Azure.ResourceManager.Monitor Namespace



A class representing a collection of ActionGroupResource and their operations. Each ActionGroupResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of ResourceGroupResource. To get an ActionGroupCollection instance call the GetActionGroups method from an instance of ResourceGroupResource.


A class representing the ActionGroup data model. An action group resource.


A Class representing an ActionGroup along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct an ActionGroupResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetActionGroupResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource ResourceGroupResource using the GetActionGroup method.


A class representing a collection of ActivityLogAlertResource and their operations. Each ActivityLogAlertResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of ResourceGroupResource. To get an ActivityLogAlertCollection instance call the GetActivityLogAlerts method from an instance of ResourceGroupResource.


A class representing the ActivityLogAlert data model. An Activity Log Alert rule resource.


A Class representing an ActivityLogAlert along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct an ActivityLogAlertResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetActivityLogAlertResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource ResourceGroupResource using the GetActivityLogAlert method.


A class representing a collection of AlertRuleResource and their operations. Each AlertRuleResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of ResourceGroupResource. To get an AlertRuleCollection instance call the GetAlertRules method from an instance of ResourceGroupResource.


A class representing the AlertRule data model. The alert rule resource.


A Class representing an AlertRule along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct an AlertRuleResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetAlertRuleResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource ResourceGroupResource using the GetAlertRule method.


A class representing a collection of AutoscaleSettingResource and their operations. Each AutoscaleSettingResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of ResourceGroupResource. To get an AutoscaleSettingCollection instance call the GetAutoscaleSettings method from an instance of ResourceGroupResource.


A class representing the AutoscaleSetting data model. The autoscale setting resource.


A Class representing an AutoscaleSetting along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct an AutoscaleSettingResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetAutoscaleSettingResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource ResourceGroupResource using the GetAutoscaleSetting method.


A class representing a collection of DataCollectionEndpointResource and their operations. Each DataCollectionEndpointResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of ResourceGroupResource. To get a DataCollectionEndpointCollection instance call the GetDataCollectionEndpoints method from an instance of ResourceGroupResource.


A class representing the DataCollectionEndpoint data model. Definition of ARM tracked top level resource.


A Class representing a DataCollectionEndpoint along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a DataCollectionEndpointResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetDataCollectionEndpointResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource ResourceGroupResource using the GetDataCollectionEndpoint method.


A class representing a collection of DataCollectionRuleAssociationResource and their operations. Each DataCollectionRuleAssociationResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of ArmResource. To get a DataCollectionRuleAssociationCollection instance call the GetDataCollectionRuleAssociations method from an instance of ArmResource.


A class representing the DataCollectionRuleAssociation data model. Definition of generic ARM proxy resource.


A Class representing a DataCollectionRuleAssociation along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a DataCollectionRuleAssociationResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetDataCollectionRuleAssociationResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource ArmResource using the GetDataCollectionRuleAssociation method.


A class representing a collection of DataCollectionRuleResource and their operations. Each DataCollectionRuleResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of ResourceGroupResource. To get a DataCollectionRuleCollection instance call the GetDataCollectionRules method from an instance of ResourceGroupResource.


A class representing the DataCollectionRule data model. Definition of ARM tracked top level resource.


A Class representing a DataCollectionRule along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a DataCollectionRuleResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetDataCollectionRuleResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource ResourceGroupResource using the GetDataCollectionRule method.


A class representing a collection of DiagnosticSettingResource and their operations. Each DiagnosticSettingResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of ArmResource. To get a DiagnosticSettingCollection instance call the GetDiagnosticSettings method from an instance of ArmResource.


A class representing the DiagnosticSetting data model. The diagnostic setting resource.


A Class representing a DiagnosticSetting along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a DiagnosticSettingResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetDiagnosticSettingResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource ArmResource using the GetDiagnosticSetting method.


A class representing a collection of DiagnosticSettingsCategoryResource and their operations. Each DiagnosticSettingsCategoryResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of ArmResource. To get a DiagnosticSettingsCategoryCollection instance call the GetDiagnosticSettingsCategories method from an instance of ArmResource.


A class representing the DiagnosticSettingsCategory data model. The diagnostic settings category resource.


A Class representing a DiagnosticSettingsCategory along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a DiagnosticSettingsCategoryResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetDiagnosticSettingsCategoryResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource ArmResource using the GetDiagnosticSettingsCategory method.


A class representing a collection of LogProfileResource and their operations. Each LogProfileResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of SubscriptionResource. To get a LogProfileCollection instance call the GetLogProfiles method from an instance of SubscriptionResource.


A class representing the LogProfile data model. The log profile resource.


A Class representing a LogProfile along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a LogProfileResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetLogProfileResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource SubscriptionResource using the GetLogProfile method.


