open a particular kind of connection directly to a particular service, use one of the following member functions:
to open a connection to a gopher service.GetHttpConnection
to open a connection to an HTTP service.GetFtpConnection
to open a connection to an FTP service.
allows you to set the query options of your session, such as time-out values, number of retries, and so on.
member functions SetCookie
, GetCookie
, and GetCookieLength
provide the means to manage a Win32 cookie database, through which servers and scripts maintain state information about the client workstation.
For more information about basic Internet programming tasks, see the article Internet First Steps: WinInet
. For general information about using the MFC WinInet
classes, see the article Internet Programming with WinInet
will throw an AfxThrowNotSupportedException
for unsupported service types. Only the following service types are currently supported: FTP, HTTP, gopher, and file.
Header: afxinet.h
This member function is called when a CInternetSession
object is created.
LPCTSTR pstrAgent = NULL,
DWORD_PTR dwContext = 1,
LPCTSTR pstrProxyName = NULL,
LPCTSTR pstrProxyBypass = NULL,
DWORD dwFlags = 0);
A pointer to a string that identifies the name of the application or entity calling the Internet functions (for example, "Microsoft Internet Browser"). If pstrAgent
(the default), the framework calls the global function AfxGetAppName
, which returns a null-terminated string containing an application's name. Some protocols use this string to identify your application to the server.
The context identifier for the operation. dwContext
identifies the operation's status information returned by CInternetSession::OnStatusCallback
. The default is set to 1; however, you can explicitly assign a specific context ID for the operation. The object and any work it does will be associated with that context ID.
The type of access required. The following are valid values, exactly one of which may be supplied:
Connect using preconfigured settings in the registry. This access type is set as the default. To connect through a TIS proxy, setdwAccessType
to this value; you then set the registry appropriately.INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT
Connect directly to Internet.INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY
Connect through a CERN proxy.
For information on connecting with different types of proxies, see Steps in a Typical FTP Client Application.
The name of the preferred CERN proxy if dwAccessType
. The default is NULL
A pointer to a string containing an optional list of server addresses. These addresses may be bypassed when using proxy access. If a NULL
value is supplied, the bypass list will be read from the registry. This parameter is meaningful only if dwAccessType
Indicates various caching options. The default is set to 0. The possible values include:
Don't cache the data, either locally or in any gateway servers.INTERNET_FLAG_OFFLINE
Download operations are satisfied through the persistent cache only. If the item doesn't exist in the cache, an appropriate error code is returned. This flag may be combined with the bitwise "or" (|
) operator.
is the first Internet function called by an application. It initializes internal data structures and prepares for future calls from the application.
If no Internet connection can be opened, CInternetSession
throws an AfxThrowInternetException
See the example for CFtpFileFind
Call this member function when your application has finished using the CInternetSession
virtual void Close();
See the example for CFtpFileFind
Call this member function to enable status callback.
BOOL EnableStatusCallback(BOOL bEnable = TRUE);
Specifies whether callback is enabled or disabled. The default is TRUE
Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0. If the call fails, determine the cause of the failure by examining the thrown CInternetException
When handling status callback, you can provide status about the progress of the operation (such as resolving name, connecting to server, and so on) in the status bar of the application. Displaying operation status is especially desirable during a long-term operation.
Because callbacks occur during the request's processing, the application should spend as little time as possible in the callback to prevent degradation of data throughput to the network. For example, putting up a dialog box in a callback may be such a lengthy operation that the server terminates the request.
The status callback can't be removed as long as any callbacks are pending.
To handle any operations asynchronously, you must either create your own thread or use the WinInet functions without MFC.
Call this member function to get the context value for a particular application session.
DWORD_PTR GetContext() const;
The application-defined context Identifier.
uses the context ID returned by GetContext
to report the status of a particular application. For example, when a user activates an Internet request that involves returning status information, the status callback uses the context ID to report status on that particular request. If the user activates two separate Internet requests that both involve returning status information, OnStatusCallback
uses the context identifiers to return status about their corresponding requests. Consequently, the context identifier is used for all status callback operations, and it's associated with the session until the session is ended.
