COleDocObjectItem Class
Implements Active document containment.
class COleDocObjectItem : public COleClientItem
Name | Description |
COleDocObjectItem::COleDocObjectItem | Constructs a COleDocObject item. |
Name | Description |
COleDocObjectItem::DoDefaultPrinting | Prints the container application's document using the default printer settings. |
COleDocObjectItem::ExecCommand | Executes the command specified by the user. |
COleDocObjectItem::GetActiveView | Retrieves the document's active view. |
COleDocObjectItem::GetPageCount | Retrieves the number of pages in the container application's document. |
COleDocObjectItem::OnPreparePrinting | Prepares the container application's document for printing. |
COleDocObjectItem::OnPrint | Prints the container application's document. |
COleDocObjectItem::QueryCommand | Queries for the status of one or more commands generated by user interface events. |
COleDocObjectItem::Release | Releases the connection to an OLE linked item and closes it if it was open. Does not destroy the client item. |
In MFC, an Active document is handled similarly to a regular, in-place editable embedding, with the following differences:
-derived class still maintains a list of the currently embedded items; however, these items may beCOleDocObjectItem
-derived items.When an active document is active, it occupies the entire client area of the view when it is in-place active.
An Active document container has full control of the Help menu.
The Help menu contains menu items for both the Active document container and server.
Because the Active document container owns the Help menu, the container is responsible for forwarding server Help menu messages to the server. This integration is handled by COleDocObjectItem
For more information on menu merging and Active document activation, see Overview of Active Document Containment.
Header: afxole.h
Call this member function to initialize the COleDocObjectItem
COleDocObjectItem(COleDocument* pContainerDoc = NULL);
A pointer to the COleDocument
object acting as the active document container. This parameter must be NULL to enable IMPLEMENT_SERIALIZE. Normally OLE items are constructed with a non- NULL document pointer.
Called by the framework to a document using the default settings.
static HRESULT DoDefaultPrinting(
CView* pCaller,
CPrintInfo* pInfo);
A pointer to a CView object that is sending the print command.
A pointer to a CPrintInfo object that describes the job to be printed.
Call this member function to execute the command specified by the user.
HRESULT ExecCommand(
const GUID* pguidCmdGroup = NULL);
The identifier of the command to execute. Must be in the group identified by pguidCmdGroup.
Specifies command-execution options. By default, set to execute the command without prompting the user. See OLECMDEXECOPT for a list of values.
Unique identifier of the command group. By default, NULL, which specifies the standard group. The command passed in nCmdID must belong to the group.
Returns S_OK if successful; otherwise,returns one of the following error codes.
Value | Description |
E_UNEXPECTED | Unexpected error occurred. |
E_FAIL | Error occurred. |
E_NOTIMPL | Indicates MFC itself should attempt to translate and dispatch the command. |
OLECMDERR_E_UNKNOWNGROUP | pguidCmdGroup is non- NULL but does not specify a recognized command group. |
OLECMDERR_E_NOTSUPPORTED | nCmdID is not recognized as a valid command in the group pGroup. |
OLECMDERR_DISABLED | The command identified by nCmdID is disabled and cannot be executed. |
OLECMDERR_NOHELP | Caller asked for help on the command identified by nCmdID but no help is available. |
OLECMDERR_CANCELLED | User canceled the execution. |
The pguidCmdGroup and the nCmdID parameters together uniquely identify the command to invoke. The nCmdExecOpt parameter specifies the exact action to take.
Call this member function to get a pointer to the IOleDocumentView
interface of the currently active view.
LPOLEDOCUMENTVIEW GetActiveView() const;
A pointer to the IOleDocumentView interface of the currently active view. If there is no current view, it returns NULL.
The reference count on the returned IOleDocumentView
pointer is not incremented before it is returned by this function.
Call this member function to retrieve the number of pages in the document.
BOOL GetPageCount(
LPLONG pnFirstPage,
LPLONG pcPages);
A pointer to the number of the document's first page. Can be NULL, which indicates the caller doesn't need this number.
A pointer to the total number of pages in the document. Can be NULL, which indicates the caller doesn't need this number.
Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.
This member function is called by the framework to prepare a document for printing.
static BOOL OnPreparePrinting(
CView* pCaller,
CPrintInfo* pInfo,
BOOL bPrintAll = TRUE);
A pointer to a CView object that is sending the print command.
A pointer to a CPrintInfo object that describes the job to be printed.
Specifies whether the entire document is to be printed.
Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.
This member function is called by the framework to print a document.
static void OnPrint(
CView* pCaller,
CPrintInfo* pInfo,
BOOL bPrintAll = TRUE);
A pointer to a CView object that is sending the print command.
A pointer to a CPrintInfo object that describes the job to be printed.
Specifies whether the entire document is to be printed.
Queries for the status of one or more commands generated by user interface events.
HRESULT QueryCommand(
DWORD* pdwStatus,
const GUID* pguidCmdGroup =NULL);
identifier of the command being queried for.
A pointer to the flags returned as a result of the query. For a list of possible values, see OLECMDF.
Pointer to an OLECMDTEXT structure in which to return name and status information for a single command. Can be NULL to indicate that the caller does not need this information.
Unique identifier of the command group; can be NULL to specify the standard group.
For a complete listing of return values, see IOleCommandTarget::QueryStatus in the Windows SDK.
This member function emulates the functionality of the IOleCommandTarget::QueryStatus method, as described in the Windows SDK.
Releases the connection to an OLE linked item and closes it if it was open. Does not destroy the client item.
virtual void Release(OLECLOSE dwCloseOption = OLECLOSE_NOSAVE);
Flag specifying under what circumstances the OLE item is saved when it returns to the loaded state. For a list of possible values, see COleClientItem::Close.
Does not destroy the client item.
COleClientItem Class
Hierarchy Chart
COleClientItem Class
CDocObjectServerItem Class