Applies to: Calculated column Calculated table Measure Visual calculation

Pairs rollup groups with the column added by ROLLUPADDISSUBTOTAL. This function can only be used within an ADDMISSINGITEMS expression.


ROLLUPISSUBTOTAL ( [<grandTotalFilter>], <groupBy_columnName>, <isSubtotal_columnName> [, [<groupLevelFilter>] [, <groupBy_columnName>, <isSubtotal_columnName> [, [<groupLevelFilter>] [, … ] ] ] ] )


Term Definition
grandTotalFilter (Optional) Filter to be applied to the grandtotal level.
groupBy_columnName Name of an existing column used to create summary groups based on the values found in it. Cannot be an expression.
isSubtotal_columnName Name of an ISSUBTOTAL column. The values of the column are calculated using the ISSUBTOTAL function.
groupLevelFilter (Optional) Filter to be applied to the current level.

Return value



This function can only be used within an ADDMISSINGITEMS expression.