AddressBarMicrosoftSearchInBingProviderEnabled |
Enable Microsoft Search in Bing suggestions in the address bar |
AdsSettingForIntrusiveAdsSites |
Ads setting for sites with intrusive ads |
AdsTransparencyEnabled |
Configure if the ads transparency feature is enabled |
AllowDeletingBrowserHistory |
Enable deleting browser and download history |
AllowGamesMenu |
Allow users to access the games menu (deprecated) |
AllowSurfGame |
Allow surf game |
AllowTrackingForUrls |
Configure tracking prevention exceptions for specific sites |
AllowedDomainsForApps |
Define domains allowed to access Google Workspace |
AlternateErrorPagesEnabled |
Suggest similar pages when a webpage can't be found |
AlwaysOpenPdfExternally |
Always open PDF files externally |
AutofillAddressEnabled |
Enable AutoFill for addresses |
AutofillCreditCardEnabled |
Enable AutoFill for payment instruments |
AutofillMembershipsEnabled |
Save and fill memberships |
AutomaticDownloadsAllowedForUrls |
Allow multiple automatic downloads in quick succession on specific sites |
AutoplayAllowed |
Allow media autoplay for websites |
AutoplayAllowlist |
Allow media autoplay on specific sites |
BlockExternalExtensions |
Blocks external extensions from being installed |
BrowserNetworkTimeQueriesEnabled |
Allow queries to a Browser Network Time service |
ClipboardAllowedForUrls |
Allow clipboard use on specific sites |
CollectionsServicesAndExportsBlockList |
Block access to a specified list of services and export targets in Collections |
ComposeInlineEnabled |
Compose is enabled for writing on the web |
ConfigureDoNotTrack |
Configure Do Not Track |
ConfigureFriendlyURLFormat |
Configure the default paste format of URLs copied from Microsoft Edge, and determine if additional formats will be available to users |
ConfigureKeyboardShortcuts |
Configure the list of commands for which to disable keyboard shortcuts |
ConfigureOnlineTextToSpeech |
Configure Online Text To Speech |
ConfigureShare |
Configure the Share experience |
ControlDefaultStateOfAllowExtensionFromOtherStoresSettingEnabled |
Configure default state of Allow extensions from other stores setting |
CryptoWalletEnabled |
Enable CryptoWallet feature |
CustomHelpLink |
Specify custom help link |
DefaultAutomaticDownloadsSetting |
Default automatic downloads setting |
DefaultImagesSetting |
Default images setting |
DefaultInsecureContentSetting |
Control use of insecure content exceptions |
DefaultJavaScriptJitSetting |
Control use of JavaScript JIT |
DefaultJavaScriptSetting |
Default JavaScript setting |
DefaultNotificationsSetting |
Default notification setting |
DefaultPopupsSetting |
Default pop-up window setting |
DefaultPrinterSelection |
Default printer selection rules |
DefaultSearchProviderContextMenuAccessAllowed |
Allow default search provider context menu search access |
DefaultSearchProviderEnabled |
Enable the default search provider |
DefaultSearchProviderEncodings |
Default search provider encodings |
DefaultSearchProviderImageURL |
Specifies the search-by-image feature for the default search provider |
DefaultSearchProviderImageURLPostParams |
Parameters for an image URL that uses POST |
DefaultSearchProviderKeyword |
Default search provider keyword |
DefaultSearchProviderName |
Default search provider name |
DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL |
Default search provider search URL |
DefaultSearchProviderSuggestURL |
Default search provider URL for suggestions |
DefinePreferredLanguages |
Define an ordered list of preferred languages that websites should display in if the site supports the language |
DelayNavigationsForInitialSiteListDownload |
Require that the Enterprise Mode Site List is available before tab navigation |
DeveloperToolsAvailability |
Control where developer tools can be used |
Disable3DAPIs |
Disable support for 3D graphics APIs |
DiscoverPageContextEnabled |
Enable Discover access to page contents for Microsoft Entra profiles |
DoNotSilentlyBlockProtocolsFromOrigins |
Define a list of protocols that can not be silently blocked by anti-flood protection |
DoubleClickCloseTabEnabled |
Double Click feature in Microsoft Edge enabled (only available in China) |
DownloadDirectory |
Set download directory |
DownloadRestrictions |
Allow download restrictions |
EdgeAssetDeliveryServiceEnabled |
Allow features to download assets from the Asset Delivery Service |
EdgeCollectionsEnabled |
Enable the Collections feature |
EdgeEDropEnabled |
Enable Drop feature in Microsoft Edge |
