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IMemory Interface


Memory interface.

public interface IMemory
type IMemory = interface
Public Interface IMemory


SetValue(String, Object)

Set value to a given path.

TryGetValue(String, Object)

Try get value from a given path, it can be a simple identifier like "a", or a combined path like "a.b", "a.b[2]", "a.b[2].c", inside [] is guaranteed to be a int number or a string.


Version is used to identify whether the a particular memory instance has been updated or not. If version is not changed, the caller may choose to use the cached result instead of recomputing everything.

Extension Methods

RandomNext(IMemory, Int32, Int32, Nullable<Int32>)

Generator random seed and value from properties. If value is not null, the mock random value result would be: min + (value % (max - min)). Else if seed is not null, the seed of the random would be fixed.

Applies to