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Policy filters for the Enterprise personal browser

The Enterprise personal browser (MSA profile) is a lightly managed profile on managed devices that will automatically inherit admin policies from the Work browser (Microsoft Entra profile) for the following categories:

  • Security
  • Data Compliance
  • Microsoft Edge Update

The work browser policies in the following section aren't available for the Enterprise personal browser (MSA profile).

Work browser policies

The following policies only apply to the Microsoft Edge work browser profile.

Policy Name Caption
AddressBarMicrosoftSearchInBingProviderEnabled Enable Microsoft Search in Bing suggestions in the address bar
AdsSettingForIntrusiveAdsSites Ads setting for sites with intrusive ads
AdsTransparencyEnabled Configure if the ads transparency feature is enabled
AllowDeletingBrowserHistory Enable deleting browser and download history
AllowGamesMenu Allow users to access the games menu (deprecated)
AllowSurfGame Allow surf game
AllowTrackingForUrls Configure tracking prevention exceptions for specific sites
AllowedDomainsForApps Define domains allowed to access Google Workspace
AlternateErrorPagesEnabled Suggest similar pages when a webpage can't be found
AlwaysOpenPdfExternally Always open PDF files externally
AutofillAddressEnabled Enable AutoFill for addresses
AutofillCreditCardEnabled Enable AutoFill for payment instruments
AutofillMembershipsEnabled Save and fill memberships
AutomaticDownloadsAllowedForUrls Allow multiple automatic downloads in quick succession on specific sites
AutoplayAllowed Allow media autoplay for websites
AutoplayAllowlist Allow media autoplay on specific sites
BlockExternalExtensions Blocks external extensions from being installed
BrowserNetworkTimeQueriesEnabled Allow queries to a Browser Network Time service
ClipboardAllowedForUrls Allow clipboard use on specific sites
CollectionsServicesAndExportsBlockList Block access to a specified list of services and export targets in Collections
ComposeInlineEnabled Compose is enabled for writing on the web
ConfigureDoNotTrack Configure Do Not Track
ConfigureFriendlyURLFormat Configure the default paste format of URLs copied from Microsoft Edge, and determine if additional formats will be available to users
ConfigureKeyboardShortcuts Configure the list of commands for which to disable keyboard shortcuts
ConfigureOnlineTextToSpeech Configure Online Text To Speech
ConfigureShare Configure the Share experience
ControlDefaultStateOfAllowExtensionFromOtherStoresSettingEnabled Configure default state of Allow extensions from other stores setting
CryptoWalletEnabled Enable CryptoWallet feature
CustomHelpLink Specify custom help link
DefaultAutomaticDownloadsSetting Default automatic downloads setting
DefaultImagesSetting Default images setting
DefaultInsecureContentSetting Control use of insecure content exceptions
DefaultJavaScriptJitSetting Control use of JavaScript JIT
DefaultJavaScriptSetting Default JavaScript setting
DefaultNotificationsSetting Default notification setting
DefaultPopupsSetting Default pop-up window setting
DefaultPrinterSelection Default printer selection rules
DefaultSearchProviderContextMenuAccessAllowed Allow default search provider context menu search access
DefaultSearchProviderEnabled Enable the default search provider
DefaultSearchProviderEncodings Default search provider encodings
DefaultSearchProviderImageURL Specifies the search-by-image feature for the default search provider
DefaultSearchProviderImageURLPostParams Parameters for an image URL that uses POST
DefaultSearchProviderKeyword Default search provider keyword
DefaultSearchProviderName Default search provider name
DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL Default search provider search URL
DefaultSearchProviderSuggestURL Default search provider URL for suggestions
DefinePreferredLanguages Define an ordered list of preferred languages that websites should display in if the site supports the language
DelayNavigationsForInitialSiteListDownload Require that the Enterprise Mode Site List is available before tab navigation
DeveloperToolsAvailability Control where developer tools can be used
Disable3DAPIs Disable support for 3D graphics APIs
DiscoverPageContextEnabled Enable Discover access to page contents for Microsoft Entra profiles