For more information about asynchronous operations, see the article Internet First Steps: WinInet.
This member function implements the behavior of the Win32 function InternetGetCookie
, as described in the Windows SDK.
static BOOL GetCookie(
LPCTSTR pstrUrl,
LPCTSTR pstrCookieName,
LPTSTR pstrCookieData,
DWORD dwBufLen);
static BOOL GetCookie(
LPCTSTR pstrUrl,
LPCTSTR pstrCookieName,
CString& strCookieData);
A pointer to a string containing the URL.
A pointer to a string containing the name of the cookie to get for the specified URL.
In the first overload, a pointer to a string containing the address of the buffer that receives the cookie data. This value can be NULL
. In the second overload, a reference to a CString
object to receive the cookie data.
The variable specifying the size of the pstrCookieData
buffer. If the function succeeds, the buffer receives the amount of data copied to the pstrCookieData
buffer. If pstrCookieData
, this parameter receives a value that specifies the size of the buffer necessary to copy all the cookie data.
Returns TRUE
if successful, or FALSE
otherwise. If the call fails, call the Win32 function GetLastError
to determine the cause of the error. The following error values apply:
There's no cookie for the specified URL and all its parents.ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER
The value passed indwBufLen
is insufficient to copy all the cookie data. The value returned indwBufLen
is the size of the buffer necessary to get all the data.
In the second overload, MFC retrieves the cookie data into the supplied CString
Call this member function to get the length of the cookie stored in the buffer.
static DWORD GetCookieLength(
LPCTSTR pstrUrl,
LPCTSTR pstrCookieName);
A pointer to a string containing the URL
A pointer to a string containing the name of the cookie.
value indicating the length of the cookie, stored in the buffer. Zero if no cookie with the name indicated by pstrCookieName
This value is used by GetCookie
Call this member function to establish an FTP connection and get a pointer to a CFtpConnection
CFtpConnection* GetFtpConnection(
LPCTSTR pstrServer,
LPCTSTR pstrUserName = NULL,
LPCTSTR pstrPassword = NULL,
BOOL bPassive = FALSE);
A pointer to a string containing the FTP server name.
Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the name of the user to log in. If NULL
, the default is anonymous.
A pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the password to use to log in. If both pstrPassword
and pstrUserName
are NULL
, the default anonymous password is the user's email name. If pstrPassword
(or an empty string) but pstrUserName
isn't NULL
, a blank password is used. The following table describes the behavior for the four possible settings of pstrUserName
and pstrPassword
pstrUserName |
pstrPassword |
Username sent to FTP server | Password sent to FTP server |
NULL or " " |
NULL or " " |
"anonymous" |
User's email name |
Non-NULL String |
NULL or " " |
pstrUserName |
" " |
Non-NULL String |
Non-NULL String |
Non-NULL String |
pstrUserName |
pstrPassword |
A number that identifies the TCP/IP port to use on the server.
Specifies passive or active mode for this FTP session. If set to TRUE
, it sets the Win32 API dwFlag
A pointer to a CFtpConnection
object. If the call fails, determine the cause of the failure by examining the thrown CInternetException
connects to an FTP server, and creates and returns a pointer to a CFTPConnection
object. It doesn't perform any specific operation on the server. If you intend to read or write to files, for example, you must perform those operations as separate steps. See the classes CFtpConnection
and CFtpFileFind
for information about searching for files, opening files, and reading or writing to files. See the article Internet Programming with WinInet for steps in performing common FTP connection tasks.
See the example for CFtpFileFind
Call this member function to establish a new gopher connection and get a pointer to a CGopherConnection
CGopherConnection* GetGopherConnection(
LPCTSTR pstrServer,
LPCTSTR pstrUserName = NULL,
LPCTSTR pstrPassword = NULL,
A pointer to a string containing the gopher server name.
A pointer to a string containing the user name.
A pointer to a string containing the access password.
A number that identifies the TCP/IP port to use on the server.