EdgeEnhanceImagesEnabled |
Enhance images enabled |
EdgeFollowEnabled |
Enable Follow service in Microsoft Edge |
EdgeShoppingAssistantEnabled |
Shopping in Microsoft Edge Enabled |
EdgeWalletCheckoutEnabled |
Enable Wallet Checkout feature |
EdgeWorkspacesEnabled |
Enable Workspaces |
EditFavoritesEnabled |
Allows users to edit favorites |
EnableMediaRouter |
Enable Google Cast |
EnterpriseHardwarePlatformAPIEnabled |
Allow managed extensions to use the Enterprise Hardware Platform API |
EnterpriseModeSiteListManagerAllowed |
Allow access to the Enterprise Mode Site List Manager tool |
EventPathEnabled |
Re-enable the Event.path API until Microsoft Edge version 115 (obsolete) |
ExtensionAllowedTypes |
Configure allowed extension types |
ExtensionInstallAllowlist |
Allow specific extensions to be installed |
ExtensionInstallBlocklist |
Control which extensions cannot be installed |
ExtensionSettings |
Configure extension management settings |
ExternalProtocolDialogShowAlwaysOpenCheckbox |
Show an "Always open" checkbox in external protocol dialog |
FavoritesBarEnabled |
Enable favorites bar |
FetchKeepaliveDurationSecondsOnShutdown |
Fetch keepalive duration on shutdown |
ForceEphemeralProfiles |
Enable use of ephemeral profiles |
ForceMajorVersionToMinorPositionInUserAgent |
Enable or disable freezing the User-Agent string at major version 99 |
ForceSync |
Force synchronization of browser data and do not show the sync consent prompt |
ForceSyncTypes |
Configure the list of types that are included for synchronization |
ForceYouTubeRestrict |
Force minimum YouTube Restricted Mode |
FullscreenAllowed |
Allow full screen mode |
GloballyScopeHTTPAuthCacheEnabled |
Enable globally scoped HTTP auth cache |
HomepageIsNewTabPage |
Set the new tab page as the home page |
HomepageLocation |
Configure the home page URL |
HubsSidebarEnabled |
Show Hubs Sidebar |
ImagesAllowedForUrls |
Allow images on these sites |
ImagesBlockedForUrls |
Block images on specific sites |
ImmersiveReaderGrammarToolsEnabled |
Enable Grammar Tools feature within Immersive Reader in Microsoft Edge |
ImmersiveReaderPictureDictionaryEnabled |
Enable Picture Dictionary feature within Immersive Reader in Microsoft Edge |
ImportAutofillFormData |
Allow importing of autofill form data |
ImportBrowserSettings |
Allow importing of browser settings |
ImportCookies |
Allow importing of Cookies |
ImportExtensions |
Allow importing of extensions |
ImportFavorites |
Allow importing of favorites |
ImportHistory |
Allow importing of browsing history |
ImportHomepage |
Allow importing of home page settings |
ImportOnEachLaunch |
Allow import of data from other browsers on each Microsoft Edge launch |
ImportOpenTabs |
Allow importing of open tabs |
ImportPaymentInfo |
Allow importing of payment info |
ImportSavedPasswords |
Allow importing of saved passwords |
ImportSearchEngine |
Allow importing of search engine settings |
ImportShortcuts |
Allow importing of shortcuts |
ImportStartupPageSettings |
Allow importing of startup page settings |
InsecureContentAllowedForUrls |
Allow insecure content on specified sites |
InsecureContentBlockedForUrls |
Block insecure content on specified sites |
InsecureFormsWarningsEnabled |
Enable warnings for insecure forms |
JavaScriptAllowedForUrls |
Allow JavaScript on specific sites |
JavaScriptBlockedForUrls |
Block JavaScript on specific sites |
JavaScriptJitAllowedForSites |
Allow JavaScript to use JIT on these sites |
JavaScriptJitBlockedForSites |
Block JavaScript from using JIT on these sites |
LegacySameSiteCookieBehaviorEnabledForDomainList |
Revert to legacy SameSite behavior for cookies on specified sites |
LinkedAccountEnabled |
Enable the linked account feature |
LiveCaptionsAllowed |
Live captions allowed |
LocalBrowserDataShareEnabled |
Enable Windows to search local Microsoft Edge browsing data |
LocalProvidersEnabled |
Allow suggestions from local providers |
ManagedConfigurationPerOrigin |
Sets managed configuration values for websites to specific origins |
ManagedFavorites |
Configure favorites |
ManagedSearchEngines |
Manage Search Engines |
MicrosoftEdgeInsiderPromotionEnabled |
Microsoft Edge Insider Promotion Enabled |
MicrosoftEditorProofingEnabled |
Spell checking provided by Microsoft Editor |
MicrosoftEditorSynonymsEnabled |
Synonyms are provided when using Microsoft Editor spell checker |
MicrosoftOfficeMenuEnabled |
Allow users to access the Microsoft Office menu (deprecated) |
MouseGestureEnabled |
Mouse Gesture Enabled |