DoNotSilentlyBlockProtocolsFromOrigins Define a list of protocols that can not be silently blocked by anti-flood protection
DoubleClickCloseTabEnabled Double Click feature in Microsoft Edge enabled (only available in China)
DownloadDirectory Set download directory
DownloadRestrictions Allow download restrictions
EdgeAssetDeliveryServiceEnabled Allow features to download assets from the Asset Delivery Service
EdgeCollectionsEnabled Enable the Collections feature
EdgeEDropEnabled Enable Drop feature in Microsoft Edge
EdgeEnhanceImagesEnabled Enhance images enabled
EdgeFollowEnabled Enable Follow service in Microsoft Edge
EdgeShoppingAssistantEnabled Shopping in Microsoft Edge Enabled
EdgeWalletCheckoutEnabled Enable Wallet Checkout feature
EdgeWorkspacesEnabled Enable Workspaces
EditFavoritesEnabled Allows users to edit favorites
EnableMediaRouter Enable Google Cast
EnterpriseHardwarePlatformAPIEnabled Allow managed extensions to use the Enterprise Hardware Platform API
EnterpriseModeSiteListManagerAllowed Allow access to the Enterprise Mode Site List Manager tool
EventPathEnabled Re-enable the Event.path API until Microsoft Edge version 115 (obsolete)
ExtensionAllowedTypes Configure allowed extension types
ExtensionInstallAllowlist Allow specific extensions to be installed
ExtensionInstallBlocklist Control which extensions cannot be installed
ExtensionSettings Configure extension management settings
ExternalProtocolDialogShowAlwaysOpenCheckbox Show an "Always open" checkbox in external protocol dialog
FavoritesBarEnabled Enable favorites bar
FetchKeepaliveDurationSecondsOnShutdown Fetch keepalive duration on shutdown
ForceEphemeralProfiles Enable use of ephemeral profiles
ForceMajorVersionToMinorPositionInUserAgent Enable or disable freezing the User-Agent string at major version 99
ForceSync Force synchronization of browser data and do not show the sync consent prompt
ForceSyncTypes Configure the list of types that are included for synchronization
ForceYouTubeRestrict Force minimum YouTube Restricted Mode
FullscreenAllowed Allow full screen mode
GloballyScopeHTTPAuthCacheEnabled Enable globally scoped HTTP auth cache
HomepageIsNewTabPage Set the new tab page as the home page
HomepageLocation Configure the home page URL
HubsSidebarEnabled Show Hubs Sidebar
ImagesAllowedForUrls Allow images on these sites
ImagesBlockedForUrls Block images on specific sites
ImmersiveReaderGrammarToolsEnabled Enable Grammar Tools feature within Immersive Reader in Microsoft Edge
ImmersiveReaderPictureDictionaryEnabled Enable Picture Dictionary feature within Immersive Reader in Microsoft Edge
ImportAutofillFormData Allow importing of autofill form data
ImportBrowserSettings Allow importing of browser settings
ImportCookies Allow importing of Cookies
ImportExtensions Allow importing of extensions
ImportFavorites Allow importing of favorites
ImportHistory Allow importing of browsing history
ImportHomepage Allow importing of home page settings
ImportOnEachLaunch Allow import of data from other browsers on each Microsoft Edge launch
ImportOpenTabs Allow importing of open tabs
ImportPaymentInfo Allow importing of payment info
ImportSavedPasswords Allow importing of saved passwords
ImportSearchEngine Allow importing of search engine settings
ImportShortcuts Allow importing of shortcuts
ImportStartupPageSettings Allow importing of startup page settings
InsecureContentAllowedForUrls Allow insecure content on specified sites
InsecureContentBlockedForUrls Block insecure content on specified sites
InsecureFormsWarningsEnabled Enable warnings for insecure forms
JavaScriptAllowedForUrls Allow JavaScript on specific sites
JavaScriptBlockedForUrls Block JavaScript on specific sites
JavaScriptJitAllowedForSites Allow JavaScript to use JIT on these sites
JavaScriptJitBlockedForSites Block JavaScript from using JIT on these sites
LegacySameSiteCookieBehaviorEnabledForDomainList Revert to legacy SameSite behavior for cookies on specified sites
LinkedAccountEnabled Enable the linked account feature
LiveCaptionsAllowed Live captions allowed
LocalBrowserDataShareEnabled Enable Windows to search local Microsoft Edge browsing data
LocalProvidersEnabled Allow suggestions from local providers
ManagedConfigurationPerOrigin Sets managed configuration values for websites to specific origins
ManagedFavorites Configure favorites
ManagedSearchEngines Manage Search Engines
MicrosoftEdgeInsiderPromotionEnabled Microsoft Edge Insider Promotion Enabled
