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IGKMatchDelegate Interface


Interface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol GKMatchDelegate.

[Foundation.Protocol(Name="GKMatchDelegate", WrapperType=typeof(GameKit.GKMatchDelegateWrapper))]
[ObjCRuntime.Unavailable(ObjCRuntime.PlatformName.WatchOS, ObjCRuntime.PlatformArchitecture.All, null)]
public interface IGKMatchDelegate : IDisposable, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject


This interface contains the required methods (if any) from the protocol defined by GKMatchDelegate.

If developers create classes that implement this interface, the implementation methods will automatically be exported to Objective-C with the matching signature from the method defined in the GKMatchDelegate protocol.

Optional methods (if any) are provided by the GKMatchDelegate_Extensions class as extension methods to the interface, allowing developers to invoke any optional methods on the protocol.



Handle (pointer) to the unmanaged object representation.

(Inherited from INativeObject)

Extension Methods

ConnectionFailed(IGKMatchDelegate, GKMatch, String, NSError)
DataReceived(IGKMatchDelegate, GKMatch, NSData, String)

Developers should not use this deprecated method. Developers should use 'DataReceivedFromPlayer (GKMatch,NSData,GKPlayer)' instead.

DataReceivedForRecipient(IGKMatchDelegate, GKMatch, NSData, GKPlayer, GKPlayer)

Method that is called when the recipient recieves data from another player.

DataReceivedFromPlayer(IGKMatchDelegate, GKMatch, NSData, GKPlayer)

Method that is called when data is received from a player.

Failed(IGKMatchDelegate, GKMatch, NSError)

Method that is called when a match cannot connect to any of the players.

ShouldReinviteDisconnectedPlayer(IGKMatchDelegate, GKMatch, GKPlayer)

Method that is called when a player is disconnected from a two-player match.

ShouldReinvitePlayer(IGKMatchDelegate, GKMatch, String)
StateChanged(IGKMatchDelegate, GKMatch, String, GKPlayerConnectionState)
StateChangedForPlayer(IGKMatchDelegate, GKMatch, GKPlayer, GKPlayerConnectionState)

Method that is called when a player's connection state changes.

Applies to

Product Versions
Xamarin iOS SDK 12