A pointer to a CGopherConnection
object. If the call fails, determine the cause of the failure by examining the thrown CInternetException
connects to a gopher server, and creates and returns a pointer to a CGopherConnection
object. It doesn't perform any specific operation on the server. If you intend to read or write data, for example, you must perform those operations as separate steps. See the classes CGopherConnection
, CGopherFile
, and CGopherFileFind
for information about searching for files, opening files, and reading or writing to files. For information about browsing an FTP site, see the member function OpenURL
. See the article Internet Programming with WinInet for steps in performing common gopher connection tasks.
Call this member function to establish an HTTP connection and get a pointer to a CHttpConnection
CHttpConnection* GetHttpConnection(
LPCTSTR pstrServer,
LPCTSTR pstrUserName = NULL,
LPCTSTR pstrPassword = NULL);
CHttpConnection* GetHttpConnection(
LPCTSTR pstrServer,
DWORD dwFlags,
LPCTSTR pstrUserName = NULL,
LPCTSTR pstrPassword = NULL);
A pointer to a string containing the HTTP server name.
A number that identifies the TCP/IP port to use on the server.
A pointer to a string containing the user name.
A pointer to a string containing the access password.
Any combination of the INTERNET_FLAG_*
flags. See the table in the Remarks section of CHttpConnection::OpenRequest
for a description of dwFlags
A pointer to a CHttpConnection
object. If the call fails, determine the cause of the failure by examining the thrown CInternetException
connects to an HTTP server, and creates and returns a pointer to a CHttpConnection
object. It doesn't perform any specific operation on the server. If you intend to query an HTTP header, for example, you must perform this operation as a separate step. See the classes CHttpConnection
and CHttpFile
for information about operations you can perform by using a connection to an HTTP server. For information about browsing an HTTP site, see the member function OpenURL
. See the article Internet Programming with WinInet for steps in performing common HTTP connection tasks.
This member function is called by the framework to update the status when status callback is enabled and an operation is pending.
virtual void OnStatusCallback(
DWORD_PTR dwContext,
DWORD dwInternetStatus,
LPVOID lpvStatusInformation,
DWORD dwStatusInformationLength);
The context value supplied by the application.
A status code that indicates why the callback is being made. See Remarks for a table of possible values.
A pointer to a buffer containing information pertinent to this callback.
The size of lpvStatusInformation
You must first call EnableStatusCallback
to take advantage of status callback.
The dwInternetStatus
parameter indicates the operation being performed and determines what the contents of lpvStatusInformation
will be. dwStatusInformationLength
indicates the length of the data included in lpvStatusInformation
. The following status values for dwInternetStatus
are defined as follows:
Value | Meaning |
Looking up the IP address of the name contained in lpvStatusInformation . |
Successfully found the IP address of the name contained in lpvStatusInformation . |
Connecting to the socket address (SOCKADDR ) pointed to by lpvStatusInformation . |
Successfully connected to the socket address (SOCKADDR ) pointed to by lpvStatusInformation . |
Sending the information request to the server. The lpvStatusInformation parameter is NULL . |
Successfully sent the information request to the server. The lpvStatusInformation parameter is NULL . |
Waiting for the server to respond to a request. The lpvStatusInformation parameter is NULL . |
Successfully received a response from the server. The lpvStatusInformation parameter is NULL . |
Closing the connection to the server. The lpvStatusInformation parameter is NULL . |
Successfully closed the connection to the server. The lpvStatusInformation parameter is NULL . |
Used by the Win32 API function InternetConnect to indicate that it has created the new handle. This lets the application call the Win32 function InternetCloseHandle from another thread if the connect is taking too long. See the Windows SDKfor more information about these functions. |
Successfully terminated this handle value. |
Override this member function to require some action before a status callback routine is performed.
Status callbacks need thread-state protection. If you are using MFC in a shared library, add the following line to the beginning of your override:
For more information about asynchronous operations, see the article Internet First Steps: WinInet.
Call this member function to send the specified request to the HTTP server and allow the client to specify additional RFC822, MIME, or HTTP headers to send along with the request.