MicrosoftEditorProofingEnabled Spell checking provided by Microsoft Editor
MicrosoftEditorSynonymsEnabled Synonyms are provided when using Microsoft Editor spell checker
MicrosoftOfficeMenuEnabled Allow users to access the Microsoft Office menu (deprecated)
MouseGestureEnabled Mouse Gesture Enabled
NativeMessagingAllowlist Control which native messaging hosts users can use
NativeMessagingBlocklist Configure native messaging block list
NativeMessagingUserLevelHosts Allow user-level native messaging hosts (installed without admin permissions)
NavigationDelayForInitialSiteListDownloadTimeout Set a timeout for delay of tab navigation for the Enterprise Mode Site List
NetworkPredictionOptions Enable network prediction
NewPDFReaderEnabled Microsoft Edge built-in PDF reader powered by Adobe Acrobat enabled
NewTabPageAllowedBackgroundTypes Configure the background types allowed for the new tab page layout
NewTabPageAppLauncherEnabled Hide App Launcher on Microsoft Edge new tab page
NewTabPageContentEnabled Allow Microsoft News content on the new tab page
NewTabPageHideDefaultTopSites Hide the default top sites from the new tab page
NewTabPageLocation Configure the new tab page URL
NewTabPageManagedQuickLinks Set new tab page quick links
NewTabPagePrerenderEnabled Enable preload of the new tab page for faster rendering
NewTabPageQuickLinksEnabled Allow quick links on the new tab page
NewTabPageSearchBox Configure the new tab page search box experience
NotificationsAllowedForUrls Allow notifications on specific sites
NotificationsBlockedForUrls Block notifications on specific sites
OriginAgentClusterDefaultEnabled Origin-keyed agent clustering enabled by default
PDFSecureMode Secure mode and Certificate-based Digital Signature validation in native PDF reader
PDFXFAEnabled XFA support in native PDF reader enabled
PasswordGeneratorEnabled Allow users to get a strong password suggestion whenever they are creating an account online
PasswordManagerBlocklist Configure the list of domains for which the password manager UI (Save and Fill) will be disabled
PasswordManagerEnabled Enable saving passwords to the password manager
PasswordManagerRestrictLengthEnabled Restrict the length of passwords that can be saved in the Password Manager
PasswordMonitorAllowed Allow users to be alerted if their passwords are found to be unsafe
PasswordProtectionChangePasswordURL Configure the change password URL
PasswordProtectionLoginURLs Configure the list of enterprise login URLs where the password protection service should capture salted hashes of a password
PasswordProtectionWarningTrigger Configure password protection warning trigger
PasswordRevealEnabled Enable Password reveal button
PaymentMethodQueryEnabled Allow websites to query for available payment methods
PerformanceDetectorEnabled Performance Detector Enabled
PinBrowserEssentialsToolbarButton Pin browser essentials toolbar button
PopupsAllowedForUrls Allow pop-up windows on specific sites
PopupsBlockedForUrls Block pop-up windows on specific sites
PrimaryPasswordSetting Configures a setting that asks users to enter their device password while using password autofill
PrintPdfAsImageDefault Print PDF as Image Default
PrintPostScriptMode Print PostScript Mode
PrintPreviewStickySettings Configure the sticky print preview settings
PrintPreviewUseSystemDefaultPrinter Set the system default printer as the default printer
PrintRasterizationMode Print Rasterization Mode
PrintRasterizePdfDpi Print Rasterize PDF DPI
PrintStickySettings Print preview sticky settings
PrinterTypeDenyList Disable printer types on the deny list
PrintingAllowedBackgroundGraphicsModes Restrict background graphics printing mode
PrintingBackgroundGraphicsDefault Default background graphics printing mode
PrintingEnabled Enable printing
PrintingPaperSizeDefault Default printing page size
PrintingWebpageLayout Sets layout for printing
PromptForDownloadLocation Ask where to save downloaded files
PromptOnMultipleMatchingCertificates Prompt the user to select a certificate when multiple certificates match
ProxyBypassList Configure proxy bypass rules (deprecated)
ProxyMode Configure proxy server settings (deprecated)
ProxyPacUrl Set the proxy .pac file URL (deprecated)
ProxyServer Configure address or URL of proxy server (deprecated)
QuickSearchShowMiniMenu Enables Microsoft Edge mini menu
QuickViewOfficeFilesEnabled Manage QuickView Office files capability in Microsoft Edge
