Set up analytics
Microsoft Spaces analytics provide a comprehensive view of planned vs. actual occupancy for buildings, rooms, and desk pools. These insights help real estate and facilities (RE&F) managers and admins optimize space management and enhance employee experience.
Set up consists of two steps:
Give users access to analytics
Enable buildings for analytics
Step 1 - Give users access to analytics
We recommend enabling analytics only for users who require access to building and workspace occupancy information.
If you were part of the Microsoft Places Preview, the DeployPlaces
script should have created a "Places Analytics Users" Security Group in your tenant, as described in Enable Microsoft Places preview. Otherwise, you can create or use another SG for this purpose (note that adding/removing users to an SG can take 24 hours to propagate).
Once you have the Security Group ready, use the Set-PlacesSettings
PowerShell cmdlet as described here.
For example, to enable analytics for users in a specific SG, use:
Set-PlacesSettings –SpaceAnalyticsEnabled 'Default:false,OID:507121fd-a361-40a1-907b-2ca512e6ce50@1a2a08524-022b7-4bab7-8a8c-bc2c4006201c:true'
Step 2 - Enable buildings for analytics
Buildings need to be configured in your tenant before they can be enabled for analytics. Follow instructions in Configure buildings and floors to do this.
Then, use Set-PlacesSettings to enable analytics.
To enable all buildings that have been configured, use
To disable all buildings, use
To enable a subset of buildings, look up their identity (PlaceId) using Get-PlaceV3, then use the following syntax:
To enable all buildings for analytics:
Set-PlacesSettings -Collection Places -SpaceAnalyticsBuildingsList 'Default:All'
To enable two buildings for analytics:
Set-PlacesSettings -Collection Places -SpaceAnalyticsBuildingsList 'Default:<PlaceId1>,<PlaceId2>'
- It can take up to 12 hours for settings to propagate and reflect in UI.
- For best performance, we recommend limiting analytics to 200 buildings.
Checking your settings
To view the settings, use Get-PlacesSettings. For example:
Get-PlacesSettings -Collection Places -SpaceAnalyticsBuildingsList