NativeMessagingAllowlist |
Control which native messaging hosts users can use |
NativeMessagingBlocklist |
Configure native messaging block list |
NativeMessagingUserLevelHosts |
Allow user-level native messaging hosts (installed without admin permissions) |
NavigationDelayForInitialSiteListDownloadTimeout |
Set a timeout for delay of tab navigation for the Enterprise Mode Site List |
NetworkPredictionOptions |
Enable network prediction |
NewPDFReaderEnabled |
Microsoft Edge built-in PDF reader powered by Adobe Acrobat enabled |
NewTabPageAllowedBackgroundTypes |
Configure the background types allowed for the new tab page layout |
NewTabPageAppLauncherEnabled |
Hide App Launcher on Microsoft Edge new tab page |
NewTabPageContentEnabled |
Allow Microsoft News content on the new tab page |
NewTabPageHideDefaultTopSites |
Hide the default top sites from the new tab page |
NewTabPageLocation |
Configure the new tab page URL |
NewTabPageManagedQuickLinks |
Set new tab page quick links |
NewTabPagePrerenderEnabled |
Enable preload of the new tab page for faster rendering |
NewTabPageQuickLinksEnabled |
Allow quick links on the new tab page |
NewTabPageSearchBox |
Configure the new tab page search box experience |
NotificationsAllowedForUrls |
Allow notifications on specific sites |
NotificationsBlockedForUrls |
Block notifications on specific sites |
OriginAgentClusterDefaultEnabled |
Origin-keyed agent clustering enabled by default |
PDFSecureMode |
Secure mode and Certificate-based Digital Signature validation in native PDF reader |
PDFXFAEnabled |
XFA support in native PDF reader enabled |
PasswordGeneratorEnabled |
Allow users to get a strong password suggestion whenever they are creating an account online |
PasswordManagerBlocklist |
Configure the list of domains for which the password manager UI (Save and Fill) will be disabled |
PasswordManagerEnabled |
Enable saving passwords to the password manager |
PasswordManagerRestrictLengthEnabled |
Restrict the length of passwords that can be saved in the Password Manager |
PasswordMonitorAllowed |
Allow users to be alerted if their passwords are found to be unsafe |
PasswordProtectionChangePasswordURL |
Configure the change password URL |
PasswordProtectionLoginURLs |
Configure the list of enterprise login URLs where the password protection service should capture salted hashes of a password |
PasswordProtectionWarningTrigger |
Configure password protection warning trigger |
PasswordRevealEnabled |
Enable Password reveal button |
PaymentMethodQueryEnabled |
Allow websites to query for available payment methods |
PerformanceDetectorEnabled |
Performance Detector Enabled |
PinBrowserEssentialsToolbarButton |
Pin browser essentials toolbar button |
PopupsAllowedForUrls |
Allow pop-up windows on specific sites |
PopupsBlockedForUrls |
Block pop-up windows on specific sites |
PrimaryPasswordSetting |
Configures a setting that asks users to enter their device password while using password autofill |
PrintPdfAsImageDefault |
Print PDF as Image Default |
PrintPostScriptMode |
Print PostScript Mode |
PrintPreviewStickySettings |
Configure the sticky print preview settings |
PrintPreviewUseSystemDefaultPrinter |
Set the system default printer as the default printer |
PrintRasterizationMode |
Print Rasterization Mode |
PrintRasterizePdfDpi |
Print Rasterize PDF DPI |
PrintStickySettings |
Print preview sticky settings |
PrinterTypeDenyList |
Disable printer types on the deny list |
PrintingAllowedBackgroundGraphicsModes |
Restrict background graphics printing mode |
PrintingBackgroundGraphicsDefault |
Default background graphics printing mode |
PrintingEnabled |
Enable printing |
PrintingPaperSizeDefault |
Default printing page size |
PrintingWebpageLayout |
Sets layout for printing |
PromptForDownloadLocation |
Ask where to save downloaded files |
PromptOnMultipleMatchingCertificates |
Prompt the user to select a certificate when multiple certificates match |
ProxyBypassList |
Configure proxy bypass rules (deprecated) |
ProxyMode |
Configure proxy server settings (deprecated) |
ProxyPacUrl |
Set the proxy .pac file URL (deprecated) |
ProxyServer |
Configure address or URL of proxy server (deprecated) |
QuickSearchShowMiniMenu |
Enables Microsoft Edge mini menu |
QuickViewOfficeFilesEnabled |
Manage QuickView Office files capability in Microsoft Edge |
ReadAloudEnabled |
Enable Read Aloud feature in Microsoft Edge |
RegisteredProtocolHandlers |
Register protocol handlers |
RelatedMatchesCloudServiceEnabled |