ReadAloudEnabled Enable Read Aloud feature in Microsoft Edge
RegisteredProtocolHandlers Register protocol handlers
RelatedMatchesCloudServiceEnabled Configure Related Matches in Find on Page
ResolveNavigationErrorsUseWebService Enable resolution of navigation errors using a web service
RestoreOnStartup Action to take on startup
RestoreOnStartupURLs Sites to open when the browser starts
RestoreOnStartupUserURLsEnabled Allow users to add and remove their own sites during startup when the RestoreOnStartupURLs policy is configured
RestorePdfView Restore PDF view
SSLErrorOverrideAllowed Allow users to proceed from the HTTPS warning page
SSLErrorOverrideAllowedForOrigins Allow users to proceed from the HTTPS warning page for specific origins
SameOriginTabCaptureAllowedByOrigins Allow Same Origin Tab capture by these origins
ScreenCaptureAllowed Allow or deny screen capture
ScreenCaptureAllowedByOrigins Allow Desktop, Window, and Tab capture by these origins
ScrollToTextFragmentEnabled Enable scrolling to text specified in URL fragments
SearchFiltersEnabled Search Filters Enabled
SearchForImageEnabled Search for image enabled
SearchInSidebarEnabled Search in Sidebar enabled
SearchSuggestEnabled Enable search suggestions
SecurityKeyPermitAttestation Websites or domains that don't need permission to use direct Security Key attestation
SendIntranetToInternetExplorer Send all intranet sites to Internet Explorer
SensorsAllowedForUrls Allow access to sensors on specific sites
SensorsBlockedForUrls Block access to sensors on specific sites
SerialAskForUrls Allow the Serial API on specific sites
SerialBlockedForUrls Block the Serial API on specific sites
ShowAcrobatSubscriptionButton Shows button on native PDF viewer in Microsoft Edge that allows users to sign up for Adobe Acrobat subscription
ShowCastIconInToolbar Show the cast icon in the toolbar
ShowDownloadsToolbarButton Show Downloads button on the toolbar
ShowHomeButton Show Home button on toolbar
ShowMicrosoftRewards Show Microsoft Rewards experiences
ShowOfficeShortcutInFavoritesBar Show Microsoft Office shortcut in favorites bar (deprecated)
ShowPDFDefaultRecommendationsEnabled Allow notifications to set Microsoft Edge as default PDF reader
ShowRecommendationsEnabled Allow feature recommendations and browser assistance notifications from Microsoft Edge
SignedHTTPExchangeEnabled Enable Signed HTTP Exchange (SXG) support
SleepingTabsBlockedForUrls Block sleeping tabs on specific sites
SleepingTabsEnabled Configure sleeping tabs
SleepingTabsTimeout Set the background tab inactivity timeout for sleeping tabs
SmartActionsBlockList Block smart actions for a list of services
SpeechRecognitionEnabled Configure Speech Recognition
SpellcheckEnabled Enable spellcheck
SpellcheckLanguage Enable specific spellcheck languages
SpellcheckLanguageBlocklist Force disable spellcheck languages
SyncDisabled Disable synchronization of data using Microsoft sync services
TabCaptureAllowedByOrigins Allow Tab capture by these origins
TabServicesEnabled Tab Services enabled
TextPredictionEnabled Text prediction enabled by default
TrackingPrevention Block tracking of users' web-browsing activity
TranslateEnabled Enable Translate
URLAllowlist Define a list of allowed URLs
URLBlocklist Block access to a list of URLs
UnthrottledNestedTimeoutEnabled JavaScript setTimeout will not be clamped until a higher nesting threshold is set (deprecated)
UserAgentReduction Enable or disable the User-Agent Reduction
VerticalTabsAllowed Configures availability of a vertical layout for tabs on the side of the browser
VideoCaptureAllowed Allow or block video capture
VideoCaptureAllowedUrls Sites that can access video capture devices without requesting permission
VisualSearchEnabled Visual search enabled
WalletDonationEnabled Wallet Donation Enabled
WebAppInstallForceList Configure list of force-installed Web Apps
WebHidAskForUrls Allow the WebHID API on these sites
WebHidBlockedForUrls Block the WebHID API on these sites
WebRtcLocalIpsAllowedUrls Manage exposure of local IP addressess by WebRTC
WebRtcLocalhostIpHandling Restrict exposure of local IP address by WebRTC
WebRtcUdpPortRange Restrict the range of local UDP ports used by WebRTC
WebSQLAccess Force WebSQL to be enabled
WebSelectEnabled Web Select Enabled (deprecated)
WorkspacesNavigationSettings Configure navigation settings per groups of URLs in Microsoft Edge Workspaces

See also