Welcome to the Microsoft Defender for Office 365 step-by-step guides

Microsoft Defender for Office 365 is a powerful product with many capabilities. Along with that comes much documentation and detail. But sometimes you have to get a task completed quickly. That's when you need a step-by-step guide.

These step-by-step guides help administrators configure and use Microsoft Defender for Office 365 by reducing distracting information like how a feature might work, and other details not directly linked to completing a process. The guides focus on specific steps to perform a task, and reduce the time taken for admins to test a feature and secure an organization.

If you learn Microsoft products best by doing, the step-by-step guides will jumpstart configuration and testing. They're as useful for setup in a trial subscription as they are in production.


Try the Defender for Office 365 setup guide for step-by-step instructions that are tenant-aware and customized to your organization's needs. This setup guide helps you implement anti-malware policies, anti-phishing policies, safe attachments, and more.

Why use Microsoft Defender for Office 365 step-by-step guides


Admins need to be on top of prevention, detection, investigation and hunting, response and remediation, and user training to position their organization securely. The step-by-step guides touch on all of these areas so that admins can set up trials, launch quickly into production, and configure in minutes.

This graphic illustrates the areas that admins need to master in order to properly secure their organization. The step-by-step guides touch on all of these areas, so that admins can set up trials, launch quickly, and configure production in minutes.

Beyond links to the documentation, the step-by-step guides don't concern themselves with product details (the docs around Microsoft Defender for Office 365 are thorough for when you need them).

Instead, these guides are streamlined for learning by doing, testing, and running experiments. They're ideal for trial subscriptions, and allow admins and security operators to deploy the same logic in production.


Documentation in this format can be found under the step-by-step section in Office 365 Security. Visit the docs by using aka.ms/step-by-step.

If there's a topic, task or config you'd like to see in this format, please let us know by leaving feedback. Thank you!