CStdioFile* OpenURL(
DWORD_PTR dwContext = 1,
LPCTSTR pstrHeaders = NULL,
DWORD dwHeadersLength = 0);
A pointer to the name of the URL to begin reading. Only URLs beginning with file:
, ftp:
, gopher:
, or http:
are supported. Asserts if pstrURL
An application-defined value passed with the returned handle in callback.
The flags describing how to handle this connection. See Remarks for more information about the valid flags. The valid flags are:
The default. Transfer the file as ASCII text.INTERNET_FLAG_TRANSFER_BINARY
Transfer the file as a binary file.INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD
Get the data from the wire even if it's locally cached.INTERNET_FLAG_DONT_CACHE
Don't cache the data, either locally or in any gateways.INTERNET_FLAG_SECURE
This flag is applicable to HTTP requests only. It requests secure transactions on the wire with Secure Sockets Layer or PCT.INTERNET_OPEN_FLAG_USE_EXISTING_CONNECT
If possible, reuse the existing connections to the server for new requests generated byOpenUrl
instead of creating a new session for each connection request.INTERNET_FLAG_PASSIVE
Used for an FTP site. Uses passive FTP semantics. Used withCInternetConnection
A pointer to a string containing the headers to be sent to the HTTP server.
The length, in characters, of the additional headers. If this is -1L
and pstrHeaders
is non-NULL
, then pstrHeaders
is assumed to be zero terminated and the length is calculated.
Returns a file handle for FTP, GOPHER, HTTP, and FILE-type Internet services only. Returns NULL
if parsing was unsuccessful.
The pointer that OpenURL
returns depends on pstrURL
's type of service. The table below illustrates the possible pointers OpenURL
can return.
URL type | Returns |
file:// |
CStdioFile* |
http:// |
CHttpFile* |
gopher:// |
CGopherFile* |
ftp:// |
CInternetFile* |
The parameter dwFlags
, but not both. The remaining flags can be combined with the bitwise "or" (|
) operator.
, which wraps the Win32 function InternetOpenURL
, allows only downloading, retrieving, and reading the data from an Internet server. OpenURL
allows no file manipulation on a remote location, so it requires no CInternetConnection
To use connection-specific (that is, protocol-specific) functions, such as writing to a file, you must open a session, then open a particular kind of connection, then use that connection to open a file in the desired mode. See CInternetConnection
for more information about connection-specific functions.
Use this operator to get the Windows handle for the current Internet session.
operator HINTERNET() const;
Sets a cookie for the specified URL.
static BOOL SetCookie(
LPCTSTR pstrUrl,
LPCTSTR pstrCookieName,
LPCTSTR pstrCookieData);
A pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the URL for which the cookie should be set.
A pointer to a string containing the name of the cookie.
A pointer to a string containing the actual string data to associate with the URL.
Returns TRUE
if successful, or FALSE
otherwise. To get the specific error code, call GetLastError
This member function implements the behavior of the Win32 message InternetSetCookie
, as described in the Windows SDK.
Call this member function to set options for the Internet session.
BOOL SetOption(
DWORD dwOption,
LPVOID lpBuffer,
DWORD dwBufferLength,
DWORD dwFlags = 0);
BOOL SetOption(
DWORD dwOption,
DWORD dwValue,
DWORD dwFlags = 0);
The Internet option to set. See Option Flags in the Windows SDK for a list of the possible options.
A buffer that contains the option setting.
The length of lpBuffer
or the size of dwValue
that contains the option setting.
Indicates various caching options. The default is set to 0. The possible values include:
Don't cache the data, either locally or in any gateway servers.INTERNET_FLAG_OFFLINE
Download operations are satisfied through the persistent cache only. If the item doesn't exist in the cache, an appropriate error code is returned. This flag may be combined with the bitwise "or" (|
) operator.
If the operation was successful, a value of TRUE
is returned. If an error occurred, a value of FALSE
is returned. If the call fails, the Win32 function GetLastError
may be called to determine the cause of the error.
Hierarchy Chart