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Intent.CategoryAppWeather Field


Used with #ACTION_MAIN to launch the weather application.

[Android.Runtime.Register("CATEGORY_APP_WEATHER", ApiSince=33)]
public const string CategoryAppWeather;
[<Android.Runtime.Register("CATEGORY_APP_WEATHER", ApiSince=33)>]
val mutable CategoryAppWeather : string

Field Value




Used with #ACTION_MAIN to launch the weather application. The activity should be able to give the user information about the weather

NOTE: This should not be used as the primary key of an Intent, since it will not result in the app launching with the correct action and category. Instead, use this with #makeMainSelectorActivity(String, String) to generate a main Intent with this category in the selector.

Java documentation for android.content.Intent.CATEGORY_APP_WEATHER.

Portions of this page are modifications based on work created and shared by the Android Open Source Project and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 2.5 Attribution License.

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