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The report shows graphs and bar charts with vulnerable device trends and current statistics. The goal is for you to understand the breath and scope of your device exposure.
Access the report in the Microsoft Defender portal by going to Reports > Vulnerable devices
There are two columns:
Trends (over time). Can show the past 30 days, 3 months, 6 months, or a custom date range.
Status (current information)
Filter: You can filter the data by vulnerability severity levels, exploit availability, vulnerability age, operating system platform, Windows 10 or Windows 11 version, or device group.
Drill down: If there is an insight you want to explore further, select the relevant bar chart to view a filtered list of devices in the Device inventory page. From there, you can export the list.
Severity level graphs
Each device is counted only once according to the most severe vulnerability found on that device.
Exploit availability graphs
Each device is counted only once based on the highest level of known exploit.
Vulnerability age graphs
Each device is counted only once under the oldest vulnerability publication date. Older vulnerabilities have a higher chance of being exploited.
Vulnerable devices by operating system platform graphs
The number of devices on each operating system that are exposed due to software vulnerabilities.
Vulnerable devices by Windows version graphs
The number of devices on each Windows 10 or Windows 11 version that are exposed due to vulnerable applications or OS.