COleUpdateDialog Class
Used for a special case of the OLE Edit Links dialog box, which should be used when you need to update only existing linked or embedded objects in a document.
class COleUpdateDialog : public COleLinksDialog
Name | Description |
COleUpdateDialog::COleUpdateDialog | Constructs a COleUpdateDialog object. |
Name | Description |
COleUpdateDialog::DoModal | Displays the Edit Links dialog box in an update mode. |
For more information regarding OLE-specific dialog boxes, see the article Dialog Boxes in OLE.
Header: afxodlgs.h
Constructs a COleUpdateDialog
explicit COleUpdateDialog(
COleDocument* pDoc,
BOOL bUpdateLinks = TRUE,
BOOL bUpdateEmbeddings = FALSE,
CWnd* pParentWnd = NULL);
Points to the document containing the links that may need updating.
Flag that determines whether linked objects are to be updated.
Flag that determines whether embedded objects are to be updated.
Points to the parent or owner window object (of type CWnd
) to which the dialog object belongs. If it is NULL, the parent window of the dialog box will be set to the main application window.
This function constructs only a COleUpdateDialog
object. To display the dialog box, call DoModal. This class should be used instead of COleLinksDialog
when you want to update only existing linked or embedded items.
Displays the Edit Links dialog box in update mode.
virtual INT_PTR DoModal();
Completion status for the dialog box. One of the following values:
IDOK if the dialog box returned successfully.
IDCANCEL if none of the linked or embedded items in the current document need updating.
IDABORT if an error occurred. If IDABORT is returned, call the COleDialog::GetLastError member function to get more information about the type of error that occurred. For a listing of possible errors, see the OleUIEditLinks function in the Windows SDK.
All links and/or embeddings are updated unless the user selects the Cancel button.
COleLinksDialog Class
Hierarchy Chart
COleLinksDialog Class