We’ve designed certification exam accommodations to support candidates while maintaining our high standards.
Request accommodations before you schedule an exam.
It can take up to 20 days to process and schedule an accommodation request (online or in person). Be sure to plan ahead so we can ensure a positive exam experience.
What types of accommodations are considered?
We often approve accommodations for:
extra time for learning disabilities, ADHD, PTSD, or test anxiety
use of assistive technology
a personal care assistant, reader, and/or scribe to be present during the exam
limited ability to rearrange your home test environment to meet security standards
If you’re a first-time user, click New User Registration and follow the steps to create your account.
You will receive an activation email (click once on the link in the email).
Log into the system and click the “Start a new request here” button.
Provide the information requested at each step.
Upload any supporting documents, if required.
Click the “Submit” button.
You will receive an email confirming your request.
It may take up to 10 business days for disability experts to review your request. You will receive an email when the review is complete informing you of the decision.
If your request is approved, the email will include instructions for scheduling your exam with accommodations.
Not sure what to expect on the exam? If you use assistive devices or keyboard shortcuts, the exam sandbox will help you understand how assistive devices can be used in the exam interface, as well as how the keyboard can be used to navigate through the exam. Go directly to the English exam sandbox, or learn more about the exam sandbox, and find links to localized language sandbox experiences, by visiting: Prepare for an exam.
You can always appeal if your accommodation is denied. To appeal a denial:
Click the “Request an Appeal” button on the bottom of Step 6 on your request in the Pearson VUE request system. This will place an appeal form in the “My Forms” section of the page.
Download and complete the appeal form and upload it into the “My Documents” section of Step 6.
Upload additional documents by selecting the “Upload Additional Documents” button in Step 6. If you provided documentation with your original request, the decision letter will contain details on what information was missing. If you didn’t provide documentation with the original request, consider doing so as part of your appeal.
Click the “Submit” button at the bottom of the page. Your appeal will be carefully reviewed by disability experts.