Fetch - Alerts API

Run the GET request to fetch the alert matching the specified primary key.

HTTP request

GET /api/v1/alerts/<pk>/

Request URL parameters

Parameter Description
pk The ID of the alert



Here is an example of the request.

curl -XGET -H "Authorization:Token <your_token_key>" "https://<tenant_id>.<tenant_region>.portal.cloudappsecurity.com/api/v1/alerts/<pk>/"


Returns the specified alert in JSON format. For detailed information on each property, refer to the alert properties specifications.

  "_id": "603f704aaf7417985bbf3b22",
  "contextId": "206e2965-6533-48a6-ba9e-794364a84bf9",
  "description": "Contoso user performed 11 suspicious activities MITRE Technique used Account Discovery (T1087) and subtechnique used Domain Account (T1087.002)",
  "entities": [
      "entityRole": "Source",
      "entityType": 2,
      "id": "6204bdaf-ad46-4e99-a25d-374a0532c666",
      "inst": 0,
      "label": "user1",
      "pa": "user1@contoso.com",
      "type": "account"
      "entityRole": "Related",
      "id": "55017817-27af-49a7-93d6-8af6c5030fdb",
      "label": "DC3",
      "type": "device"
      "id": 20940,
      "label": "Active Directory",
      "type": "service"
      "entityRole": "Related",
      "id": "95c59b48-98c1-40ff-a444-d9040f1f68f2",
      "label": "DC4",
      "type": "device"
      "id": "5bfd18bfab73c36ba10d38ca",
      "label": "Honeytoken activity",
      "policyType": "ANOMALY_DETECTION",
      "type": "policyRule"
      "entityRole": "Source",
      "id": "34f3ecc9-6903-4df7-af79-14fe2d0d4553",
      "label": "Client1",
      "type": "device"
      "entityRole": "Related",
      "id": "d68772fe-1171-4124-9f73-0f410340bd54",
      "label": "DC1",
      "type": "device"
      "type": "groupTag",
      "id": "5f759b4d106abbe4a504ea5d",
      "label": "All Users"
  "idValue": 15795464,
  "isSystemAlert": false,
  "resolutionStatusValue": 0,
  "severityValue": 1,
  "statusValue": 1,
  "stories": [
  "threatScore": 34,
  "timestamp": 1621941916475,
  "title": "Honeytoken activity",
  "comment": "",
  "handledByUser": "administrator@contoso.com",
 "resolveTime": "2021-05-13T14:02:34.904Z",
  "URL": "https://contoso.portal.cloudappsecurity.com/#/alerts/603f704aaf7417985bbf3b22"

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