Configure Related Matches in Find on Page |
ResolveNavigationErrorsUseWebService |
Enable resolution of navigation errors using a web service |
RestoreOnStartup |
Action to take on startup |
RestoreOnStartupURLs |
Sites to open when the browser starts |
RestoreOnStartupUserURLsEnabled |
Allow users to add and remove their own sites during startup when the RestoreOnStartupURLs policy is configured |
RestorePdfView |
Restore PDF view |
SSLErrorOverrideAllowed |
Allow users to proceed from the HTTPS warning page |
SSLErrorOverrideAllowedForOrigins |
Allow users to proceed from the HTTPS warning page for specific origins |
SameOriginTabCaptureAllowedByOrigins |
Allow Same Origin Tab capture by these origins |
ScreenCaptureAllowed |
Allow or deny screen capture |
ScreenCaptureAllowedByOrigins |
Allow Desktop, Window, and Tab capture by these origins |
ScrollToTextFragmentEnabled |
Enable scrolling to text specified in URL fragments |
SearchFiltersEnabled |
Search Filters Enabled |
SearchForImageEnabled |
Search for image enabled |
SearchInSidebarEnabled |
Search in Sidebar enabled |
SearchSuggestEnabled |
Enable search suggestions |
SecurityKeyPermitAttestation |
Websites or domains that don't need permission to use direct Security Key attestation |
SendIntranetToInternetExplorer |
Send all intranet sites to Internet Explorer |
SensorsAllowedForUrls |
Allow access to sensors on specific sites |
SensorsBlockedForUrls |
Block access to sensors on specific sites |
SerialAskForUrls |
Allow the Serial API on specific sites |
SerialBlockedForUrls |
Block the Serial API on specific sites |
ShowAcrobatSubscriptionButton |
Shows button on native PDF viewer in Microsoft Edge that allows users to sign up for Adobe Acrobat subscription |
ShowCastIconInToolbar |
Show the cast icon in the toolbar |
ShowDownloadsToolbarButton |
Show Downloads button on the toolbar |
ShowHomeButton |
Show Home button on toolbar |
ShowMicrosoftRewards |
Show Microsoft Rewards experiences |
ShowOfficeShortcutInFavoritesBar |
Show Microsoft Office shortcut in favorites bar (deprecated) |
ShowPDFDefaultRecommendationsEnabled |
Allow notifications to set Microsoft Edge as default PDF reader |
ShowRecommendationsEnabled |
Allow feature recommendations and browser assistance notifications from Microsoft Edge |
SignedHTTPExchangeEnabled |
Enable Signed HTTP Exchange (SXG) support |
SleepingTabsBlockedForUrls |
Block sleeping tabs on specific sites |
SleepingTabsEnabled |
Configure sleeping tabs |
SleepingTabsTimeout |
Set the background tab inactivity timeout for sleeping tabs |
SmartActionsBlockList |
Block smart actions for a list of services |
SpeechRecognitionEnabled |
Configure Speech Recognition |
SpellcheckEnabled |
Enable spellcheck |
SpellcheckLanguage |
Enable specific spellcheck languages |
SpellcheckLanguageBlocklist |
Force disable spellcheck languages |
SyncDisabled |
Disable synchronization of data using Microsoft sync services |
TabCaptureAllowedByOrigins |
Allow Tab capture by these origins |
TabServicesEnabled |
Tab Services enabled |
TextPredictionEnabled |
Text prediction enabled by default |
TrackingPrevention |
Block tracking of users' web-browsing activity |
TranslateEnabled |
Enable Translate |
URLAllowlist |
Define a list of allowed URLs |
URLBlocklist |
Block access to a list of URLs |
UnthrottledNestedTimeoutEnabled |
JavaScript setTimeout will not be clamped until a higher nesting threshold is set (deprecated) |
UserAgentReduction |
Enable or disable the User-Agent Reduction |
VerticalTabsAllowed |
Configures availability of a vertical layout for tabs on the side of the browser |
VideoCaptureAllowed |
Allow or block video capture |
VideoCaptureAllowedUrls |
Sites that can access video capture devices without requesting permission |
VisualSearchEnabled |
Visual search enabled |
WalletDonationEnabled |
Wallet Donation Enabled |
WebAppInstallForceList |
Configure list of force-installed Web Apps |
WebHidAskForUrls |
Allow the WebHID API on these sites |
WebHidBlockedForUrls |
Block the WebHID API on these sites |
WebRtcLocalIpsAllowedUrls |
Manage exposure of local IP addressess by WebRTC |
WebRtcLocalhostIpHandling |
Restrict exposure of local IP address by WebRTC |
WebRtcUdpPortRange |
Restrict the range of local UDP ports used by WebRTC |
WebSQLAccess |
Force WebSQL to be enabled |
WebSelectEnabled |
Web Select Enabled (deprecated) |
WorkspacesNavigationSettings |
Configure navigation settings per groups of URLs in Microsoft Edge Workspaces |