A class representing a collection of MetricAlertResource and their operations. Each MetricAlertResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of ResourceGroupResource. To get a MetricAlertCollection instance call the GetMetricAlerts method from an instance of ResourceGroupResource.


A class representing the MetricAlert data model. The metric alert resource.


A Class representing a MetricAlert along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a MetricAlertResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetMetricAlertResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource ResourceGroupResource using the GetMetricAlert method.


A class to add extension methods to Azure.ResourceManager.Monitor.


A class representing a collection of MonitorPrivateEndpointConnectionResource and their operations. Each MonitorPrivateEndpointConnectionResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of MonitorPrivateLinkScopeResource. To get a MonitorPrivateEndpointConnectionCollection instance call the GetMonitorPrivateEndpointConnections method from an instance of MonitorPrivateLinkScopeResource.


A class representing the MonitorPrivateEndpointConnection data model. The Private Endpoint Connection resource.


A Class representing a MonitorPrivateEndpointConnection along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a MonitorPrivateEndpointConnectionResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetMonitorPrivateEndpointConnectionResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource MonitorPrivateLinkScopeResource using the GetMonitorPrivateEndpointConnection method.


A Class representing a MonitorPrivateLinkResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a MonitorPrivateLinkResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetMonitorPrivateLinkResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource MonitorPrivateLinkScopeResource using the GetMonitorPrivateLinkResource method.


A class representing a collection of MonitorPrivateLinkResource and their operations. Each MonitorPrivateLinkResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of MonitorPrivateLinkScopeResource. To get a MonitorPrivateLinkResourceCollection instance call the GetMonitorPrivateLinkResources method from an instance of MonitorPrivateLinkScopeResource.


A class representing the MonitorPrivateLinkResource data model. A private link resource


A class representing a collection of MonitorPrivateLinkScopeResource and their operations. Each MonitorPrivateLinkScopeResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of ResourceGroupResource. To get a MonitorPrivateLinkScopeCollection instance call the GetMonitorPrivateLinkScopes method from an instance of ResourceGroupResource.


A class representing the MonitorPrivateLinkScope data model. An Azure Monitor PrivateLinkScope definition.


A Class representing a MonitorPrivateLinkScopedResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a MonitorPrivateLinkScopedResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetMonitorPrivateLinkScopedResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource MonitorPrivateLinkScopeResource using the GetMonitorPrivateLinkScopedResource method.


A class representing a collection of MonitorPrivateLinkScopedResource and their operations. Each MonitorPrivateLinkScopedResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of MonitorPrivateLinkScopeResource. To get a MonitorPrivateLinkScopedResourceCollection instance call the GetMonitorPrivateLinkScopedResources method from an instance of MonitorPrivateLinkScopeResource.


A class representing the MonitorPrivateLinkScopedResource data model. A private link scoped resource


A Class representing a MonitorPrivateLinkScope along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a MonitorPrivateLinkScopeResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetMonitorPrivateLinkScopeResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource ResourceGroupResource using the GetMonitorPrivateLinkScope method.


A Class representing a MonitorWorkspaceResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a MonitorWorkspaceResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetMonitorWorkspaceResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource ResourceGroupResource using the GetMonitorWorkspaceResource method.


A class representing a collection of MonitorWorkspaceResource and their operations. Each MonitorWorkspaceResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of ResourceGroupResource. To get a MonitorWorkspaceResourceCollection instance call the GetMonitorWorkspaceResources method from an instance of ResourceGroupResource.


A class representing the MonitorWorkspaceResource data model. An Azure Monitor Workspace definition.


A class representing a collection of PipelineGroupResource and their operations. Each PipelineGroupResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of ResourceGroupResource. To get a PipelineGroupCollection instance call the GetPipelineGroups method from an instance of ResourceGroupResource.


A class representing the PipelineGroup data model. A pipeline group definition.


A Class representing a PipelineGroup along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a PipelineGroupResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetPipelineGroupResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource ResourceGroupResource using the GetPipelineGroup method.


A class representing a collection of ScheduledQueryRuleResource and their operations. Each ScheduledQueryRuleResource in the collection will belong to the same instance of ResourceGroupResource. To get a ScheduledQueryRuleCollection instance call the GetScheduledQueryRules method from an instance of ResourceGroupResource.


A class representing the ScheduledQueryRule data model. The scheduled query rule resource.


A Class representing a ScheduledQueryRule along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a ScheduledQueryRuleResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetScheduledQueryRuleResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource ResourceGroupResource using the GetScheduledQueryRule method.


A class representing the VmInsightsOnboardingStatus data model. VM Insights onboarding status for a resource.


A Class representing a VmInsightsOnboardingStatus along with the instance operations that can be performed on it. If you have a ResourceIdentifier you can construct a VmInsightsOnboardingStatusResource from an instance of ArmClient using the GetVmInsightsOnboardingStatusResource method. Otherwise you can get one from its parent resource ArmResource using the GetVmInsightsOnboardingStatus method.