Teams plus third-party customer service provider

In this architecture, a third-party Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS) provider supplies all core contact center functionality, including the agent and supervisor experiences. The third-party CCaaS provider might also provide support for engaging other employees in Microsoft Teams.

Potential use cases include the following examples:

  • Retailers providing online sales and support

  • Healthcare providers offering support for patient questions

  • Financial Services companies providing help and advice for banking, investments, mortgages, and so on

  • Internally facing help desks for employees


The following diagram illustrates the architecture. Choose the magnifier icon for a more detailed view.

Architecture with external service provider with optional integration with Teams.


  1. Customers engage via any channel of their choice. Support for Microsoft Teams as a channel for internally facing contact centers, such as employee help desks, depends on the third-party CCaaS provider's capabilities.

  2. The third-party CCaaS provider provides any/all self-service activities for customers for all channels.

  3. The overall agent experience is from the third-party CCaaS Provider.

  4. Supervisor and admin tools provided by the third-party CCaaS provider will also be used.

  5. Microsoft Teams integration (if available) is enabled by the third-party CCaaS provider.



In all Digital Contact Center Platform architectures, wherever possible, we assume that all or most solution components use the core capabilities of Microsoft Azure, including, but not limited to, compute, storage, identity, security, management, and compliance.