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<hash_map> operators

operator!= (multimap)
operator== (multimap)



This API is obsolete. The alternative is unordered_map Class.

Tests if the hash_map object on the left side of the operator is not equal to the hash_map object on the right side.

bool operator!=(const hash_map <Key, Type, Traits, Allocator>& left, const hash_map <Key, Type, Traits, Allocator>& right);


An object of type hash_map.

An object of type hash_map.

Return Value

true if the hash_maps are not equal; false if hash_maps are equal.


The comparison between hash_map objects is based on a pairwise comparison of their elements. Two hash_maps are equal if they have the same number of elements and their respective elements have the same values. Otherwise, they are unequal.

Members of the <hash_map> and <hash_set> header files in the stdext Namespace.


// hash_map_op_ne.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <hash_map>
#include <iostream>

int main( )
   using namespace std;
   using namespace stdext;
   hash_map <int, int> hm1, hm2, hm3;
   int i;
   typedef pair <int, int> Int_Pair;

   for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
      hm1.insert ( Int_Pair ( i, i ) );
      hm2.insert ( Int_Pair ( i, i * i ) );
      hm3.insert ( Int_Pair ( i, i ) );

   if ( hm1 != hm2 )
      cout << "The hash_maps hm1 and hm2 are not equal." << endl;
      cout << "The hash_maps hm1 and hm2 are equal." << endl;

   if ( hm1 != hm3 )
      cout << "The hash_maps hm1 and hm3 are not equal." << endl;
      cout << "The hash_maps hm1 and hm3 are equal." << endl;
The hash_maps hm1 and hm2 are not equal.
The hash_maps hm1 and hm3 are equal.



This API is obsolete. The alternative is unordered_map Class.

Tests if the hash_map object on the left side of the operator is equal to the hash_map object on the right side.

bool operator==(const hash_map <Key, Type, Traits, Allocator>& left, const hash_map <Key, Type, Traits, Allocator>& right);


An object of type hash_map.

An object of type hash_map.

Return Value

true if the hash_map on the left side of the operator is equal to the hash_map on the right side of the operator; otherwise false.


The comparison between hash_map objects is based on a pairwise comparison of their elements. Two hash_maps are equal if they have the same number of elements and their respective elements have the same values. Otherwise, they are unequal.


// hash_map_op_eq.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <hash_map>
#include <iostream>

int main( )
   using namespace std;
   using namespace stdext;
   hash_map <int, int> hm1, hm2, hm3;
   int i;
   typedef pair <int, int> Int_Pair;

   for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
      hm1.insert ( Int_Pair ( i, i ) );
      hm2.insert ( Int_Pair ( i, i * i ) );
      hm3.insert ( Int_Pair ( i, i ) );

   if ( hm1 == hm2 )
      cout << "The hash_maps hm1 and hm2 are equal." << endl;
      cout << "The hash_maps hm1 and hm2 are not equal." << endl;

   if ( hm1 == hm3 )
      cout << "The hash_maps hm1 and hm3 are equal." << endl;
      cout << "The hash_maps hm1 and hm3 are not equal." << endl;
The hash_maps hm1 and hm2 are not equal.
The hash_maps hm1 and hm3 are equal.

operator!= (hash_multimap)


This API is obsolete. The alternative is unordered_multimap Class.

Tests if the hash_multimap object on the left side of the operator is not equal to the hash_multimap object on the right side.

bool operator!=(const hash_multimap <Key, Type, Traits, Allocator>& left, const hash_multimap <Key, Type, Traits, Allocator>& right);


An object of type hash_multimap.

An object of type hash_multimap.

Return Value

true if the hash_multimaps are not equal; false if hash_multimaps are equal.


The comparison between hash_multimap objects is based on a pairwise comparison of their elements. Two hash_multimaps are equal if they have the same number of elements and their respective elements have the same values. Otherwise, they are unequal.


// hash_multimap_op_ne.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <hash_map>
#include <iostream>

int main( )
   using namespace std;
   using namespace stdext;
   hash_multimap <int, int> hm1, hm2, hm3;
   int i;
   typedef pair <int, int> Int_Pair;

   for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
      hm1.insert ( Int_Pair ( i, i ) );
      hm2.insert ( Int_Pair ( i, i * i ) );
      hm3.insert ( Int_Pair ( i, i ) );

   if ( hm1 != hm2 )
      cout << "The hash_multimaps hm1 and hm2 are not equal." << endl;
      cout << "The hash_multimaps hm1 and hm2 are equal." << endl;

   if ( hm1 != hm3 )
      cout << "The hash_multimaps hm1 and hm3 are not equal." << endl;
      cout << "The hash_multimaps hm1 and hm3 are equal." << endl;
The hash_multimaps hm1 and hm2 are not equal.
The hash_multimaps hm1 and hm3 are equal.

operator== (hash_multimap)


This API is obsolete. The alternative is unordered_multimap Class.

Tests if the hash_multimap object on the left side of the operator is equal to the hash_multimap object on the right side.

bool operator==(const hash_multimap <Key, Type, Traits, Allocator>& left, const hash_multimap <Key, Type, Traits, Allocator>& right);


An object of type hash_multimap.

An object of type hash_multimap.

Return Value

true if the hash_multimap on the left side of the operator is equal to the hash_multimap on the right side of the operator; otherwise false.


The comparison between hash_multimap objects is based on a pairwise comparison of their elements. Two hash_multimaps are equal if they have the same number of elements and their respective elements have the same values. Otherwise, they are unequal.


// hash_multimap_op_eq.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <hash_map>
#include <iostream>

int main( )
   using namespace std;
   using namespace stdext;
   hash_multimap<int, int> hm1, hm2, hm3;
   int i;
   typedef pair<int, int> Int_Pair;

   for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
      hm1.insert(Int_Pair(i, i));
      hm2.insert(Int_Pair(i, i*i));
      hm3.insert(Int_Pair(i, i));

   if ( hm1 == hm2 )
      cout << "The hash_multimaps hm1 and hm2 are equal." << endl;
      cout << "The hash_multimaps hm1 and hm2 are not equal." << endl;

   if ( hm1 == hm3 )
      cout << "The hash_multimaps hm1 and hm3 are equal." << endl;
      cout << "The hash_multimaps hm1 and hm3 are not equal." << endl;
The hash_multimaps hm1 and hm2 are not equal.
The hash_multimaps hm1 and hm3 are equal.

See also
